My lower back is killin' me...

Mar 17, 2007
Yesterday night i was watching hulu on the computer and i guess i was sitting on the chair in a horrible position which led to serious pain on my lower back. I went to sleep early thinking resting will help however this morning when i woke up i couldnt bend over or walk straight. I did some stretching but now im at work and its frikin bothering me, got me walking all slow mo nd whatnot

Anybody got any ideas of their own that worked for them? Oh and today is my tricep/chest day, should i take a rest day or still go?

Take a hot shower and then put some icyhot on your back.

Do some lower back stretches, but don't stretch too much; stay within the pain threshold. You should definitely not lift until your back is better.

Then get a better computer chair.
Originally Posted by buggz05


Take a hot shower and then put some icyhot on your back.

Do some lower back stretches, but don't stretch too much; stay within the pain threshold. You should definitely not lift until your back is better.

Then get a better computer chair.
exactly. I actually had a fracture in my back.
and rest is the best way to heal. Also make sure you have extra pillows near every seat in the house. Getting up is the worst.  
Rest is the only solution.

I have terrible posture and have had lower back issues for several years now. Recently I had a flair up (coincides with the release of Diablo 3). It gets bad when I am sitting in a hunched over or poor posture position for extended periods of time. The first time my back went out completely was when I was playing Warcraft 3 for bout 5 hrs straight on my laptop while sitting on my couch with the laptop on my coffee table. I felt like my back was gonna give out last week when I ran off another 5 hr session of gaming with Diablo 3 (I'm an idiot and have yet to invest in a good computer desk and chair).

Just rest it. I wouldnt recommend trying to lift with a sore back. If you want, you can get some treatment done from a chiropractor or get a massage to loosen it up. I go in for treatment every 3 weeks with my chiro and my back has never felt better.
Use this for temporary relief:


Sounds like you strained some back muscles. Get some massages, stretch and a heating pad.

Also make sure you have a really firm mattress at home. I have a permanently herniated disk in my back and sometimes I'll just sleep on the hardwood floor it helps a lot.
Go to the dr. if it continues bruh...... I started having lower back problems like 10th grade, they told me it was a minor birth effect
in my lower spine that just caught up to me. They sent me to Phy. Therapy for a couple of weeks, then sent me home with a
medicine ball with a couple of routines to do.

So basically the told me i was going to continue to have those pains unless I strengthen my lower back.

Those pains remained for years until i i lost like 15-20 lbs. in College from getting in better shape. I as never fat tho, I went from like 185 to 170.

I recently graduated last year and instantly gained like 20 lbs. from no longer working out and eating like a pig and guess what? Now my back is
started to have those same pains again.
Rest isn't the current advice - 10 years ago people went to bed for a week with back trouble but modern advice is that you need to stay active. Like already said don't overdo it but you also have to keep moving.
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Yesterday night i was watching hulu on the computer and i guess i was sitting on the chair in a horrible position which led to serious pain on my lower back. I went to sleep early thinking resting will help however this morning when i woke up i couldnt bend over or walk straight. I did some stretching but now im at work and its frikin bothering me, got me walking all slow mo nd whatnot

Anybody got any ideas of their own that worked for them? Oh and today is my tricep/chest day, should i take a rest day or still go?

How old are you?

If you are on a weight-lifting schedule, it's important to cut down on weight/reps and most of all, evaluate your posture.  I've recently ran into this as well.  I don't lift heavy, but there can be times where you accidentally tweak your back or something.  As suggested, rest is the only real solution.  Laying off the weights won't kill you.  If you continue to hurt your back and spine, you might end up like D.Howard, or T-MAC's spasm-ridden back.
This doesnt happen all the time, only happens whenever i stand for a long period of time or my sitting position is horrible. I think my weight is also a factor as well(weight-240) I did some more stretching and the pain is still there but less so im def resting today. My coworker told me about those chinese balm thingy, gona go to a cvs or something to try it out.
RunningFishy- im 21 bro, now that you mention that, i was at the gym doing squats and i decided to add more weight....i think that and me sitting the wrong way lead to this pain.
Originally Posted by 23kidd

RunningFishy- im 21 bro, now that you mention that, i was at the gym doing squats and i decided to add more weight....i think that and me sitting the wrong way lead to this pain.

I think you should stick w/ lighter weights for an extended period of time and cut down your body weight overall.  You'd be surprised, the whole body is inter-related in many ways.  Don't hurt yourself.  You're still young and growing.  You don't wanna stunt your growth like a gymnast.
ive been having lower back problems along with shoulder/neck problems for quite a while now... sometimes i wake up and cant turn my head to the left or right... sometimes i will be getting dressed and pull a muscle in my back and cant move for 3 days...

over the years ive learned that staying active was the best way to get the pain to go away quickly... lifting weights is a no go esp with lower back problems. ive messed my back up worse before thinking i should stay active lifting but just doing less weight, bad idea.

also make sure you sleep in the right position. i have gone to bed and woke up frozen in one place, couldnt even sit up to get out of bed

if it continues go to your doctor and get him to recommend you to a lower back specialist... they should be able to take care of you
also make sure you sit up in your computer chair... slouching down and bending my back for hours and days upon days over the years has really messed my back up... i still do it too its a bad habit -_-
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