MY GIRL IS THE MOST USELESS ____ IVE EVER can i tell her, "nicely"?

Originally Posted by reeeem0

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Then why are you with her if you find her unattractive and useless? You are just wasting her time.

there's realistically only 2 outcomes: one, you stay together and eventually get married or two, you break up at some point. If you can't see yourself wifin this chick at some point down the road, don't waste her time. Accept the reality, break up, and move on. It might hurt her feelings in the short term but it's probably better in the long run.
there's realistically only 2 outcomes: one, you stay together and eventually get married or two, you break up at some point. If you can't see yourself wifin this chick at some point down the road, don't waste her time. Accept the reality, break up, and move on. It might hurt her feelings in the short term but it's probably better in the long run.
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