Nail....Meet....Head....Vol. Dr. Umar Johnson Discusses Racism, President Obama, Personal Agenda Vs.

Dont know what the hell your talmbout doggy. And dont ever try to call me out by lyin about somethin ive never said, or gave you a reason to think I feel the way your lie is portraying me too. Ill smack you wit a pack of tortillas in real life if you try to assassinate my character again bozo.
$100 and they determined your roots off saliva? Iono doggy sounds likeyou got hustled. They prolly just said 25% based off your last name or somethin.

I definitely wana know more about my roots that way i can school my son later. Ever try the free trial on ancestry? Is it a pain in the *** to cancel?
$100 and they determined your roots off saliva? Iono doggy sounds likeyou got hustled. They prolly just said 25% based off your last name or somethin.

I definitely wana know more about my roots that way i can school my son later. Ever try the free trial on ancestry? Is it a pain in the *** to cancel?
$100 for a DNA test seems kinda fishy. Doctors are currently testing my DNA for 1 single gene and my bill will be roughly €2000. The testing takes about 6 months. I can't help but question these services claiming to test your DNA in just a few weeks and for as little as $100
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I wish I could rep posts more than once.
Some solid points he made but dudes swear President Obama is the magic negro that can do ANY and EVERYTHING. It doesn't work that way, simple checks and balances that anyone should know if they study basic civics.

Also, Dr Umar Johnson would have you think every black male gets shuffled into special education at any early age and that simply isn't the case. The fact of the matter is more of US simply are not taking education seriously enough at a younger age for various reasons, mostly because of lack of family structure.
Orrrr because the US public school system is pure ****, especially for Black Americans...who are designated 3 paragraphs about their culture and history in between the 18 years of schooling dedicated to those of their oppressors.
Bringing up homosexual issues in a thread clearly not meant for that. Bruhs in here legit said 'I can't focus on all of the sense he's making because of his views of homosexuals.'

The fact that it was even mentioned in here to begin with is nonsense. It's an agenda to distract from the topic at hand by introducing a new challenger. 'Hey, I know you guys are talking about black people and the struggles they face, and I dig that, but hey, what about gay people? Can we talk about them too? What if I bring up gay black people, then can you spare a listen?' It's an agenda to not focus on this by distracting with that.

Someone says 'Black Lives Matter', someone comes and says, 'No Bro, Humanity'. Defer from the issues plaguing these people to focus on everyone else that is already being taking care of? You have a guy that's sore next to a guy on fire and you want to give a back rub to guy 1 first before addressing the flames?


Trump has some good ideas but he's pretty much dismissed due to his other gibberish. Everyone does deserve equality, no need for ya'll to be that incensed about that, acknowledging that doesn't negate prioritizing your own very real struggle. But alas, that wasn't what this thread was about, and I apologize for any part I played in the derailment. If we can somehow magically overcome the NT way and get back on track, that would be great. Because with the issue at hand, i'm tired and ready for solutions. I'll even yield to some of you **** heads arguments to help progress.
Orrrr because the US public school system is pure ****, especially for Black Americans...who are designated 3 paragraphs about their culture and history in between the 18 years of schooling dedicated to those of their oppressors.

That's the other part of the equation as well. It doesn't change my point that education is not a priority in the home.
Orrrr because the US public school system is pure ****, especially for Black Americans...who are designated 3 paragraphs about their culture and history in between the 18 years of schooling dedicated to those of their oppressors.

The fact that schools teach that black history starts with us on the Amistad is an issue all it's own that desperately needs to be addressed. Like..uhmm..wait...we didn't exist before we were on the slave ships fam? We just..poof...slaves ships?

Egyptians are really just white people huh? K.

He that controls the media and the literature controls everything. History = His Story. The past can go however you want it to when you write the stories.

Printed literature reading in this country is at an all time low. People opt for digital, either online or through just watching movies/TV. The majority of the printed books are being weeded out. Once a book is printed and distributed, that's it. It's out there for the world to see. So if the main character is black, he'll remain black. Digital media can be changed at a moments notice. Don't want the main character to be black or middle eastern anymore? Click edit and save.

Hollywood has whitewashed minority charactors for years.

