Name 1 thing that changed your life when you first tried it.

wow. I was expecting some real profound stuff in here and what I see is a bunch of crap. but that is what I have come to expect from NT.
for me I'd say snorkling in tropical waters. I fell in love with it my first time and to this day could spend all day doing it. knock it all you want butit's better than any drug
LSD - seriously.

First time changed my life. Gave me a new perspective on everything and caused me to be really objective and open minded about things.
, Doe$n't matter what it$ in. It be getting an A in $chool,winning in videogame$, on the job, etc. I don't even know when I got my 1$t ta$te but i've been addicted every $ince. The feeling you get from $ucce$$i$ euphoric.
Air Jordan XI
eating ({})
Ralph Lauren
braids (broads were flockin)

spicy beef/broccoli chinese
eating the box
getting dome with a big gulp
house/ambiance/trance while driving at night with the windows down..
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

For me, it has to be basketball.

I don't think I would be the confident person I am today without basketball. It helped me get to know a lot of people, helped me find a place in high school, got me a lot of respect. Basketball is something to turn to when I am under stress, pressure, etc. Surprisingly, I get the highest grades during the term of my basketball season... I truly believe in the fact that basketball IS a brotherhood.

Met almost all my friends because of Basketball

I dunno where I would be without Sports
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