My dog died today...

. I feel for you bro.
I know the feeling man. I lost my dog back in October. One of the hardest days of my life. She was the best friend I ever had. Never saw her as a pet.

My condolences go out to the OP and everyone else that's lost their dogs.

RIP Deja.
Every day I look at my dog Zeus..he makes me so happy. Such a great dog..and sometimes I think about later down the road when he's going to pass. I know I'm going to cry like a little $@#%@ when that day comes..esp if it comes instantly over an accident like this.
Sorry OP

i have my guy since august/sept and my family loves him. theyre not really dog people but our guy. i cant fathom something happening to him.

rip bro
Threads like these make me not fight with my significant other over getting a dog. She tells me she doesn't want to get attached to something and be devastated.
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