My Personal Weight Loss ...(ISSUE)

May 17, 2006
Putting the info I am about to (and on here) goes against my better judgement but here goes...
5 years ago I weighed 210 pounds (and I am five eight). For me I was fat by fat standards. This was after having played basketball all through high school and even for 2 years at a juco. I knew how to train and get my cardio in I just didnt. And gained a bunch of weight quick I went from a solid 160 (playing weight) to 193 in the span from my last college basketball game to the first days of classes following year. Coach didnt recognize me at first. I was discouraged and thus ate and excused the rest of the weight I had gained. Tons of reasons for it but I see it as excuses.

Fast forward 7 months I lost all that weight and was down to 150. Held and maintained that weight for 2 years. Then slowly I have been gaining 3 pounds a year then 6 then 4 all the way back up to an incredible 190. Now to be honest some of that is just age not being able to eat what I was and have my metabolism take care of it. Part of that is getting lazy, working longer hours less free time to just hoop and workout. The kicker ... 1 year ago next month my daughter was born. From the time I found out she was on the way to now I have gained 18 pounds. Its plain ******ed that I let this happen again. So I am going to do something about it. 

Have the gym membership lined up, have a plan in mind and have been slowly eating better. Learning better control of portions (which I think everyone out of shape has a issue w/) and dedicating myself to this one more time. One more push to regain control of my body. Diabetes runs in my family so does high cholesterol. Just had a checkup before getting this weight loss plan locked in and doctor said this couldnt happen at a better time. Most of the test are good but there were a few that with time could push me down a path that so many in my family have dealt w/. 

So this post outside of irrititaing those looking for a quick read (wall of text) will be a source for me as motivation and as dedication to this. I am not one to go back on my word. And I hold myself accounatable for all my actions. So while it may not mean much to any of yall that a stranger is telling you he cant help but seem to revert back to being a fat %!! I am saying I promise to the strangers on the other end of this monitor that I am going to br be at 160 and sooner rather then later.

Thanks for reading, or thanks for clicking and at least WANTING to read before the words scared ya. Any tips and advice you'd like to give or just words of discouragement I welcomed it by making this post...
Good luck
Dude, I'm 5'10 225 and built like a linebacker. Being tiny and skinny isn't the end all, be all. If you put on the pounds on a proper bulk diet while maintaining a high level of activity your body will look fantastic.

Don't be stuck with the pipedreams of looking like one of them stick figures models in Abercrombie ads.
best of luck to you man

I'm around the same realm 5'10'' (220)

what's your plan? I'm just hoping to lose 20 by august but I need to get knee surgery.
6'1, 240 here. down from 260, 3 months ago

diet and lift man.

google "if calculator" and plan out your calories.

1. Write down what you eat and drink every single day, every week.
2. Read that again.
3. Try to rarely eat in restaurants
4. Do not drink your calories.
5. Plan ahead as being prepared is half the battle. Have your food ready for the week so when you leave your house each day you know what you are going to be having.
6. Move around and stay as active as possible each day.
7. Sleep.
good luck buddy. my philosophy in life is, if there's something you want, whether it's anything, money, women, a better body, a better life, just go get get. No excuses. No quitting. It's gonna be hard, extremely hard. But if it truly matters to you, keep pushing. Embrace that pain. Let it fuel you. Embrace the struggle. Feel the comfort in being uncomfortable. Losing weight is relatively easy in the grand scheme of things. Proper planning and discipline is really all you need. As far as the gym goes, get on a nice weight lifting program, and remember to lose fat, slow cardio is the way to go. Just hop on the treadmill and walk on a real low setting. You wont even need to sweat. And that's not opinion, that's science, bio. It works. I love the gym, I love to work out and sculpt my body as i can, so I can definitely understand the urge to want to be better. Be strong and stick with it.
Last year I was 225 pounds and I am 5'6 . That was fattest I was ever was in  my life, I went to book store and read about  Aktins and South beach diet, also I  read about sugar control in the diet books. I kind of took the info from all the book and make up my own diet. Eatting better and giving up fast food. What I learn was I was eatting way too much sugar, I learn how to eat less sugar and less carb foods, It helpped me feel better, lose weight, add that with the  gym ,Im down to 170 now, a more healthy weight. Still little bit to go, but in one year I have ran 5 half marathons and now Im training to do a full marathon in a few months.  I have never been able to run or jog for a long distant , but I have a goal and that to do the LA marathon next March. Give yourself goal, or something keep you on track.  I go to the gym everyday cause it give me 1 hour away time from wife and baby and I need that time to get out of the house.    Good luck!!!
weighed 220 at 5'6 a year ago.Dropped all the way down to 128.Then bulked up to 150.I focused on cardio with a little weight training cause muscle helps burn fat.My trick was basically following a simple rule "80% of the success is the way you eat!"
I focused on eating right, then it became repitition.Now, when I see a fast food joint ,Im like Meh!!I ate healthy in the morning.Most important start of the day.It was really hard at first , but when you notice the results , it keeps you motivated!Take pics. no romo and look at them to remind yourself of where you wanna be.Whenever I got hungry, I always had that one fruit that I loved and could eat on everyday!!Kept me satisfied.Also , never ate 3 hours prior to sleeping.Just me though.Also eat when you have a lunchbreak!!The rest of your work day will help you burn off those calories..BEST OF LUCK TO YOU MAN!!
Just watch that diet. Look into intermittent fasting. I went from 230 to current 168.

