N.Y. GIANTS FANS: What's a good nickname for the DAVID TYREE CATCH ?

^Super Producer I was thinking ET at first, something like "ET Phone Home"
....real random i know
The only way a name would stick would be if Joe Buck called it during the game. If we think of a name now, its not going to all of a sudden stick and everyoneis gonna use it. I think for now its just going to be "The catch"
Max Kellerman > All....especially his prayers every week whenever the Giants faced a new opponent.
The Ty-Reach

Ty-riffic catch!

The break free to Tyree

The Reception that ended perfection

Tyree likes head!
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

The first thing that came to my mind was "The Great Escape"

"The Great Escape" is the Jordan dribble, spin off 2 Knicks and dunk on Pat Ewing play. "The Scramble" sounds good though IMHO.
The Scramble is alright, but it doesn't capture the catch at all (just the Eli portion of the play).

T shirt material people....T-SHIRT MATERIAL !
I like some of these lol. "Hail Manning" is dope and 10-85 is really fitting seeing as how Eli arrived late and Patriot perfection was delayedindefinitely lol. How about The Karma Connection, or The Perfect Play?
Hail Manning is dope. IMO the most fitting name thrown out though was the "TyREEception"....real good, I like that one... This one will never workmainly because its not really catchy, but seriously, I wont hesitate to refer to it amongst my boys as "The Oh My God" play. After seeing that happenSunday night, its ALL I kept saying....................................until Eli hit Plax in the Endzone.......then I jus started yelling WE WANT ITMORE....lol
Tyreeception is money.

Mez, put that on shirts. It will sell sell sell

Hail Manning is pretty good too.

IMO, 10-85 is

My suggestion is the Back Breaker... or the Pats Breaker...

... good thing im not a marketer
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