Egyptians were white. Goku was white. The Prince of Persia was white. Katniss, white. The last Samurai was white. The fastest Indian? White. John Wayne played Ghengis Khan for Christ sakes.

Kids coming up see these things and relate their ideas of their history to that. Like damn, did black people do anything? Did asians and africans do anything? Seems like all the best people in history were white. and it's complete bs.
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Orrrr because the US public school system is pure ****, especially for Black Americans...who are designated 3 paragraphs about their culture and history in between the 18 years of schooling dedicated to those of their oppressors.

That's the other part of the equation as well. It doesn't change my point that education is not a priority in the home.

Just to add as far as education, it doesn't help that our history (and history of minorities in general) are electives instead of being part of the regular traditional curriculum
Honestly though, we seriously need to come up w/ a solution to fix our educational system. From what's being taught, how teaching is being hindered through standardized tests, and how to find alternative solutions to school spending and funding through property taxes.
I had a heated conversation with my mom last night on this subject. She's a successful black woman and I'm doing ok, but we have completely different perspectives on race relations. What we did agree on is that we can both do more. She's been giving her time and money to a school in her area and challenged me to do something similar. The conversation ended with both of us chilled out, but agreeing. I'm gonna find a school and put my time in. Also gonna start soliciting for donations from businesses when I get a plan together. She called me out and I needed to hear it.
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I had a heated conversation with my mom last night on this subject. She's a successful black woman and I'm doing ok, but we have completely different perspectives on race relations. What we did agree on is that we can both do more. She's been giving her time and money to a school in her area and challenged me to do something similar. The conversation ended with both of us chilled out, but agreeing. I'm gonna find a school and put my time in. Also gonna start soliciting for donations from businesses when I get a plan together. She called me out and I needed to hear it.

If you're comfortable discussing it, can you share some of what her stance was and your own?
Basically violence isn't the answer, "black on black" crime is a problem, and education is key to us getting out of our condition. I tend to focus on the causes of why there is crime, why our education is lacking and the hypocrisy of this country yelling out violence isn't the answer when it's convenient.
Blocking "LIONBLOOD" makes your NT experience so much smoother.

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this is hilarious :lol: :lol:

I'm definitely steering my kids away from eurocentricism as soon as they are able to understand.

My daughter will be doing music reports on zaytoven, not Beethoven

Start early, my daughter is 8 and I match what I teach her at home up to what they're learning at school except for math, I teach her math at a rate she's comfortable with. But she is beyond her grade level in math, reading, social studies, and science. Request a syllabus every grading period, and keep contact with your kids teachers throughout the year!
Some solid points he made but dudes swear President Obama is the magic negro that can do ANY and EVERYTHING. It doesn't work that way, simple checks and balances that anyone should know if they study basic civics.

It's not an issue of doing everything, he's done NOTHING! Yall keep talking about checks and balances but tell me what hes tried to do for black folks that was negated by the other branches? If there is anything of substance he TRIED, its just try a COUPLE things in 8 dam years then give up? All i hear is excuses for this man.

Orrrr because the US public school system is pure ****, especially for Black Americans...who are designated 3 paragraphs about their culture and history in between the 18 years of schooling dedicated to those of their oppressors.

That's the other part of the equation as well. It doesn't change my point that education is not a priority in the home.

In whose home? Thats a sweeping generalization. Education may not be as important in poverty stricken homes or homes with substance abuse issues. I don't think its fair to say middle to upper class black homes value education less than their white counter parts. Thats the same old, "blacks are lazy and dont wanna work" argument. As was said, its white supremacy and systematic disfranchisement in the school system that is an issue, not blacks not wanting to learn.
Basically violence isn't the answer, "black on black" crime is a problem, and education is key to us getting out of our condition. I tend to focus on the causes of why there is crime, why our education is lacking and the hypocrisy of this country yelling out violence isn't the answer when it's convenient.

That's the thing most do is focus on the effect and not the cause as if the effect just miraculously happened w/o any precursors. I think I'm going to put the pressure on my daughter's school this school year about teachings during BHM, I know it's not major but it's baby steps. All they focus on in MLK and that's it for 28 days.
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