My prom is in 12 hours, and I CANT DANCE FOR BEANS! Happen to anyone before?!

Loosen up and don't be self-conscience.

Just move your body around.
Do your thing... practice in the mirror and dont worry about what people think of you!
Just post up on a wall and let shorty pop on you

or someone can post that Harlem Shake story again
haha, mine is in 12 hours as well, where you from?
Anyway, don't sweat it man.
Everyone looks stupid out there, and not dancing makes you look even more stupid, so just have fun.
realtalk even if you dance "nerdy" you can still pull it off, just have some enthusiasm. Keep your eyes wide open and I agree on the alcohol...stayaway from weed it might make you too paranoid and lazy..

I also suggest an energy stimulant
(w/e your umm...level of tolerance allows you to feel good)
just get drunk ... and if you are aginst that, real gangstas dont dance they just do the two steeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
eh...dancing is overrated at least for me it was. I ended up spending most of it taking pictures with everyone...Talking with friends...andgetting pumped for the after party!! Don't sweat it man..Just enjoy the experience!!
Lucky for you the dance floor is gonna be crowded. So it won't matter about who can and who can't dance 'cuz your body will be bumping up againstmore than just your girl. Shrug it off if you bump a dude, but if it's a female....that'd be a good time to get yourself a free cop-a-feel
Originally Posted by You Ugly

eh...dancing is overrated at least for me it was. I ended up spending most of it taking pictures with everyone...Talking with friends...and getting pumped for the after party!! Don't sweat it man..Just enjoy the experience!!
exactly. All these dance shows got people all twisted now. The "same ol' 2-step" is the ONLY dance a dude ever need.
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