My friend's parents have laid hands on her.....

tell her to hit them back

the ++++ is wrong with kids these days
ol punk %@*%%
Ive had a several hour talk to her about it. And Im not telling anyone cuz i know for sure theyre just gonna call 5-0 and i dont know for sure she wants that,and ultimately its about her, so she should have the final word as to whether the police get involved.

And Im preeeetty dam sure Ive heard the entire story

I mean my parents have knocked me in the head when i was lil cuz i was cuttin up and Im THANKFUL for that, but this is over the top, hair straightener thatsturned on seem like abuse to you? I know she doesnt have all of those burns on her legs from accidents with it, cuz it might happen once, but not much more.
Originally Posted by briannnnn

1500 would've been great several years ago when the max score used to be 1600.

Asian parents? (no racism--I'm Asian myself and I have seen how insane parents can get over grades)

Judging from the story, I assume he means 1500/1600 and she counted only the math and reading section.

Her total score was probably around 2200/2400 or something. I could be wrong. If your top 0.5% at any decent HS, a 1500/2400 seems ridiculously low. so I'mgoing with a non exclusion of writing.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

its my business cuz Im her friend, and I know that she does her best, Im in the top 1% and in classes with her, she actually does her work, but this stuff is havin like some adverse effects, like I aint playin. I would say more, but I dont want her to read this and see me outing all her business, just in case she somehow finds her way on here

stop simping
she told me, because I brought it up. talkin in a baby voice half the time, being afraid to go home, randomly gettin upset, considerin hurting yourself (andonly not doing much cuz shes afraid of the sight of blood), cryin, kind of gave me clues something was wrong

I mean the whole month before the SAT, she was straight stressin, she had the review book with her EVERYWHERE just readin that joint. and like i said i thinkit was about 2270 out of 2400
she told me, because I brought it up. talkin in a baby voice half the time, being afraid to go home, randomly gettin upset, considerin hurting yourself (and only not doing much cuz shes afraid of the sight of blood), cryin, kind of gave me clues something was wrong
That ain't what happens in the mind of an abused child.

When my parents started to cross the line I was thinkin' bout hurtin' THEM, not me.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

its my business cuz Im her friend, and I know that she does her best, Im in the top 1% and in classes with her, she actually does her work, but this stuff is havin like some adverse effects, like I aint playin. I would say more, but I dont want her to read this and see me outing all her business, just in case she somehow finds her way on here

yns? and im assuming your a guy itsgettinghot, guys have outwards tendencies, girls are more inclined to hurt themselves. I mean she pinches herslef to thepoint of some serious bruises and hits herself and stuff, because she says if she makes noise or stuff like that her dad will do it again
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

its my business cuz Im her friend, and I know that she does her best, Im in the top 1% and in classes with her, she actually does her work, but this stuff is havin like some adverse effects, like I aint playin. I would say more, but I dont want her to read this and see me outing all her business, just in case she somehow finds her way on here


Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

its my business cuz Im her friend, and I know that she does her best, Im in the top 1% and in classes with her, she actually does her work, but this stuff is havin like some adverse effects, like I aint playin. I would say more, but I dont want her to read this and see me outing all her business, just in case she somehow finds her way on here


honestly I think she is telling you this just to get it off her chest. Dont feel like you have to solve every problem, cause in all seriousness, you reallycant do $*+%. Just let her know that all storms will eventually end and it just makes the sunshine that much brighter.
Originally Posted by That guy Max

honestly I think she is telling you this just to get it off her chest. Dont feel like you have to solve every problem, cause in all seriousness, you really cant do $*+%. Just let her know that all storms will eventually end and it just makes the sunshine that much brighter.
thats kinda what Im thinking, I mean we are gettin to be pretty close friends and I guess she now feels like she can trust me

And at the friend zone crap, I would be
if this wasnt aimed at me so you get a

Im happy in the friend zone with this chick, she likes my friend, and I dont wanna get with her. Im actually avoiding relationships now cuz I dont want tospend my money or time on that, when I know its not gonna end in something lasting, just satisfaction that I could get without a relationship from a diff girllol
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

She'll thank them later when she gets into a top college, graduates magna cum laude, and gets 6-figure job offers out of college. I wish my parents put more pressure on me to do better in school.

yea, she probably over reacting, thats her side of the story.
damn she needs to grow the %%$$ up. She is set for life, who gives a %%$$ about the sacrifices she has to make.
Chances are I ain't gonna amount to 1/3 of what she will.
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