Myspace FTW or FTL??

Nov 11, 2007
I took my page down last year because I felt like the whole thing was corny, why have over a hundred "friends" you don't know personally? Is itjust me or is the site a waste or time? Tell me what you think! Cause I thought about throwing up another page just to keep in touch w folkz but I don'twant to get sucked into the competition and popularity b.s.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Every few weeks when I'm bored, I find myself signing on and deleting peoplefor no reason. I barely sign on though
Originally Posted by saymoregotsole

I took my page down last year because I felt like the whole thing was corny, why have over a hundred "friends" you don't know personally? Is it just me or is the site a waste or time? Tell me what you think! Cause I thought about throwing up another page just to keep in touch w folkz but I don't want to get sucked into the competition and popularity b.s.

Myspace is trash. Dudes need to really go outside and put in work. Half these guys scared to talk to a chick in person anyway. They rather send friendrequests.

Most of the
chicks I bag dont even have no myspace or facebook. The more dudes on myspacethe better my odds on the streets.
people constantly going "w4w" "pc4pc" etc.
50 million bulletins saying "add my homie"...
glad I deleted mine.
and I can't for get "new pics! comment them"...
FTL...I dont wanna be friends with some random 15 yr-old chick from Omaha, I dont care if I'm in ya Top (8, 16, 32, googol), unless I know you I dont wannahear ya music, I dont feel like changin my song every 2 weeks, and I dont wanna read ya bulletin tellin me that youre online....yall can keep all that nonsense
My myspace is just for $!!!@ and giggles, but my facebook is more personal, just strictly for people I know.
I just use it to communicate with friends w/o Facebook.

You guys have to admit, without Mspace, e-stalking would be hard,
I just use it to keep in touch with certain people. Other than's for kids.
i deleted my myspace 2 years go.

recently just got it back. i only have my family on it. so i have about 20 friends or so.

facebook > myspace
It's alright.

I'm on MySpace, but recently, I've been using Facebook more often.

It's easier to find people, and everything seems to be more organized.
im not too familiar with these abbreviations . . . what's ftl and ftw. and if theyre not appropriate for the forum, id appreciate a pm. thanks
i started my myspace in june of my freshman year in HS, deleted it three months later...found it corny/ a junior now

facebook ftw
Definitely FTL. I'm on there to keep up with some of my friends I don't see that much anymore. I probably go on like once a week.
Originally Posted by 1 of 1

im not too familiar with these abbreviations . . . what's ftl and ftw. and if theyre not appropriate for the forum, id appreciate a pm. thanks
Ftl is for the lost and ftw is for the win. I just use myspace to keep up with friends.
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