My Run with Jordan Brand is over Please read and give your thoughts.

Jan 5, 2010
This might come off as venting but I signed up with NT just to post this. Ill make it quick and simple.

I know that there are alot of people who have been throwing Jordan under the bus with the last fiascos (raised prices, crap quality, discusting colorways andFrankensteins). In my opinion as a collector they have totally not only ruined their image but managed to screw over all their loyal customers as well. Thislast Space Jam release put the nail in the coffin for me and that brand. First off selling a shoe at 175$ that didnt even go thru quality control is garbage.How can you as a respected company put out this crap? Not only put it out but I like many of you went thru the grind just to get a pair. I own multiple pairsof Original Space jams and when I got my new pair in the mail yesterday from Finish line I almost laughed my **! off after seeing all the little bumps in thewhite and quality of material. I looked at the shoe held it in my hand turned it around a couple of times and just Pictured all the people in JB knowing thatthey are putting out a product for top dollar that wouldn't pass QC in any company PERIOD. Then I went and got some OG Jams to compare the quality andpeople who say they are on PAR must be delusional. Night and Day difference. I applaud JB for making tons of the end of the day its only businessright? But when you have such a strong following of people trying to get shoes I.E. all the Spacejam have to have a little bit of heart andcompassion to not only put out a good product that meets the expectations of your customers but also keeps the Mystique of what your company and the XI is allabout.. Picture some little Chinese guy coming out the factory telling his boss that they have a problem and all the shoes have little extra bumps then theboss calls up corporate JB and they just say well uhhh how much is it gonna cost to fix it...ahhh screw it just put it out. We dont want to put oput a qualityproduct. And they know nobody will return them.....

That's just shady business.

So all in all after hearing all the horror stories in this forum about Jordan brand i just cannot stomach anymore to fork over anymore of my MONEY to theseguys who are obviously taking clear advanatage of a heritage once lost to people who just want to cut corners, cut cost, and make more money doing so. Im notgonna be a SUCKER anymore.

My final word on all of this is for all your NEWBS out there in the Jordan game that havent been around since the golden years of 99-00 god bless your soulsand money. JB is pulling your pants down and not even giving you the courtesy of......well you know.

Good Bye JB you really disappointed me.
I can't believe I just read all that.
I can't believe you signed up just to share that with people.
With all the money you'll save from not buying Jordans anymore you should take a LONG LONG holiday and.....
I still SMH at the people who have JB employees putting guns to their heads and making them buy their shoes!!!!
If you don;t like the quality then DONT WASTE your MONEY.
But i'm willing to bet that you buy at least 1 pair of the black or white VI's that come out this year.
bye Juan - don't forget that most of the ppl here buy so many pairs that each pair hardly gets worn (if ever) so the quality does not need to be thatgreat. Think about all of the people who complain on here because they're 10 year old jordans fell apart after being worn three times. I am fortunateenough that none of mine have really fallen apart but i've been starting to rock all of my old school retros. I'm never going to sell them and they areuseless sitting in boxes in my closet. Also, I am selective with what I buy. I bought the og space jams because I loved the movie and the kicks, but I did notfall victim to the hype and buy the new 2009 crappy ones. The only pair I ever bought a second time was true blue 3s because you could get them easily where Ilive (Toronto) and I've never even worn them and want to sell them. Whatever, you are a big boy and can make your own decisions - as I am sure most of uswill.
Originally Posted by FrAnK Wh1t3

This might come off as venting but I signed up with NT just to post this. Ill make it quick and simple.

