my mind is blown right now

Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

You know I hate arguing on public forums but I will reply.
Nice disclaimer
Next time, don't reply then. 

How am I wrong about the Gen. passage?

Thats not what it says.
I said that OUR and US refer to the other beings that reside in Heaven along with God.

So god already created the stuff hes referring to by that passage while hes creating other things? Seems like an anachronistic problem.
He was most likely speaking for the all of the angels as well.

"Most likely"??? Seems like you're guessing and trying to make stuff up.
Since God and the angels are spiritual beings it cannot be possible for our physical appearance to be what the word image was referring to in this passage.

Ah, the creators of this religion are marvelous...they take out the stuff that you always use to validate claims and use it against you.
God can't be physical...but it does physical things. Right...

This makes no sense and i'll leave you to explain it.

You can't take the word day as 24 hours because our solar system was not complete when creation was taking place.

If I say year do I mean a millenium? 

No I mean a YEAR.

Now you're borderline just lying.


Stop changing words. It is WRITTEN VERBATIM and yet you want to say the word "cat" means the word "bird"...seriously go sit down. 

Also, your cognitive dissonance is so OUT of here I don't even know what to say to you. 

You CLEARLY know it took a long time for this solar system to arise circumvent the issues by saying that god still did it...but thats not creation. 

Thats basically cosmic evolution. 

Creation implies an immediacy. If god is so powerful why does your "creation" idea take so long?
It's anyone's guess as to how long one of these could have been. Some believe it could have been a thousand years = a day.
I believe white men are better than black men.
Does that make it true?

You DO NOT have a valid opinion JUST BECAUSE you have an opinion. 

We need to stop encouraging this sort of thing. Thinking you have something to say doesn't mean what you have to say is valid.

On top of that, if you already know you don't know how long it could have been then why are you trying to defend it?

Add to the fact that you are STILL LYING about what is written VERBATIM out of your bible.

Just stop it.

I am not wrong about the time that the magi arrived to give their gifts.

Or the fact that its a story so unoriginal, its like hearing Lauryn Hill on American Idol try-outs...

You need to study comparative religion. This story of three wise men/kings/magi/special people coming to see a new king/ruler/lord/leader in a manger/barn/house/village is repeated time after time OUTSIDE OF christianity. 

Again, do your research and seek to validate what you THINK you know. 

That way if you're wrong you can change your opinion but if you're right then you can just reaffirm what you know.

Also, Jesus may have been like that but that has no bearing on His teachings and ministry as an Adult. That very well probably is why it's not in the Bible that we have.

Except the notion that you think jesus was always a stand up dude.

Dude is like a reformed guy in the front of the church telling others how he "used" to get down...right. 

Again, imagine all the things that you DID NOT KNOW about religion and now imagine that you might be wrong about quite a few things? Doesn't that make you want to confirm what you know so that you can be more accurate about what you're talking about? 

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

There are plenty that were omitted because, like SillyPutty said, Jesus went around terrorizing people in his youth. 

Where to read about this? I don't believe in religion, but I do like to read about religion, and I've never heard this until now. Sounds interesting.
There was a thread on here that linked to it, don't remember the books or thread title.Try Googling the Gospel of Thomas like SP mentioned in the post before yours. 

Glad you recall.
Its on this link HERE but the sources are legit so don't let it throw you off. 

You can also get most of the apocrypha at a local bookstore if you'd like...but info is out there and people choose to ignore it.

I'm not an atheist because I didn't read the bible...its because I actually DID read the claims it suggested... 
Silly, your mind is so closed to the fact that anything can exist outside of our world. God, angels, demons and Satan are all beings that exist in the spiritual world that have the ability to enter the physical realm.

There is nothing else I can say about the above passages because your mind is closed and your heart is hard. You won't even accept that anyone elses opinion can be proper because you are so set on making sure no one can believe anything that you don't. You only open your mind to science and cannot see how a supernatural being could had a hand in the formation of everything. God and science can work together.

