My father has a smoking addiction.

Jan 18, 2006
At the age of 45, my dad can't lay off a cigarette for a few hours. He smokes it to the filter and has been a smoker ever since he was a young teen.Stubborn, and arrogant, the typical Asian father. It just saddens me, knowing he's killing himself. Knowing each cigarette is taking away precious time wecould have had as a family. I can't just walk up to the guy and tell him to quit. Tough love, you know? I'm sure many of you have known or know peoplewho have bad habits. But to you smokers, please think about others you care about.

Tell him your feelings on the subject. That you want to see him live as long as possible and maybe he'll change his ways.
My dad is the same, but I'm not sure he smokes it to the filter. The worst thing is he smells like. Funny part my nephew likes to be around him, eventhough he smells like smoke.
Same with my bad but I cant blame him cause I bought him a big box when I went on my last cruise

End of the day, its on him, I aint gonna tell no grown man how to live life

I'm just glad he here today, he couldve bailed out 22 years ago

Just let him know if it bothers you so much.

Be like "When are you gonna stop smoking pops"

or "
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

At the age of 45, my dad can't lay off a cigarette for a few hours. He smokes it to the filter and has been a smoker ever since he was a young teen. Stubborn, and arrogant, the typical Asian father. It just saddens me, knowing he's killing himself. Knowing each cigarette is taking away precious time we could have had as a family. I can't just walk up to the guy and tell him to quit. Tough love, you know? I'm sure many of you have known or know people who have bad habits. But to you smokers, please think about others you care about.

I'm not even kidding, but this sounds exactly like my dad right here. It's really hard man, I know...asian fathers and their expectationsand fulfillment of roles doesn't allow them to listen easily to their children at times. I asked him to quit for my birthday and he willingly agreed, butthen I saw him smoking on a day to day basis about 3 months later...I damn near cried but you just gotta keep resilient and keep workin at it and nagging him.Best of luck to you man...just remember, tell him if he sets his mind to it...he can do it, but it all starts with you.
it takes discipline to quit... i use to smoke since 01 and quit like this past march of 08 on my bday.... i always wanted to quit but felt like i wasnt readytoo so i didnt... until i started goin to the gym and hit the treadmill i never wanted to smoke again... i felt like i was gon die after running cuz i ya i just quit coldturkey and been straight since... sometimes i have the urge but then i think about how terrible it makes my body feel so i dontdo it... but i still be on that
I won't even by a pack of cigarettes...once you get that once pack you can expect to be going to back to get a countless more

All my direct relatives have smoked in their lifetime

My grandfather has lung cancer now, my other grandfather died of it (I think), both my grandmothers smoked, one died and one quit. My moms used to smoke, shequit, but my dad, who never smoked before in his life picked it up instead
. All my uncles and aunts as well.

Too bad I was the only one to realize that weed isn't as bad for you as ciggs are
word my pops is a daily beer drinker

his sister died cause of drinking too much

but he won't stop

he already catching bad problems like sooo nasty i cant even talk about it on niketalk without a banned lol

but cigs are bad also

but its a reason for Free-Will

some people just do what they want at the time

till the doctor has to do what they want at the time
Originally Posted by eight2one

the damage is done.


Dude has already been a heavy smoker for 30 years? Not much you can do now..

Btw, same story with my father, except hes not asian and he doesnt smoke it to the filter
everyone in my family smokes cigs and drinks, mom, dad, sister, me, uncles, aunts, cuzins,

my one cuzin in pittsburgh use to wake up before work and drink a 6 pack of beer EVERYDAY, then come home for lunch with a 12 pack, and come home from work atnight with a 12 pack, dude is 25 and has already had liver problems
i dont think he drinks anymore because he was in the hospital for a couple weeks last yrdue to drinkin, he almost died...

i drink alot on the weekends, my father and mother smoke a pack of newport light 100's a day and my dad goes thru a 12 pack of budweiser a day without evenlosing his composure... and for as far back as i remember hes been doing this, i go thru a pack of 'ports about every 2-3 days, depending on what im doin,when im drunk i smoke alot more
I don't know how many years I tried to get my mom to quit..posters, birthday wishes..even being rude like "don't you think its kinda messed upthat YOU smoke, but I'm the one with asthma?" (got popped for that)..but when she was ready she was ready and hasn't looked back since..she saidit wasn't about anyone else but her and when she was done that's when it was time..
My girl Mamma is like that. Its sad to watch people who are killing themselves. Its like they just don't give a crap about who they are hurting. I honestlydon't know what to tell you.
Tell him everything that is own your heart and try to let it go knowing you have done what you could and said your peace. Then at least everytime he smokes hemay have something to think about. It's sad, but that's life...addictions are a b!#.
You need to talk to him. Thats how my mom and brothers got my dad to stop smoking but unfortunately, it got him... =( My dad use to be a frequent smoker aswell. he stopped when i was about 1. he was cigarette free but the cancer grew on him 13 years later and he was diagnosed with throat (in the voice box) cancerwhen i was in the 7th grade. We did many procedures to treat it and it went away by the end of my 8th grade year.. like beginning of the 9th grade, it cameback to him and even worse. my dad was a banker and he loved to talk, everyone looked up to him. Well, they said they cant treat it anymore and they will justhave to cut out the infected area. so they removed his voice box and he was unable to speak.. my dad was cancer free again but then, it came back even worsethan ever before. the cancer started to spread and the doctors gave him 6 months to love.. when the 6 months came to an end, a blood vessel bursted and leakedsoo much blood humanly possible. the doctors said he shouldnt be living because of the blood loss but my dad was a fighter. He had emergency surgery and he hada stroke during that surgery. he went brain dead and he was in ICU for a week. the doctors had to take him off because it's pure oxygen being pumped intohis body so he is risking pneumonia. so they took him off and said he should pass away slowly within a day, pain free. but my dad fought for his life,breathing perfectly normal on his own for 2 week and he passed away february of 2007. RIP. <3
thank god my Dad quit when i was still in elementary.
didn't use any nicotine patches and all those tricks
that help u quit. he said it was just all in the mind.
minus the smoke...
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