my mind is blown right now

Feb 1, 2010
The sun is how we on earth measure time. Every star out there is the sun to other planets. It's all relative to where you are at and your dimension in the universe. I think there is something like a sun prime out there somewhere......
God created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th...
I told yall to start THINKING a little more...

Why are there TWO creation stories?

Also, why is Genesis 1:26 in the plural form? 

Why are there two creation stories?

Why were the tales about Jesus terrorizing other villagers as a toddlers left out of most modern bibles?

Or the fire breathing dragons?

Or Lillith?

You all need to start asking more questions...
Originally Posted by Wr

The sun is how we on earth measure time. Every star out there is the sun to other planets. It's all relative to where you are at and your dimension in the universe. I think there is something like a sun prime out there somewhere......
[sup]3[/sup] And God said, “Let there be light,
Originally Posted by sillyputty

God created light on the first day and the sun on the 4th...
I told yall to start THINKING a little more...

Why are there TWO creation stories?

Also, why is Genesis 1:26 in the plural form? 

Why are there two creation stories?

Why were the tales about Jesus terrorizing other villagers as a toddlers left out of most modern bibles?

Or the fire breathing dragons?

Or Lillith?

You all need to start asking more questions...


also stealth religion thread is stealthy.
Son you weren't there so how can you determine what went down? Do you know how many different variations of the bible there are out there?
Genesis 1:26 refers to all of the beings that reside in Heaven. The image this passage refers to is about how we have a soul and a spiritual form that goes with that soul.

The image of God is not our physical image because there are so many different variations of what that can be. It's all about the spirit.

Also, you must stop thinking of the day's as Eath days. An Earth day is 24 hours but it's not the same on other planets or in the spiritual world such as in Heaven.

There are stories in the Bible about Jesus as a child. He was a toddler when the wisemen arrived to give Him their gifts. He was not in the manger as many believe.
Originally Posted by illwill24

Son you weren't there so how can you determine what went down? Do you know how many different variations of the bible there are out there?
It's right there in Genesis... Show me all the different variations of Genesis...
[Typical Poster]

Why do ya'll always talk about religion? 

No one on NT cares about religion or god

Why do you guys always attack believers?

You won't change anyones opinion...its just a sneaker board

You guys are mean

[/Typical Poster]

Clearly religion is a hot topic as much as women with DAT MASS, CALL OF DUTY 4, RELATIONSHIP ADVICE, CONCEPT CARS, OR MAKING MONEY. 

Save your breath before you start complaining. Seriously. 

Originally Posted by Wr

Every star out there is the sun to other planets. It's all relative to where you are at and your dimension in the universe.

Where did you read/how did you discover that every single star has planets?
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Genesis 1:26 refers to all of the beings that reside in Heaven. The image this passage refers to is about how we have a soul and a spiritual form that goes with that soul.

The image of God is not our physical image because there are so many different variations of what that can be. It's all about the spirit.

Also, you must stop thinking of the day's as Eath days. An Earth day is 24 hours but it's not the same on other planets or in the spiritual world such as in Heaven.

There are stories in the Bible about Jesus as a child. He was a toddler when the wisemen arrived to give Him their gifts. He was not in the manger as many believe.
There are plenty that were omitted because, like SillyPutty said, Jesus went around terrorizing people in his youth.
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Genesis 1:26 refers to all of the beings that reside in Heaven. The image this passage refers to is about how we have a soul and a spiritual form that goes with that soul.

Thats...not what this says.

You're making this up. 


Why is this in the Plural Form? Who was god talking to? Was there more than one god? 

The Jewish tradition that predates Christianity shows that Yahweh was one of MANY gods, and they just chose to follow that again, your "interpretation" is a little off home boy.

Nothing you said is even there.

The image of God is not our physical image because there are so many different variations of what that can be. It's all about the spirit.

Did your pastor tell you that?
Heres the thing. You guys LOVE to repeat these poetic jargon filled phrases as if it means something... 

You're just making this stuff up because you can't even define what youre talking about. 

Also, you must stop thinking of the day's as Eath days. An Earth day is 24 hours but it's not the same on other planets or in the spiritual world such as in Heaven.

