my homegirl of 10 yrs told me im on her bucket list! hahahah

Jun 28, 2008
A good female friend of mine for the last 10 years just randomly told me I'm number 3 on her bucket list. I replied well ill have to kick the bucket before I +%%%# it. She was silent for like 15 seconds and then she started talking about work. Have you ever had to lay a good friend to rest?
A good female friend of mine for the last 10 years just randomly told me I'm number 3 on her bucket list. I replied well ill have to kick the bucket before I +%%%# it. She was silent for like 15 seconds and then she started talking about work. Have you ever had to lay a good friend to rest?
-You've been friendzoned with this chick for 10 years...
-You're number 3 on her list of things to do before she dies? Three?
-And you made a thread about it?

-You've been friendzoned with this chick for 10 years...
-You're number 3 on her list of things to do before she dies? Three?
-And you made a thread about it?

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