Great work. Personally, I think the composition works just fine for the painting. I don't think moving it over would change things much compositionally, it's obvious what you were going for, and it works since you have the vertical and horizontal planes just crossing eachother symmetrically. I think it's fine, and I like the background color. That's just my opinion.
To whoever asked about oils, they're a little easier to work with than acrylics since they blend so well, and you can manipulate it a little more, but it takes alot more time, because they take FOREVER to dry. If you want to lay something down, and then cover it, you're going to have to wait a few days to over a week.
"I find it distressing/There's never no in-between/We either ***** or kings/We either ******* or queens/The daily ritual seems rehearsed/In the perverse/Full of short attention spans, short tempers, and short skirts/Long-barrell automatics released in short bursts/The length of black life is treated with short worth..."