My dog is passing away

Jul 19, 2012
hey guys my dog had a ruptured spleen sunday morning and has internal bleeding. She has been fighting hard all week and looked good until this morning. I think this might be my dog's last day on earth. If anyone could give me any tips or advice on how to comfort her if this is in fact her last day. Thank you all and happy holidays.
Just have to let the doctors take care of her and let her go. It's a terrible thing to have to go through because animals can't speak and tell you how bad they're hurting, you can just tell from their eyes. Just be with her and love her until the end.

It'll be tough but you will make it through. Hate to hear this, stay strong.
Dogs are family period, that dog has been with you as long as you can remember and it will be hard not seeing it wag it's tail when it see's you. Bro if you can take it for a long drive one last time and just hold it's hand as it passes on bro.

God bless you man, I know it's going to be hard but just remember all the good times :frown:
Euthanasia. Take her away from that pain and misery. I've had to do it for a couple pets. The vets take care of everything. Very smooth process and they take care of the carcass as well. Take care
sorry to hear that OP. take her to the vet is my recommendation, as others have said.
Thanks for all the kind words. Going to spend some time with my dog at home before my mom and I take her in. She could have easily passed Sunday but was so incredibly brave and strong to make it all the way to today. I feel like it's greedy of me to ask anymore of her.
Sorry to hear fam. I know its tough lossing a pet, specially if you had him since a pup. Keep your head up. At least you have your time with him. My pit bull was stolen right from my yard smh.
I know that feel man. A few years ago right around the holidays we had to put my childhood dog down due to a tumor. Stay strong. Spoil her with some delicious food like steak.
I feel for you. At least you know your dog will pass away. I had a dog that passed away suddenly without warning. In this case, try to make the most of it before you say goodbye.
  I'm so sorry to hear about this. Stay strong and be there for your dog in these last few hours. You as the owner are she has.

R.I.P. bud
Damn, I'm so sorry to hear that OP. Just be near her & comfort her.

I would be devastated if anything happened to my furry daughter.
I've been in this scenario. Day before he died, he was all energetic and I thought I saved em but the next day :smh:
It still haunts me and I always think about what if
I know exactly how you feel man. This past April I lost my brother (refuse to call him my dog). He was old and his heart was twice the size and couldn't breath anymore and other difficulties. Best thing I can tell you is just be there for her with your family. Losing a pet has to be one of the toughest thing to go through. I can't see myself having another dog, maybe when I'm a father and my kids want one but for now I won't. Wish you the best bro just hang in there and remember all the good memories you guys had.
Cook up a giant T-BONE STEAK and feed your dog before the vet visit.Sorry fam
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