My most embarrassing and frustrating sexual experience W/ CLIFFNOTES

I felt like I just got out of the Delorean with Doc Brown

Grave diggin'
Originally Posted by early90s

Son just commited e-suicide

My lord that is pathetic. You need the whole alphabet after that my man, you and your girl. A regular L won't even suffice.

SHE didn't know which hole?

but honestly man
I feel so bad for you right now
Mine is short... well, not really... but.... yeah

If anybody remembers that thread I made a week ago about almost going to jail... you know that part about me fighting with my OG? Well yeah, basically.... Iain't get no $#@ AND had to sleep on the couch AFTER driving this girl 200 miles to school and almost getting locked up. That's about as big of an Lyou can take. She's cozy in her bed in her new apt, and I'm COLD AS %+#@ on the lazy boy, HELLA PISSED, and my __ is on the couch. Mind you, we gottadrive back home in the morning. She told my boy he was gonna meet her single roommates (three bad %*#!%%+ in one apt = win?) until we get there and the other 2are boo'd up, effectively making him a 7th wheel. This, after he offered up his wheels to get us down there
. Double FAIL. %+#@ her. And thisheifer was mad at me for bouncing without even saying goodbye.
Originally Posted by JiveTurkey813

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Mine is short... well, not really... but.... yeah

If anybody remembers that thread I made a week ago about almost going to jail... you know that part about me fighting with my OG? Well yeah, basically.... I ain't get no $#@ AND had to sleep on the couch AFTER driving this girl 200 miles to school and almost getting locked up. That's about as big of an L you can take. She's cozy in her bed in her new apt, and I'm COLD AS %+#@ on the lazy boy, HELLA PISSED, and my __ is on the couch. Mind you, we gotta drive back home in the morning. She told my boy he was gonna meet her single roommates (three bad %*#!%%+ in one apt = win?) until we get there and the other 2 are boo'd up, effectively making him a 7th wheel. This, after he offered up his wheels to get us down there
. Double FAIL. %+#@ her. And this heifer was mad at me for bouncing without even saying goodbye.

Yourrrr not Spppppeeeciallllllll
I know right? The hell? Now she's sad that I don't talk to her AT ALL.
- As some of y'all know, I'm 22 and my girl is 21.
She said "you don't know how (or where) to do it".. and after trying for a little bit, she was right… I didn't know where it goes.

and not only did you not know but she didnt either.
OH EM GEE ... why would you put this on NT? Your SN is gonna get dragged thru the dirt homie.

Sorry for your loss but yns.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

- As some of y'all know, I'm 22 and my girl is 21.
She said "you don't know how (or where) to do it".. and after trying for a little bit, she was right… I didn't know where it goes.

and not only did you not know but she didnt either.

Great execution...and yes someone was digging

OP, I feel bad for you. How do you get to two years in a relationship without smashing? That's the whole point in getting a girlfriend, nookie on theregular.

If you haven't hit by now, you should dump her, rent a porno (learn where the hole is) and smash ASAP (buy it if you have to). Also, use your hands in thefuture, that's how most of us did it the first time.
this same thing happen to me when i was like 14, but the chick was wayy more willing than yo chick doe fam. you need to find you a !%$% and get ya practice inand do work. thats what i did to get better
Wow, I remember reading this way back before I even started posting on NT.

This should be a confidence booster to ALL male NT'ers everywhere
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