Myspace FTW or FTL??

Haven't signed on once. My friends and even family have one but I don't really care for it nor need it. I think its great for musicians or any kind ofimage your trying to get out.
I got one, gotta say it's pretty annoying, especially with all these "taking a shower brb" bullitens.
eh. i don't really know. i prefer it over Facebook. Facebook is overrun with too many boneheaded college kids just trying to show off how drunk they get.
But I must say.... as far as smashing within 50 miles of a browse......"W". It's to easy
I use both myspace and facebook, at times FB is boring just like myspace can be boring at times.
I use Facebook as means to keep in touch with the people I know, and sometimes I meet new people. I was addin' all of those applications for no reason atfirst...I hate 'em now.

But I use Myspace for music promotion. Peep the sig.

i dont go on much but i use it to see what my friends/fam are up to. it dosent hurt! and you are not too cool for myspace.

i just dont get all the myspace whores.
I used to be on it a couple times a day but now I really don't care about it no more. I just check once a day whenever I'm online but that's aboutit.
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