Myspace Heads...If I delete a page can I re-use the original name?

Jan 8, 2002
I want to turn my current page into a myspace music page, but my question is if I delete my current page can I sign up with my new page and use that name or isit permanently deleted?

I really like my current name and would rather not have to make a new one. Thanks!
ask this guy
I came on NT because I figured enough people had myspace and myspace music pages that they could help me with.
thanks goin to cancel my account and try to use the same name...if not thats koo too....i'll just use another name
Originally Posted by JayeRell

thanks goin to cancel my account and try to use the same name...if not thats koo too....i'll just use another nameir
or you can just have a personal page and a music page
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