I know that there are alot of people who have been throwing Jordan under the bus with the last fiascos (raised prices, crap quality, discusting colorways and Frankensteins). In my opinion as a collector they have totally not only ruined their image but managed to screw over all their loyal customers as well. This last Space Jam release put the nail in the coffin for me and that brand. First off selling a shoe at 175$ that didnt even go thru quality control is garbage. How can you as a respected company put out this crap? Not only put it out but I like many of you went thru the grind just to get a pair. I own multiple pairs of Original Space jams and when I got my new pair in the mail yesterday from Finish line I almost laughed my **! off after seeing all the little bumps in the white and quality of material. I looked at the shoe held it in my hand turned it around a couple of times and just Pictured all the people in JB knowing that they are putting out a product for top dollar that wouldn't pass QC in any company PERIOD. Then I went and got some OG Jams to compare the quality and people who say they are on PAR must be delusional. Night and Day difference. I applaud JB for making tons of the end of the day its only business right? But when you have such a strong following of people trying to get shoes I.E. all the Spacejam have to have a little bit of heart and compassion to not only put out a good product that meets the expectations of your customers but also keeps the Mystique of what your company and the XI is all about.. Picture some little Chinese guy coming out the factory telling his boss that they have a problem and all the shoes have little extra bumps then the boss calls up corporate JB and they just say well uhhh how much is it gonna cost to fix it...ahhh screw it just put it out. We dont want to put oput a quality product. And they know nobody will return them.....

That's just shady business.

So all in all after hearing all the horror stories in this forum about Jordan brand i just cannot stomach anymore to fork over anymore of my MONEY to these guys who are obviously taking clear advanatage of a heritage once lost to people who just want to cut corners, cut cost, and make more money doing so. Im not gonna be a SUCKER anymore.

My final word on all of this is for all your NEWBS out there in the Jordan game that havent been around since the golden years of 99-00 god bless your souls and money. JB is pulling your pants down and not even giving you the courtesy of......well you know.

Good Bye JB you really disappointed me.

Originally Posted by airBOZretroIII

I can't believe I just read all that.
I can't believe you signed up just to share that with people.
With all the money you'll save from not buying Jordans anymore you should take a LONG LONG holiday and.....
I still SMH at the people who have JB employees putting guns to their heads and making them buy their shoes!!!!
If you don;t like the quality then DONT WASTE your MONEY.
But i'm willing to bet that you buy at least 1 pair of the black or white VI's that come out this year.

What he said...
I agree. JB is a shell of its former self. But if you think about it from a business standpoint they HAVE to use cheap materials. I mean, look at all the nonretro stuff coming out. Its garbage imo. No innovation, and Im sorry but the jumpman does not look as smooth and sleek all over a shoe like a swoosh. They haveto maximize on shoes they know will sell out. However, it still doesnt make it right. I lost all respect for Jordan Brand many moons ago. Pretty sad that the 1shoe they use top materials on is a winterized hybrid boot.
Don't you know as years go on price increases??? The value of a dollar is more now than it was back then especially in this economy. Yes we all know whatJB's plans are..cheaper materials and sell at higher prices. Get off your high horse and stop comparing them to back in the golden era and live in thepresent. A lot more to life then just shoes.
Spacejams ARE crap.Got mine yesterday and man was I disapointed. I actually checked with a Nike rep, because at first I thought they were fake. Where's thecomfort?
I have a similar feeling about this subject. I didn't even flinch when the Space Jam's were announced. Saw the first picture of them early last yearand that was the deal-breaker.

The company has been on a downward spiral for the past few years, in my opinion. The brand has become exploited and bastardized in the eyes of the consumer.

I can kind of relate this to Dell's business strategy. Once a premiere brand name producing high-quality product turning to cheaper resources andlower-quality output. Regardless, people WILL STILL buy!! They are paying for the NAME and the LOGO, simple as that. True sneakerheads, like I considermyself, are basically SOL.

Quality along with other details have fallen by the wayside. And it's not just the sneakers. The clothing design has also taken its toll. Creativity andquality lack on clothing design and accessories. Quality is subpar compared to what can be had for around the same price.

Ramble, ramble, ramble. I posted something similar to this a few months ago...
^^^ I own a business...I know that the dollar is not the same...SERIOUSLY. Im talking terms of quality of material. If you look at any retro IV from back thenand look at the Militarys or Fire Reds what a difference a couple of years and more money makes right? Why is it they make the XXIII really well butsimilarly priced Space Jams with 100x more hype gets made like crap?

