My Friend Got Punched in the Face by a cop for not wearing a Helmet on his 10 speed (video)

The cop legitimately said "because you was resisting"

Doing nothing = resisting?

We're not safe out here, b.
Police violate people's rights every day, B.

edit: Just saw that this is in Canada. Man, people get shot and killed for looking at cops the wrong way in the United States.
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Man that was ridiculous. A total over-reaction from the cop. Why was he even cuffing jim in the first place? And then a twitch means you can punch him? That's just stupid.
The cyclist was being cuffed because he refused to show his ID/give his real name to the officer. Not sure about in the states, but in Canada the police are allowed to detain someone who committed a crime in order to identify them.
Cops practically made dude quebec for his life
This is what happens when a mon treal cops.

lobotomy how are you gonna rep this struggle pun?
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