My Professor just emailed me about my paper.

^ its called "Turnitin".

It's like a search engine that examines every word/sentence in a paper and calculates how much has been plagiarized. I say its BS though. I had a paperonce and it said 87% plagiarized when I only had 3 sources and I didn't copy a single sentence out of my sources.

Prof. Rice is just being an *** seriously. A sentence?
I know people who do word-for-word on their papers and never gets caught.
You can get away with it, i did before. Just say you forgot to cite it. is not as serious as they make it out to be. I only used it in HS, but oneof my teachers thought I plagiarized and I didn't. Told her to prove to me exactly where I plagiarized and she really couldn't pin point anything ofimportance in the paper that was. She believed me because of my grades but I really didn't. Just play the innocent card and you'll be fine.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

some professors get off on this kinda crap

the same ones who spents their entire life not having fun and thinking degrees are the only thing that matters as they carry their V card til they are 32 yrs old and has to rescue them
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Just tell him, "He made it a hot sentence, I made it a hot paragraph."
If you aren't BSing us and you truly have no idea what he is talking about, I say you go see him in his office. Just explain to him that you really have noidea what he is talking about. You will definitely have a much better chance of explaining yourself truthfully in person.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Teachers that Google every sentence in your paper deserve to lose their degree.

I definitely don't understand that one. I was a high school teacher and did that. caught at least 10 kids heavily plagiarizing. the students are straightup insulting the intelligence of the teacher and the integrity of the school.

you also obviously missed my thread a few weeks ago when I was writing a group paper in an MBA class and a group member gave me 5-6 pages of pure plagiarism aspart of the paper. you create bad habits they will never lose them.
I don't plagarize but it's different when you can blatantly see somebody is plagarizing, and sitting there Googling each sentence. I'm about tocheck out that though to see how legit it is.
Turnitin has been used for several years by the professors on my campus now. The thing is that there is no way you can get a 0%. Even if you do everythingyourself honestly, you will be in the ~50%!+* zone. SMH at the one sentence. I'd holler at the dean of your college. Especially if it's a very commonsentence..a bigger SMH.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

What's the big deal?

Your professor is obviously giving you an out.

Take advantage of it and tell them that you forgot or do not know how to do inbody citation.

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Did a paper on John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism and What the bleep!?!??!?!?!?!?

Dear David,

In grading your fourth paper on Mill, I have found a sentence which is not cited but which is identical to a sentence on an internet website. I am trying to figure out how it got into your paper, and I am wondering if you may have used some outside source for your paper which you forgot to cite or if there is some other explanation. If you have any info which could shed light on this, please email me, or, if you would rather stop by my office, you can let me know what time you are available in the afternoon on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Prof. Rice

damn sorry to hear that. not to scare you, but this could be a serious issue. someone really close to me was in the exact situation you are in. she unknowingly failed to cite ONE sentence in a paper and her professor caught it; the sentence wasn't a major part of her argument or thesis, more ofjust a space filler. although she had a good rapport with the school dean, she ended up being suspended for a semester. it was definitely a tough lessonlearned, but in the long run, it didn't affect her transcript or post-grad career options. i mean this is likely a worst-case scenario, seeing as it wasnothing egregious like copying an entire essay off the internet or cheating on a test, which could end up a lot worse. good luck my dude; just be honest withyour professor and tell him/her that you really didn't know that you may have copied it without proper citation. i was always scared about this kind ofsituation when i was going through my undergrad years. i think having your professors grade your papers is FAR FAR worse/more dangerous than having your GSIor TA read it.

to all those who are making it a laughing matter, yall must not know how hard some universities come down on "academic dishonesty" and plagirism. they definitely dont play about that kind of stuff.
Just ask him to point out which sentence it is, and tell him that you had no idea where that came from.
I think he wants to give you the opportunity to correct the situation based him saying in his e-mail that you may have "forgot" to cite a reference.Just go see him in his office, discuss the offending sentence, and submit a corrected version.
Doesn't matter if you missed a sentence. What you should be worrying about is helping out your so called professor with grammar.

SMH at all those uneccessary commas. I'm only a high school senior and i'd son him. Terrible.
The only paper I've ever handed in that wasn't my own work was on Mill's concept of Utilitarianism. This hot girl I know took the class thesemester before me
i'd just explain to him that you didn't mean to do it and your intentions weren't to cheat.

go to his office too instead of over e-mail, so he knows you're serious.
Originally Posted by funkyfreshfelix

Doesn't matter if you missed a sentence. What you should be worrying about is helping out your so called professor with grammar.

SMH at all those uneccessary commas. I'm only a high school senior and i'd son him. Terrible.
No, you "sonned" yourself. Those "unnecessary" commas equal correct grammar.
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