As far as i know the Space Jam is probably the biggest release since the first DMP. Jordan brand knows that the whole world is gonna go ape +@*$ for theJams......why not provide a good product? Its not a mystery to them that they were gonna sell out in Minutes....why not make a good product to back up thehype? Is that not a feasable question to ask the people who run JB?

Im not trying to hate on anyone here so why the negativity? I have been around and seen it all in the shoe game...just giving my opinion. Im not an out spokenperson but this just pissed me off to the point to where I said Screw these just trying to open peoples eyes and maybe get a reaction from someonewho actually works at JB.
well just cop what you like, and if the material is wack then stop copping.. let keep it simple
Originally Posted by FrAnK Wh1t3

^^^ I own a business...I know that the dollar is not the same...SERIOUSLY. Im talking terms of quality of material. If you look at any retro IV from back then and look at the Militarys or Fire Reds what a difference a couple of years and more money makes right? Why is it they make the XXIII really well but similarly priced Space Jams with 100x more hype gets made like crap?

As far as i know the Space Jam is probably the biggest release since the first DMP. Jordan brand knows that the whole world is gonna go ape +@*$ for the Jams......why not provide a good product? Its not a mystery to them that they were gonna sell out in Minutes....why not make a good product to back up the hype? Is that not a feasable question to ask the people who run JB?

Im not trying to hate on anyone here so why the negativity? I have been around and seen it all in the shoe game...just giving my opinion. Im not an out spoken person but this just pissed me off to the point to where I said Screw these just trying to open peoples eyes and maybe get a reaction from someone who actually works at JB.


Jordan Brand could have made the Space Jam's out of manure and people would still be flocking ...and rioting. Why? More time and effort is invested intodeveloping and producing new and innovative products because retro's are in high demand and are almost guaranteed to sell, regardless of quality andappearance.

Nike operates under the EXACT same M.O. The retro's are horrendous and bastardized versions of its predecessors. On the other hand, the Air Max 2009 andKobe IV, just to name a couple, seem to be made with a higher standard of quality.

It's simple economics. I can't say that I was shocked when the price of the Jam's were revealed and consumers were still determined to grab apair, or five. They were, and still are, in high demand. The Jordan 2009's, on the other hand, were the epitome of fail.
I guess like everyone has already stated. If you don't likle it don't buy it
i personally like the post. my first jordans i bought were in 1985 and it's disappointing what they give us now. i no longer buy as many jordans becausethey simply are garbage now. i hate to say it, but it's true. i also passed on the space jams without a blink of an eye. that would've never happenedin the past with me. same with the black/varsity red VI's. i'm passing. jordan brands quality and games with consumers have turned me off and i buyother shoes now.
The sad thing is that JB knows that we know that they know they are playing games with us and the morons that we are just make them that more richer. Mybiggest gripe is how far they fell off from where they were.

Didnt someone in another thread make a quote from some in JB saying they want to market it as a high scale and not sell to poor ignorant people? If that wastruE then
We all know quality sucks but on the flip side just be happy retros even exist. I've said this before and will say it again, the fact that JB even makesretros is a bonus. People on here get so upset that the quality is bad and it's not like the originals and all that. Trust me I see your point. But at thesame token I'm just happy I'm given the chance to get a fresh pair of retros many years after they were released. I'm never going to sit here andsay that what JB does is right or wrong, it's their business. But if you like a shoe and have always wanted that shoe I don't think a few tiny bumps onthe midsole or a few extra dollars is going to stop you from buying it. There's lots of things I wish that JB would do but then again that's just myperfect world scenario. So for me I just sit back and wait for a release that I really want and then get it because I know some day down the road JB will stopmaking retros forever and then the NT board is really going to be filled with JB sucks because they don't put out retros any more posts. And one last notethe golden era of JB was not 99-00 it was 85 to 98.
^^^ good post. I didnt mean the actual golden era of Jordan...obviously it was 85-98 i was talking in terms retros and re releases....
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