God and the angels existed a long time before creation. The fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels that were cast out of Heaven with him happened long before creation as well. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer taking physical form and tricking Eve into committing the first sin.

What you must realise, is that the old testament is not the most important part of Christianity. The old testament is mostly the history of the people of Isreal. Christianity is founded upon the teachings of Jesus and following what He taught. Christianity is not even a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Himself.

So unless you're willing to talk to me with an open heart my replies to you are done.
look at the dedication of this kid...go jump off a bridge please. 

...the hair stands up on your neck to argue about the God who supposedly doesn't exist on NT...your pathetic. 

Why do you exert so much energy into such an empty argument? It really does bother me...your a pest...
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Silly, your mind is so closed to the fact that anything can exist outside of our world. God, angels, demons and Satan are all beings that exist in the spiritual world that have the ability to enter the physical realm.

There is nothing else I can say about the above passages because your mind is closed and your heart is hard. You won't even accept that anyone elses opinion can be proper because you are so set on making sure no one can believe anything that you don't. You only open your mind to science and cannot see how a supernatural being could had a hand in the formation of everything. God and science can work together.

God and the angels existed a long time before creation. The fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels that were cast out of Heaven with him happened long before creation as well. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer taking physical form and tricking Eve into committing the first sin.

What you must realise, is that the old testament is not the most important part of Christianity. The old testament is mostly the history of the people of Isreal. Christianity is founded upon the teachings of Jesus and following what He taught. Christianity is not even a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Himself.

So unless you're willing to talk to me with an open heart my replies to you are done.

Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Silly, your mind is so closed to the fact that anything can exist outside of our world. God, angels, demons and Satan are all beings that exist in the spiritual world that have the ability to enter the physical realm.

There is nothing else I can say about the above passages because your mind is closed and your heart is hard. You won't even accept that anyone elses opinion can be proper because you are so set on making sure no one can believe anything that you don't. You only open your mind to science and cannot see how a supernatural being could had a hand in the formation of everything. God and science can work together.

God and the angels existed a long time before creation. The fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels that were cast out of Heaven with him happened long before creation as well. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer taking physical form and tricking Eve into committing the first sin.

What you must realise, is that the old testament is not the most important part of Christianity. The old testament is mostly the history of the people of Isreal. Christianity is founded upon the teachings of Jesus and following what He taught. Christianity is not even a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Himself.

So unless you're willing to talk to me with an open heart my replies to you are done.
Sillyputty, you said you read the bible, and your argument is that everything in the bible is literal or "VERBATIM" as you posted above. Other people view the bible as something figurative. The definition of figurative is of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal, as in figurative language.

Example is that you are saying 24 hours are 24 hours in a literal way... If you are thinkin figuratively on the bible verse its a metaphor for showing time...

This is why im not a fan of the Bible because people choose what they want to believe, and interpret the bible in their own way to spread their personal message...
My teacher told us that the creation story is a story(religion teacher). Homies goes up to him after class:

H:You don't believe in the creation story?
T: I believe a lot of the stories are used to inspire faith
I believe in God not that story
H: And here i was thinking you believed, you're a fake. I use to respect you.
This dude sounds like Karl Marx

Somethin made you salty

I like the dedication tho, you should write a book. No lie. Youve prob already got a small book by now just off NT. If you feel that strongly about something (the topic is irrelavant) do somethin constructive with it
The Bible shouldn't be taken literally. It's a piece of literature and should be treated as such. By all. Believers and nonbelievers. I mean, let's be serious, there's no way in hell a 150 hundred year old Abraham could father a son or it took Noah 300 years to build the ark.

Except the notion that you think jesus was always a stand up dude.

Dude is like a reformed guy in the front of the church telling others how he "used" to get down...right.

I wouldn't go that far. Dude was a kid and like any other kid that had these magical abilities to do crazy $%$@, he did it. Plus didn't he reverse all, or at the very least, most of the stuff he did? Need to reread those passages.

