My favorite term of endearment for women is censored now? 0_o

term of endearment?
lol we can't even say the "a word"

Pretty soon everything we type will say: @#$$ ^%^$( $%$$( #$%$($ ($%#*@
Mark +#+ marks. Trick +#+ marks. Punk !%* %*#%*$+ and skip scap skanks and scallywags. Ho's, heffers, hee-haw's, and hooly-hoo's.
Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

skip scap skanks and scallywags. Ho's, heffers, hee-haw's, and hooly-hoo's.

I use 'broad' on a daily basis. Looks like ima have to switch to 'dame' when im on NT now.

...or skeezer.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Yet they uncensored ****.

cause of %%#%* sporting goods lol

but teh other day i saw somebody talking about how if they paid 350 for a dinner date theyb etter be getting their **** sucked too

i thought that was extremely vulgar and it baffled me that it was allowed.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

get off your alpha male high horse and stop being disrespectful.
what if someone were to call your mother, aunt, or sister that.
this generation i tell you, no respect

Eh, OP just use another word and expand your vocabulary. Now go pull a ticket
Originally Posted by PLVN

What about hussy?

This word always humored me and I would only hear it when a woman was in an extremely hurt rage with another woman.
Originally Posted by FlipnKraut

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

get off your alpha male high horse and stop being disrespectful.
what if someone were to call your mother, aunt, or sister that.
this generation i tell you, no respect

At least simp isn't censored 


Future house husband of America right there, straight neutered.

Broad as offensive?, Flip said anyone can get offended by anything.  Women getting offended to "broad"
, too bad men have tucked their "Richard" and balls in between their legs nowadays.  This generation I tell you, no cojones.

I like the rules of NT and respect them, but it feels like the David Stern regime.  Good in the 90's (NT's case the '00's) built the brand but now it's being a bit like a dictatorship.
I hope you dudes know a ton of whyhellothere's replies are trollish/sarcastic.

Censor check: CD (edited since it wasn't censored lol)
Its a word i only use when i'm "perplexed/perturbed“ with the behaviors of females. Usually a replacement word for "female dog". So i get it.
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