Ah, you're moving the goal posts.

So is a pencil now a pen? 

Is a motorcycle now a sedan?

Is a man now a woman?

Time might be an arbitrary unit that we use to denote the lapse between two events but don't think you get away with straight up CHANGING definitions.

A day is 24 hours.

Other parts of the same book highlight this notion as well.

So did noah stay on the boat for more than 40 days/nights? Or was that supposed to be years?
The bible as far as we know only pertains to earth (which is why I HOPE we find aliens
So as long as thats the basis, a DAY will be 24 hours (for the most part because things change because the earths spin is actually slowing down infinitesimally each year [think of a spinning top] and things like earthquakes also change the rotation of the earth etc...)

There are stories in the Bible about Jesus as a child. He was a toddler when the wisemen arrived to give Him their gifts. He was not in the manger as many believe.



Do you know what the APOCRYPHA is? 


The books that YOUR BIBLE doesn't include.

Do you know the Gospel of Thomas?

Of course you don't

It describes Jesus as a toddler growing up with mary and joseph and he realizes he has all these powers so he goes around bullying other kids and some adults until joseph actually WRINGS his ear and tells him to act right. Then he undos all the bad stuff he did.

Your "jesus" was a little tyrant growing up.

You should do some more research.
Or it could simpy be that His life as a child really had no relevance to His life as an adult. It wasn't until He was older that His teachings and ministry took off.

He probably was a normal kid running around and being annoying but it had nothing to do with Him as the Savior.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Genesis 1:26 refers to all of the beings that reside in Heaven. The image this passage refers to is about how we have a soul and a spiritual form that goes with that soul.

The image of God is not our physical image because there are so many different variations of what that can be. It's all about the spirit.

Also, you must stop thinking of the day's as Eath days. An Earth day is 24 hours but it's not the same on other planets or in the spiritual world such as in Heaven.

There are stories in the Bible about Jesus as a child. He was a toddler when the wisemen arrived to give Him their gifts. He was not in the manger as many believe.
There are plenty that were omitted because, like SillyPutty said, Jesus went around terrorizing people in his youth.

Where to read about this? I don't believe in religion, but I do like to read about religion, and I've never heard this until now. Sounds interesting.
Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Genesis 1:26 refers to all of the beings that reside in Heaven. The image this passage refers to is about how we have a soul and a spiritual form that goes with that soul.

The image of God is not our physical image because there are so many different variations of what that can be. It's all about the spirit.

Also, you must stop thinking of the day's as Eath days. An Earth day is 24 hours but it's not the same on other planets or in the spiritual world such as in Heaven.

There are stories in the Bible about Jesus as a child. He was a toddler when the wisemen arrived to give Him their gifts. He was not in the manger as many believe.
There are plenty that were omitted because, like SillyPutty said, Jesus went around terrorizing people in his youth.

Where to read about this? I don't believe in religion, but I do like to read about religion, and I've never heard this until now. Sounds interesting.
There was a thread on here that linked to it, don't remember the books or thread title.Try Googling the Gospel of Thomas like SP mentioned in the post before yours.
You know I hate arguing on public forums but I will reply.

How am I wrong about the Gen. passage? I said that OUR and US refer to the other beings that reside in Heaven along with God. He was most likely speaking for the all of the angels as well. Since God and the angels are spiritual beings it cannot be possible for our physical appearance to be what the word image was referring to in this passage.

You can't take the word day as 24 hours because our solar system was not complete when creation was taking place. It's anyone's guess as to how long one of these could have been. Some believe it could have been a thousand years = a day.

I am not wrong about the time that the magi arrived to give their gifts. Also, Jesus may have been like that but that has no bearing on His teachings and ministry as an Adult. That very well probably is why it's not in the Bible that we have.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

There are plenty that were omitted because, like SillyPutty said, Jesus went around terrorizing people in his youth.

Where to read about this? I don't believe in religion, but I do like to read about religion, and I've never heard this until now. Sounds interesting.
There was a thread on here that linked to it, don't remember the books or thread title.Try Googling the Gospel of Thomas like SP mentioned in the post before yours.

Yeah. I got it up on Wiki now. Thanks.
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