My sis just copped some, its a wrap when I get home

Yup it's that time of the year again...Egg Nog Mania
i only like the sweet tasting egg nog, but id take REAL 17% alcohol rompope over this crsap anyday

being mexican FTW
Actually I don't get the lowfat one, it was the only pic I saw...I don't like the viscosity of it. But its gotta be organic.

i'll pass. i don't know what it is about 'organic' that takes the excitement away from food, but it does.
Originally Posted by khadafi252


i'll pass. i don't know what it is about 'organic' that takes the excitement away from food, but it does.

What do you mean by your sig?
egg nog is way too thick by itself.

I cant drink it unless I mix it with 7-up, Sprite, or maybe gingerale but its like a 1:4 ratio
egg nog:soda for me
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