Ive had the same issues as you but have been able to keep the weight off so far.
I appreciate the tips and positive words of encouragement. I am honestly shocked its been this positive.
So far I have been doing good, I have gotten better at bringing my own food to work for my lunch brakes (usually salad w/chicken or grilled steak) and I been avoiding soda like its the plague. I have been avoiding eating after 7pm and trying to get at least some cardio in right when I wake up. Or a light snack on my first brake if I open (trail mix or granola bar w/ juice). It helps keep me balanced and eating just about whatever I want for dinner (no fast food at all though) but keeping portion control and a balance meal in mind. So far down 4 lbs and its only been about 11 days.
Seeing results and generally just feeling better and lighter makes this all worth it....

As far as my personal tips-
Propel water, I hate water w/ a passion but its tasty and sweet enough that it makes it enjoyable and satisfies that feeling soda gives.
Costco trail mix, big ol bag for super cheap I scoop a cup and a half into a bag and that is my snack/breakfast.
Going to bed slightly hungry, I could be tricking myself but I feel as if while I am sleeping I am burning more calories from fat storage this way, plus early morning workout or later then normal breakfast due to work does similarly.
"Lose It" app on my iPHONE, it allows me to chart what I eat, account for my activities (workouts, basketball, etc) and puts me on track.
Lastly one cheat meal a week, self explanatory I feel like if I am eating well and not missing out on the gym I can affoard it and it'll prevent me from having a horrible few days of eating w/ that 1 meal.

I wish all of you working through this like I am the best of luck. Remember it will all be worth it even if it sucks right now, and it will help develop better habits going forward.
My two cents

Nothing but water
Cut whatever you eat in half (Portion wise)
No fast foods AT ALL
Cardio 4 times a week (Mon wed fri sunday for example)
Originally Posted by Swamp

bro just stop eating… aint that hard… making excusing cmon

Must have the image I am obese dude eating pizza using my chest as a table. Not even close. Also no excuses made just explaining the journey. 
Right now its about fine tuning my habits and being better w/ what I eat and making time to work out. Appreciate the advice. I dont know if you read where I lost weight previously and kept it off for a long time. I know what to do just sharing the process w/ others who may be going through stuff similar as some have mentioned they are. None the less thanks all those chiming in one way or another.
Just getting back in the habbit might be the hardest part.

I'm down about 40lbs since February. Still have more to go but the results are keeping me going.
You and I are in the same relative boat. I have a larger frame but was still healthy at 5'8 205 lbs. I could run and jump with the best of them. Back in 2007 I blew out my knee and lost my job within a span of 2 months. Ballooned up to about 260 and hated it. Been hitting the gym regularly every morning at 6 am for like 2 months and I feel the diffrwence. Made it down to 220. Went to vegas for the weekend and gained like 6 back but I know what I need to do. .
No more late night meals.
hit the gym regularly,
Get my portions down.

My goal is 205 by the end of the summer. That beach body would be worth it. Getting all the yambs I can handle at that point.
I'm 210 right now struggling to get under 200. This time last year I was around 170.
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