mynameisdebby's collection - updated.

Decent collection. I wonder who put homegirl up on game. The internet? A local veteran? An elder family member who is well versed in Hip Hop?One of the drawbacks to smaller shoe sizes is they don't always have all the technology (features) of the original design.
Originally Posted by truniversal

Decent collection. I wonder who put homegirl up on game. The internet? A local veteran? An elder family member who is well versed in Hip Hop? One of the drawbacks to smaller shoe sizes is they don't always have all the technology (features) of the original design.

white infas, black infas, bordeaux, nomos,powder x's, og griffeys, sharks...decent? as far as variety goes, and how rare a lot of these shoes have to be in that size, this collection is extremelyappreciated. dudes just cant give compliments
Originally Posted by joeman1515

Originally Posted by truniversal

Decent collection. I wonder who put homegirl up on game. The internet? A local veteran? An elder family member who is well versed in Hip Hop? One of the drawbacks to smaller shoe sizes is they don't always have all the technology (features) of the original design.

white infas, black infas, bordeaux, nomos, powder x's, og griffeys, sharks...decent? as far as variety goes, and how rare a lot of these shoes have to be in that size, this collection is extremely appreciated. dudes just cant give compliments
Pardon my standards. I'm just not easily impressed. I appreciate the fact that Debby did some diggin', but I'm curiousas to why.

In fact, lets ask.....

Debby: Thanks for sharing. Just out of curiosity, why the interest in sneakers released before you were old enough to know what was fly? And how did you getput up on sneaker styles? How do they say it here at NT? Um, "School Me On Your Sneaker History"...that's it.
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