my daughter starts HS tomorrow, anybody else in my shoes... vol. chastity belt .....

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by richyung412


#1 Why are you still on Niketalk???????????? How old are you lmaooooo

#2 Let me see pics of your daugther and ill tell you weather or not you should be worried.

I mean u gotta know shes gonna be doing sexual activities SHES IN HS now whats what they do!!!

Now MAN UP and show us what your daugther looks like!! WE WANTS PICS
Spoiler [+]
Here...have some

yo if OP posts pics then what? you gonna judge the looks of a 14 yr old?
talk about catching a predator....(though to be fair some HS girls towards their sr yr can look in their early 20s)

i find that it depends where you live, and the crowd your daughter hangs out with are good factors in determining the chances of someone laying pipe. Coming into college the ones who were already sexually active mostly were those from very suburban areas, where there wasn't much to do outside drink, party, and smash. For city people like myself, there was more to do to, but this is where it probably depends who you hang with. I def wasn't getting any yams in HS because all i did was play a TON of basketball and a TON of halo 2. plus i was about my school life and so were my friends.

nothing is 100% but if you live in a really suburban area than you got your work cut for you imo. im no father but it seems you maintain a solid level of comfortable trust among one another, so if she sees you are concerned, then maybe she'll take note of that and at least be responsible when ever she decides to be about that life. Almost all parents want their kids not smashing until college or later but def ALL parents want their kid to be smart and responsible if and when it goes down.

one more thing...someone before mentioned activities. maybe a sports team or two would be beneficial in these circumstances?
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Keep close watch over her, but don't keep her in a box and smother her..set fair rules..keep the communication lines open..ESPECIALLY after you two disagree on something.
You don't want her bottling up too many emotions from an argument then turning around and doing something to spite you.

extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
and...extracurricular activities

Keep her busy with sports, band, debate team, drama club, and anything else that you can along with her school work in
hopes that she won't have much time for boys.

I have two girls and I'm already preparing myself for those high school days. 

Keep her smothered with things so she can't have a social life out of school? Yeah, that'll work 
Originally Posted by Bobby Hill

Keep her smothered with things so she can't have a social life out of school? Yeah, that'll work 
Didn't say that she couldn't have a social life, just directing her focus.
Yo OP wheres the pics????????

Imma judge and tell you weather or not you should worry.

I still wanna know why your on NT thou?? You gotta be pushin 40 my dude lmaoooo

But 4 tho wheres the pics at??
OP is mad cool at 36 with kids, is this wat using NT until old age makes you?

And some of you NTers are ruthless, i just just see OPs face as he reads some of you'll comments and trys not to take it to heart.

OP: You already know whats going to go down. Highschool is just a safe place to learn and experience life(Teenage daycare). You just have to hope for the best, because what you want life to be like and reality are two different things. You already know that though since your way older then me and have raised a family. Is there no other close to 40 year old here with any advice?

Her circle of friends will be a big influence on her.
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

OP whats her myspace? I want to add her and put her on my top 8


But damn OP, mines is only 6months and i already dread the day she starts HS
This is what I'm trying to say. It's going to happen regardless. Maybe not in high school but at some point in her life. What can you do about it at this point? not much, hope that you raised her right throughout her life, taught her well and to respect herself. It doesn't mean you should tell her "Go ahead and have sex, sooner is better than later!" No by no means. If you feel you taught her to be responsible then you should trust her.

and amel223 It shouldn't be awkward because it's something natural and normal. However I understand it is awkward for some, often I've heard it's so awkward that the parent just doesn't tell the kid anything, regardless of sex. I applaud OP for teaching her and being there for her, It's something that isn't too common nowadays.

How would I know? Because pops has talked to me about all this. I feel it was a good thing that he did. As OP did with his daughter.

Unfortunately ther is that duble standard but hey, it's your daughter and ultimately I cant encourage you to raise her any other way.

This is my main point for OP. If you taught her right she will be off fine. Goodluck OP and don't look at these years as a bad time. Enjoy it as you have stated.
Originally Posted by richyung412


#1 Why are you still on Niketalk???????????? How old are you lmaooooo
#2 Let me see pics of your daugther and ill tell you weather or not you should be worried.
I mean u gotta know shes gonna be doing sexual activities SHES IN HS now whats what they do!!!
Now MAN UP and show us what your daugther looks like!! WE WANTS PICS

knew there'd be one .....

