My experience POLITICAL SIGN WAVING........ vol. honks, waves, yelling and middle fingers

May 25, 2003
So as most of you may know, I'm conservative andsupport John McCain for President.

I've been politically active for a while now and help out campaigning for local representatives and forthe Presidential race when I get a chance.

That means.... making phone calls, going door-to-door, and waving signs.

Last Thursday & Friday we started our sign waving as the Election is nearing (continuing tomorrow andTuesday).

I'll start off by saying the area that I live in/did the sign waving it as roughly 55-65% Republican, 35-45%Democrat (depending on the year/candidates)

So the purpose of sign waving is to generate enthusiasm behind the people that will be voting for yourcandidate.... having people actually see volunteers helping out candidates for one side or the otherrather then just the signs in the ground.... creating name recognition (more so for local candidates) assome people may not even know that Bob Thompson is a republican or a democrat for your local area.... and helping toget out the vote.

Now as far the experience....

So each day we did sign waving at the end of long exits during rush hour, 4:00-6:00, where TONS of cars comethrough. Waved signs for McCain and local candidates as well.

People honking for you (most frequent positive response)
----Some people OD on the honking, be honking for like 5-10 seconds as they pass you

----Had huge dump trucks & 18 wheelers use their loud horn
People giving you the thumbs up (second most frequent positive response)
----One dude was on a motorcycle and he took both hands off and did a double thumbs up
People smiling at you once they realize your're helping out their guys/gals
People roll down their window and say thank you.

----Had one lady who was saying thank you a million times and was crazy excited
People tell you to keep up the good work
----Had a guy say it's nice to see the good guys out for a change (hinting at the liberal media bias doom &gloom for republicans)

People giving you the thumbs down
People rolling down their windows and yeling OBAMAAA
People FLIPPING YOU OFF (10+ people)

People giving you the

People giving you the

People giving you the

People yelling out "Obama is going to win!"
Then had a guy tweak out at the stop light, yelling out of his car "How could you vote for McCain after what Bush hasdone?! How could you vote for him?! Blah blah blah.
" Then dude asks "Are you rich?!" I was

All in all it's a fun experience!
You get it from both sides, positive and negative.

Every thumbs up you get, every smile and thank you, you get makes you feel good.

Every negative response just reminds you that people do care about politics and about our country and I'mthankful that that's the case! Even if they get you

It's gratifying....... to be apart of the political process, to help out even a little bit the people you want to win, and positive responses.

I'd recommend it to anyone (Republican or Democrat or 3rd party)
even though its been said a million times, this election got people going nuts
my mom did that but for Obamaand she was in VA. She said the reactions were about the same. One McCain supporter said to her "If you've got a brainvote McCain!" She just laughed.
A lot of this election stuff isn't threadworthy. I think it should stay in the official thread if you can consider that other one official. News storiesand experiences belong in the official thread; otherwise the board gets crowded with a thousand new Obama and Mccain threads.
You know, I was wrong about you. I'm for Obama, but to see you excited for your cause and helping out makes me smile.

And when you said this: Every negative response just reminds you that people do care about politics and about our country and I'm thankful that that'sthe case!

That is true. Keep on fighting! Both sides.
Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

You know, I was wrong about you. I'm for Obama, but to see you excited for your cause and helping out makes me smile.
And when you said this: Every negative response just reminds you that people do care about politics and about our country and I'm thankful that that's the case!
That is true. Keep on fighting! Both sides.
Thank you. I appreciate the remarks.
All in all this is America, we're all in this together.... so at some point you have to put differences aside, even if you think the other side is

As for the ignorant comments in response.
God bless you.
Just a ?. You hold a sign on the sidewalk of some street corner? or you actually like talk to people try to convince them to vote for McCain?

Either way seems silly. But the latter if you're on that greenpeace $+*#*#@$ of do have 5 minutes for the earth I hope you get hit by a car. I swear I walkhome on Michigan Ave. in Chicago like everyday from school and some +%+$!%$*$ tries to have conversation with me about saving the earth or the lake or thechildren or africa or some other horse !%+% I don't particular care about. I applaud those who get people out to vote and those who educate people on theissues so when they do vote it's an educated one. But if you're just jerk with sign trying to make so you're good ole' boy McCain can die inoffice that moron white woman can #%+* up America more than it already is then I'm not really feeling that persay.
My mom's side of the family has been here practically since the Mayflower but on my dad's side I'm one of the first to be born here. As someonewho is both long established and an outsider I will be critical of my country due to may mom's heritage but thanks to my dad's heritage and immigrantstatus I marvel at things which many of you third or more generation Americans take for granted.

When I see a group of people on a street corner demonstrating for whatever, I feel a sense of pride because this is not a thing you ca do in many places. Thefact that people can be out in the open voicing their political views is beautiful even if they advocate a candidate or policy that I feel is dreadful.
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