Whether we like it or not, all religions are essentially the same and have been derived and based upon each other since the origin of all mythologies. That shouldn't take away from one particular religion and cast one in a higher light than an other, although, that is something that Christians have unfortunately been doing since Idk, long +#@ time ago.
wait, I thought it was known that you weren't supposed to take Genesis literally

Some atheists and believers are too ignorant to that because of how much it was instilled in us as children, whether from attending Catholic institutions or having strict relatives.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

look at the dedication of this kid...go jump off a bridge please. 

...the hair stands up on your neck to argue about the God who supposedly doesn't exist on NT...your pathetic. 

Why do you exert so much energy into such an empty argument? It really does bother me...your a pest...

Thread really hit close to home for son right here.
you dudes seriously questioning this?

smh its GOD not some regular human being, anything is possible and nothing our little minds can grasp or comprehend so plz go
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

The Bible shouldn't be taken literally. It's a piece of literature and should be treated as such. By all. Believers and nonbelievers. I mean, let's be serious, there's no way in hell a 150 hundred year old Abraham could father a son or it took Noah 300 years to build the ark.

Except the notion that you think jesus was always a stand up dude.

Dude is like a reformed guy in the front of the church telling others how he "used" to get down...right.

I wouldn't go that far. Dude was a kid and like any other kid that had these magical abilities to do crazy $%$@, he did it. Plus didn't he reverse all, or at the very least, most of the stuff he did? Need to reread those passages.

Whether we like it or not, all religions are essentially the same and have been derived and based upon each other since the origin of all mythologies. That shouldn't take away from one particular religion and cast one in a higher light than an other, although, that is something that Christians have unfortunately been doing since Idk, long +#@ time ago.
wait, I thought it was known that you weren't supposed to take Genesis literally

Some atheists and believers are too ignorant to that because of how much it was instilled in us as children, whether from attending Catholic institutions or having strict relatives.

Umm...  It has to be taken literally in Christianity. 

If the story of Adam and Even never happened, the original sin never happened.

If the original sin never happened, Jesus would have never needed to come down to earth and die for us.

If we don't have the original sin, we don't need Jesus!

Even if it's not to be taken literally, how could God get such elementary astronomy facts so wrong? 
Everyone should read the books of the Bible that were written by Paul. That shows us how we are called to live our lives.
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Silly, your mind is so closed to the fact that anything can exist outside of our world. God, angels, demons and Satan are all beings that exist in the spiritual world that have the ability to enter the physical realm.

There is nothing else I can say about the above passages because your mind is closed and your heart is hard. You won't even accept that anyone elses opinion can be proper because you are so set on making sure no one can believe anything that you don't. You only open your mind to science and cannot see how a supernatural being could had a hand in the formation of everything. God and science can work together.

God and the angels existed a long time before creation. The fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels that were cast out of Heaven with him happened long before creation as well. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer taking physical form and tricking Eve into committing the first sin.

What you must realise, is that the old testament is not the most important part of Christianity. The old testament is mostly the history of the people of Isreal. Christianity is founded upon the teachings of Jesus and following what He taught. Christianity is not even a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Himself.

So unless you're willing to talk to me with an open heart my replies to you are done.
l m f a o
you mean unless he agrees with everything you said. passive aggressive bullying at it's finest. 
Not at all. There is no point having a conversation with someone who is basically saying NA NA NA NA I'm not listening ...

I believe what I believe and love having discussions with people who do and don't believe the same. But, if the person you are talking to has a hard heart and a closed mind, then what is the point? It's a dead end conversation.
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

Not at all. There is no point having a conversation with someone who is basically saying NA NA NA NA I'm not listening ...

I believe what I believe and love having discussions with people who do and don't believe the same. But, if the person you are talking to has a hard heart and a closed mind, then what is the point? It's a dead end conversation.
you accuse your brother of the same transgressions that you are guilty of. 
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