Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I'm telling you, everytime I go to Valerio's Bakery and they're showing episodes of Game KNB and those other variety shows it makes me want to buy a ticket and hop on a plane to Manila.

Amar and Azusa, the most Filipino place outside of the PI hahaha.

btw, info on the avy?
Probably go back every 3 years and I'm still not used to the heat/humudity. Be prepared to sweat after you take a shower and blowing your nose out withall that crap they have in the air there. Def try to go out and hit up the night scene. Plenty of hot girls and places to go to. Oh, and don't besurprised that you are the Ninong to everybody's kids
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by 2o4

Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by 2o4

i went there back in 2000. and man was it ever hot as heck.
i bet that surpised you ninong. hahaha

hold up, my man deadprez is filipino

haha ya pare

i'm calling ducktales, word to dblack, i'll wait until i see some DNA tests

haha still hard to believe huh.
i'm not pinoy, but i love lumpia, so i gotta make that trip to the Phillipines...

anybody got a sis or cousin for me?
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by dustblaaze

I just have the impression the girls over there don't take care of themselves as well as the girls here so they don't look good.

wow, i don't even know what to say to that, i'll hold my tongue, this is an informative thread not a flame war
. all i'll say is, did your mom live in the philippines and not take care of herself, but then she came to the US and cleaned up and had you? can you see the logic here?

Naw it's not that, it's just when I got relatives and cousins that visit over here and they show me pics of their friends, lets just say thissmilie was my exact reaction:
Like i said, I haven't been theresince I was a little kid, which was about 15 years ago and I don't remember much. The only impression I have of girls over there are of what my cousin hasshowed me and what I see on TFC. Not trying to sound like I'm on a high horse just cause I'm from the US, but I can see where you could get thatimpression reading my post again.
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Originally Posted by dustblaaze

Honestly, is it really that easy baggin chicks there? Just cause of an American accent? I'm picturing ugly sloppy sloth like looking dudes getting TFC type chicks just cause their American. Do the filipino girls there look better than the ones here in the US? I haven't been there since I was a kid, and to be honest, I'm picturing girls that don't shave their legs and you know where else with a little mustache action going on with the upper lip. I just have the impression the girls over there don't take care of themselves as well as the girls here so they don't look good. But I haven't been there in such a long time, so I really can't say. Whats the real deal?

Honestly, that's the first thing I thought before I got their, but as soon as I hit up Makati
Madd good lookin females, some of the clubs I went to had many dime import model status. A couple of the strip clubs i hit up had girls lookin like Christina Mendoza and Jeri Lee

Great thing about the Philippines is you don't see too many overweight people like you do back here in the states, probably due to diets and portion sizes in restaurants and a lot of walking. When I ordered a meal from a Mcdonald's, the large size cup is equivalent to the small cup here
Another reason why America is increasingly becoming more obese.

Overall, if you go to the more affluent areas, you will see nicer lookin broads, but I'm pretty sure you will see beautiful women wherever you go because most Filipino girls are.

Nice to hear. I definitely wanna go back there, but a $3,000 vacation isn't in the books for me right now. But from I'm reading in this post, itsounds like that American accent comes in handy. I also heardfrom other relatives that don't take your nice clothes/kicks there, not only will they getdirty, but you're gonna have to give em away to your relatives before you leave.
Honestly, is it really that easy baggin chicks there? Just cause of an American accent?
yes, walkin through the mall girls was always tryin to talk to me. It's kinda easy to distinguish an African-American from the rest of thefilipino population.

I haven't been there since I was a kid, and to be honest, I'm picturing girls that don't shave their legs and you know where else with a little mustache action going on with the upper lip.
only in the rural areas my friend

Honestly, that's the first thing I thought before I got their, but as soon as I hit up Makati
Madd good lookin females
this man knows what he is talking about.
MAN I MISS P.I.! I went there about 2 yrs ago for a bachelor pary and had a blast! Now being 6'5 I was pulling them! No game neededhahahah. But yea all day everyday was white tee, some times a ne cap, cargo shorts, with flip flops or some runners. Make sure you bring some imodium a.d.,dont drink anything unless it came from a bottle. Which reminds me off this trick my boy should me while there. You wipe the top off the beer, stick ur thumbin the beer bottle, then pull it out making it pop! No idea y but he said they do it there

Bring a camera and take lots of pix!
Try to hang with ur cousins at the malls, clubs and bars to spit game
Check out Air Force 1
and its not the shoes or the military

Bring sun block and lots of bug repellent

O and yes portions are really small. It was normall for me and my boys to order 2 of each meal at jollibees or any other restaraunt

Last thing don't bring travlers checks. I had such a hard time trying to get them cashed out
Madd good lookin females, some of the clubs I went to had many dime import model status. A couple of the strip clubs i hit up had girls lookin like Christina Mendoza

Originally Posted by dustblaaze

don't take your nice clothes/kicks there, not only will they get dirty, but you're gonna have to give em away to your relatives before you leave.

NEVER bring nice kicks or your relatives will size you up. it's not a problem with me though because i rock a 13 and people were like
. i was at a party and i would be introduced to people, guaranteed my shoe sizewould come up in a conversation
Originally Posted by KVN

MAN I MISS P.I.! I went there about 2 yrs ago for a bachelor pary and had a blast! Now being 6'5 I was pulling them!

6'5''? Wow, I don't think I've ever met any Filipino past 6'2''. When I was over there, I felt like a giant and I'monly 5'9''-5'10''.