1. i'm on NT cause i feel like it

2. i don't need your thirsty 7 times a day fappin !#$ validating my daughter, who are u ? u think what u or anyone else says about my child gonna make a difference to me ?

can't be serious ....

i've pretty much ignored all the stupid comments because honestly i know it's just lil kids reaching for lol's . i'm
that i actually addressed this clown but whatever .....

i appreciate the words from the ladies in here, gives me the perspective i'm looking for, helps so thank you .

everyone else who has put positive input into this thread i thank you also ........
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

If you taught her right she will be off fine.

I believe in this statement. Smothering your child can lead to out backlash at times. By all means, discipline your kids but there is a point where you have to let them live and hope you’ve done your job as a parent when those bad scenarios come up. She could go the good or the bad route but that really is life at any age really. I am sure she should be fine.

Hope you prepared, she could be doomed. You might be lucky if she ugly though, like really ugly.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

my man scshift is one of the hs dudes you should be watching out for
real talk if I had a daughter I'd want her to go out with Scshift A.K.A Monta (No shots fired bro)

why me? I'm just a normal dude though, it's not like I'm extra special?

Thanks, I still appreciate it though
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

16 if it matters. It shouldn't be awkward at any age. I give OP props for talking to her.

It def matters.  You and schift shouldn't be giving someone 20 years your senior advice. 

And you're really showing your naivete with 'it shouldn't be awkward at any age.' 

How the hell would you know? 

You guys are showing your teen - ness by looking at it from your point of view.  Look at it from the father's. 

You're wrong there though.

The high school scene has changed since OP or many older NTers have gone there. It's a whole new generation now... social media, computers, digital communication, it's not like how it was 20 years ago.

Put it this way. OP is a tourist in a dangerous area and me, zapatohead and other high schoolers are his guides. By that I mean, while we cannot directly relate to the fear and anxiety OP might be feeling going through a rough area, we know the area. We live there, it's part of our lives. So we can tell him how it really is and what to watch out for. Our "teen-ness" is what allows us to give OP real insight to high school today.

With that said, I'm not trying to downplay OP's worries or promise him that everything he was nervous for wasn't there. I'm trying to tell him that he shouldn't stress himself out or beat himself up over something that could very well happen in high school, or if not later on in her life. He shouldn't put himself through that kind of anxiety because honestly, it's not as bad as you'd think. I would know, because I spend a huge chunk of my life in high school.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Scshift Ima keep it real, you are a positive young NTer and I like reading your posts, but sometimes you try to comprehend things wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond your age bro, you can't just tell OP not to stress, because she will eventually lose her virginity....that's like saying live your life carelessly as %@@+ because guess what...eventually we all DIE...

OP the only thing I can say is have an open and honest relationship with her, but keep a tight watch on the low.

Thank you. I realize that I'm younger than most but I still think that what I say has some truth to it.

I'm not telling OP to live carelessly (if we're using that analogy), I'm telling him to enjoy life and be prepared of what is part of it.

It's not that I think OP should just turn his head away and completely lose track of his daughter, but I'm trying to tell him that he has nothing to gain by stressing out over it. He can have that conversation with his daughter about what they both feel comfortable about and see how it goes from there. He'd be doing himself a disfavor by worrying so much about it.

And OP, the solution isn't that hard at all. All your daughter's got to do 90% of the time is say no... most of the lames won't try getting at her after that. For the ones that are persistent, that's more tricky cause she's still got to say no (if that's what you want), but keep in mind she'll need to be confident and secure about herself because it's high school and people do run their mouth about others. You're overthinking it though... if you teach her how to say no and be confident in herself, people won't mess with her in any way unless she gives them reason to.
The wife and I are starting to plan having a kid... I honestly fear having a daughter, especially seeing how some of the youngsters on here view women.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

The wife and I are starting to plan having a kid... I honestly fear having a daughter, especially seeing how some of the youngsters on here view women.

Just because someone views someone else a certain way doesn't mean they'll act like that towards them.

Most of the thirsty, slick kids at a young age really don't get much play anyways... and actions speak louder than words.

I'd still rather have a boy though if I had a choice.
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