My famb is a consistent, compulsive, liar/over emphasizer/swag-jacker...

Dec 11, 2010
i dont know what to do...
he's been lying since we were 11... we're 22 now, and its gotten worse...

i want to help him cuz eventually, its going to catch up and bite him SEVERELY in the rump...

what do i do?

i'm not sure how liars/swag-jackers translate to the real world... but i dont think its going to be pretty...

dont wanna see the famb go down in shambles cuz in the end... he's still my famb...


SIDENOTE: inb4 "ban this guy for using a b incorrectly"

also... where's megatron?

11 yrs? I've been friends with one for 29yrs. All I do is hit him with the
and say "Oh yeah?" when he gets started
But in the end he's my boy and it is what it is.

Oh yeah, I never tell him what I plan on buying. I learned that lesson the hard way. (We were driving the same kind of car until he traded it in for the suv I was about to get)
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i'll give you advice if you tell me things he lies/overemphasizes about.


Yeah, definitely going to need some examples.
Compulsive lying isnt something that can be helped on a everyday basis. Yo mans needs professional help.
dead the relationship and/or gradually start to put some distance between yourselves. its going to come to a head sooner than later, and feelings gonna get hurt (and the relationship will eventually suffer).

i have/had a buddy like that. we were boys since 6th grade (im 31 now). We were really close. His lil boy is my godson. The dude's compulsive lying became unbearable, and there was finally a breaking point not only for me, but for all of the guys in my crew. Nowadays none of the boys hardly if ever kick it with him (self included). To be honest, the only times I see him is when I want to spend time with my godson. We are still cordial and cool, there are no hard feelings, but i just cant spend a lot of time with someone who is contanstly lying to me to my face. its just insulting and shows a lack of respect amongst friends.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

swag jacker?

son you stole "famb" and ran it into the ground

Son I was bout to say the same $+$ 

This dude took a typo & turned it into the corniest "joke" i've seen in my 10+ years on here... But its all for attention tho, clearly...
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by CWrite78

swag jacker?

son you stole "famb" and ran it into the ground

Son I was bout to say the same $+$ 

This dude took a typo & turned it into the corniest "joke" i've seen in my 10+ years on here... But its all for attention tho, clearly...
someone wrote "damb"... i thought it was funny... put my own spin on it and rocked w/ it... 
post the link in ANY thread where ANYONE ever wrote "famb" consistently before me and i'll quit NT...


yall take these interwebz too serious... my apologies, though

My boy is NOTORIOUS for making up stories that never happened...based on true events. But anytime he tells them he always makes me sound way cooler than I actually was/am so I don't say #*%+ 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i'll give you advice if you tell me things he lies/overemphasizes about.


lol @ the "maybe"...
you used to be Club27 or 29 right?... tell the mods to stop taking ya nicknames.


but it ranges from age (he's was held back. i could understand lying in school, but we're 22/23 now) to upbringing... he claims to have such a rough childhood, not being in a hood. but mistreatment from his parents...

i know DAMB well that aint true... his brother just had a way w/ the wimmiez that put him in position to have nicer things.

he lies about where we're from, how he got into his frat, things ABOUT the frat, basketball stats (we play for the same college), chicks, chicks, chicks, money, accomplishments, school, grades, things he's done in life, fights, penis size (no Sandusky) and money...

highlight one and i'll give a distinct story...

but talkin to the dude... you'd think he was all-world everything... 

it'd be times, when i'll just be NTin' and i'll here him on skype or on the phone... telling BLATANT lies to men and women...

i just sit with the  then go back to my business...

Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Compulsive lying isnt something that can be helped on a everyday basis. Yo mans needs professional help.
i just dont know how to approach him w/ it...
do i be like "famb... stop lyin' so much brudda!"

lol x smh...
was good friends with this one dude.
same exact way op. i know what u mean
i cut ties with dude though after i heard that he was telling people we got into a fight and he threw me down a flight of stairs

why bother i suppose

but in your case you been friends with your dude for a min and i doubt he'd start jackin you on a personal level like that one dude did to me
That Bert gif has me :rofl:g

I was cool with another guy from college that was living a lie..told us he went on spring break to talk with a major label and they offered him a contract was one of his best...said he was gonna buy the Cadillac that could park itself (back before Lexus even came with it)...BIG TIME LIAR

We used to call him the Lion King
So basically, he gets more bunz than you and youre jealous? every dude lies to chicks..I mean it may sound corny to an outsider but it's comedy to me. lies make life more interesting. funny thing is he prob dont even have to lie to get bops (I know I never did) but I still did just for the lulz.

all that said, lying to friends is dumb. but some people are just insecure and dont think their life is note worthy. all tumblr facebook twitter bragging has folks trying to compete with each other for baller of the year. Im myself to friends...but to chicks I prob have about five alter egos I roll with
op honestly you cant be that much better.. youve known your "bestfriend" for over a decade and you have yet to keep it 100 with him. sounds like both of yall are fake
Originally Posted by allreds

^cmon, thread isn't about OP here, it's about his boy.
thats his bestfriend  tho.. im not tryna judge anyone.. all im sayin is that i expect my friends to keep it 100 with me and let me kno exactly how they feel.  aint no way in hell im gon just let my "best friend" slide with being a fake.  id explain to him exactly what i thought and if we cant see eye to eye then i guess we gotta to distance ourselves. 
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