One thing I couldn't stand was the constant staring people were giving me especially in the province, probably because I'm a bit more lightskinned. I was surrounded by so many filipinos, but yet I felt like an outkast because I couldn't speak tagalog
Things you definitely need to do:

1) Try local food joints like Dencios and Chicken Bacolod
2) Makati and The Fort are where its at. Club spots are Embassy, Piedra, and Fiamma.
3) Best places to eat if you want to spend a little: Greenbelt and Serendra
4) Beaches (in order): Boracay, Bohol, Cebu
5) Quickies: Quezon Ave (Take your pic: Wilderness, Sylvanus, etc)
6) Other notables: Tagaytay (cool weather and good views), Greenhills (bargain shopping)

Did I miss anything fellow Manila-based dudes?
Hey guys,

Whats Puerta Galelria? (sp) like? I want to explore the Filipino Islands.. I heard some good/bad things about Boracay!?
dont rock anything too flashy like nice watch or some nice shoes cuz you'll get shanked.. a native filipino can tell a balik bayan from a mile away andthat could be good and bad at the same time.. the girls will like you and the#$+$$!@@+/thugs will target you. other than that, and all the pollution andtraffic, the Philippines is a pretty nice place.

have fun

oh yeah pick up some fake lacoste shirts for like a few dollars a piece while you're there
my cousin went tthere.
she said hella people stare at you if you wear shoes because everyone wears tsinelas.
ultra FOB status.
tuxedos with tsinelas. pimpin.
I don't know if these have been posted yet because I'm too lazy to read after 5 hours of Finance and Operations Management today.

Here goes my small list:
1. Eat at Jollibee at least once.
2. Go to Wal-Mart or Payless and buy some cheap shoes or t-shirts so you don't have to give away your flyest stuff.
3. ^Number two shouldn't be a problem in the first place because I don't advise you to bring anything flashy. Just white tees, tsinelas, or plain Vansall day. There's way too many hungry people there that are looking for a quick buck and won't hesitate to hurt you to make that money. My uncle waskilled because of this last year as well as a couple of other incidents. It's a sad state of affairs.

Anyway, have fun over there and enjoy every single second because the day before you leave, you'll be like damn where did all the time go.
Was just there in 06 depending on ur flight you'll probably get there in the morning n you'll be greeted with the hot weather as soon as u step off theplane I anit really been to manilla since I was little just the airport then flight to cebu then take the boat to letye the city is koo n all the beaches andclubs and all the nursing females
but I like stayin at my pops province where u know everyone and its all fam and what not he also stay by the shore so wejust post there all the day but most definatly try and enjoy yourself and don't keep to yourself talk with all your cousins out there and everyone aroundyou. Also like everyone said don't try to be to flashy n just watch where ur goin and who's around u cuz even if u speak the language and look likeeveryone else they could tell ur not round there other than that the most important is enjoy cuz who knows when you'll go back
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Anyway, have fun over there and enjoy every single second because the day before you leave, you'll be like damn where did all the time go.

Word. I was there for a month, but It felt I was barely there for 2 weeks... I was always busy everyday with family, since everyone was so excited to seeme, I was 18 and it was my first time there, so many of my relatives wanted to take me out to dinner and to some clubs/lounges aka "disco disco"

As long as you keep yourself occupied time will definitely fly by. Never really felt that homesick, well, at least after the first 2-3 days.
don't bring things that you intend on leaving there. why? your cousins and other relatives will just assume that you're going to leave your IIIs or Vsor what not.

plus, if you're going out, don't dress too out of townish. you will be singled out and targeted.

don't wear jewelry. and yes you need to save up because you'll be doing majority of spending, not on yourself, but on your cousins and relatives thatgo out with you. i'd say save up at least 2-3gs. at least.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Im half Filipino and half African American...I never been there, but im hoping to go within the next 3-5 years

werd half spanish and filipino so hopefully i got that edge 4 my filipina chicks. some of yall might know my brother...the infamous wickedkickz orerick withthegreenhat


Originally Posted by sole lovely

they got some nice sneaker spots. Nike Zone is the best

buy some fireworks!!

just ahve fun!

oh and what part are you going to?


thx 4 the advice fellas...keep em commin. b4 i leave imma print this thread out and use it as a guide
Originally Posted by KVN

Check out Air Force 1
and its not the shoes or the military
yeah mannnnnnn....KVN knows whats up.

Philippines is fun. Its not really as poor as people think it is. Manila is very westernized. I had no problem at all adjusting to the lifestyle, becausethere wasnt that much of a difference.

I only stayed out in the provinces for a few days. It's interesting to see the difference between Manila and the provinces.

Definitely go out to the clubs. go to Good Earth at Rockwell when you just wanna drink and chill.

Boracay +
= perfect vacation! hopefully you have cool cousins. hahah rampant drugs in the PI. might as well have it while youre there.
you won't find alot of very good looking filipinas there.. you'll see a lot of average to below average looking chicks there.. you're going to haveto look hard for the tens; they're mostly in the more wealthy areas cuz they can afford to look good.
This is an interesting thread. I had my girlfriend read this because she came here to the US just 5 years ago from the Philippines and after reading now shewants to go back even more. Yall make me wanna go too!

I laughed at the Friendster thing because my girl STAYS on Friendster and I didn't even know it was still running.
Dam reading this post makes me wanna go to PI even more. I plan to go there within as soon as my $ is right. Suppose to go wit family whenever they go back tocheck on their land.
{ @ my mom for never wanting to go back toPI and show me were she grew up. I know she had some bad experiences, but come on, times have changed and that is part of my heritage.

just like said above, get as much play as you can because once those females hear your american accent, it's like an automatic panty dropper


Gotta Luv the filipina girls tho
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