NBA 2K9 Isomotion Help Thread: Leave Your Egos At The Door

Oct 13, 2001
MODS I know there is another 2K post but many folks need assistance with this. Would you be ever so gracious to keep this post open. Thanks

You HAVE to practice these moves this year. Don't get upset at the game because you don't know what to tell it to do to do what you want it to do. Justlike a female, you have to do the right things to get what you want.

Lets start off with the actual MOVES. Credit Goat from OperationSports
I already posted this info in another thread but I felt it deserved its own thread.

Here are some of the in game tutorial moves.

The Tutorials are:
-Movement & Shooting (basic stuff).
-Isomotion (Important so I didn't skip anything).
-Post Moves (I might do this later today. Typing helps me remember. lol.)
-Passing & Defense
-Dual Player & Coaching.
-Off-Ball Control.


-Bank shot
Pull and Hold LT and move the RS (or press X) to direct the ball towards the backboard for a bank shot. The player will only use bank shots from within proper angles to the basket.

When dribbling towards the basket, move the RS either to the left or the right side of the basket.

when dribbling towards the basket, move the RS away from the basket to throw a floater.

-Reverse Layup
When dribbling towards the basket along the baseline, you can reform a reverse layup by moving the RS toward the baseline direction.

-Reverse Dunk
While dribbling towards the basket, pull and hold RT and move the RS away from the basket.


-Changing Shot
You can change your shot while in midair to avoid a potential block. while the player is in the air to preform a dunk or layup, quickly move the RS in any direction to change your shot.


Pull and hold RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand to perform a Crossover. For example, with th ball in the right hand, quickly move the LS toward the player's left hand.

-Double Cross
Pull and hold RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand and then back to the ball hand direction.

-In & Out
Pull and hold RT + LT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand and then back to the ball hand direction.

-Half Spin
Pull and hold LT + RT, nd move the LS toward the player's facing direction. Then quickly move the LS to the opposite direction.

Pull and hold RT, and rotate the LS in a half-circle starting from the ball hand to the opposite hand (going around the player' back).

-Behind the Back
Pull and hold LT + RT, and rotate the LS in a half-circle starting from the ball hand to the opposite hand (going around player's back).

While standing, pull and release LT to perform a Sizeup move.

While standing, pull and release RT to perform a Stutter move.

-Quick Hesitation
Same as stutter just moving.

-Hesitation Drive
Same as Quick Hesitation just driving to the basket.

-Hesitation Cross
While moving, pull and release RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand.

While moving, pull and hold RT, and quickly move the LS in the opposite direction of the player's movement.

-Stop & Go
While moving, pull and hold RT, and quickly move the LS in the opposite direction of the player's movement. Then, move the LS in the initial direction that the player was moving.

-Hop Step
While moving to the basket press Y.

-Hop Step Spin
While moving towards the basket, pull and hold RT, and then press Y.

-Hop Step Away
While moving towards the basket, quickly move the LS to the opposite direction and press Y.


-Protect Ball
With the ball and an unused dribble, pull nd hold LT + RT and move the LS opposite the player's facing direction.

-Jab Step
Same as Protect Ball but move LS toward the player's facing direction. You can Jab Step in various directions away from the pivot foot.

-Launch Left/Right
With the ball and an unused dribble, pull and hold RT and move the LS to either left or the right side. You can also use either Jab Step or Protect Ball to set up the launch moves and fake out your defender.

-Spin Launch
with the ball and an unused dribble, enter the Protect Ball stance. Pull and hold RT and move the LS opposite the player's facing direction to perform a spin.

-Post Up
Pull and hold LT, then move towards the defender to post him up.

Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS away from the defender.

-Hold Ball High
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS towardes the defender.

-Shoulder Fake
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS to the left or right of the defender.

-Pump Fake
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, tap X or quickly move the RS in any direction. If no pivot foot has been established, you can Pump Fake to either right or left side by quickly moving the RS to the left or the right side of your player, or move the LS to the left or the right side of youe player and tap X.

-Hop Step
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, press Y to perform a Hop Step.

Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, release LT and move the LS to either the left or right side of the direction the player is facing.

Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball with an unused dribble, pull and hold RT and move the LS towards the opposite direction your player is currently facing.

-Pump Fake to Hop Step
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RSin any direction to Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, tap Y to follow up with a Hop Step.

-Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RS in any Direction to Pump Fake.Once the Pump Fake starts, pull and hold RT and tap Y to follow up with a Hop Step Spin. Only players with a high Post rating (OPOSY) can perform this move. Lower rated players will perform a regular Hop Step.

-Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin (opposite side)
Same as above but once the Pump Fake starts, move the LS to the direction behind the player and tap Y to follow up with a Hop step spin. Only players with a high (OPOST) can do this.

-Pump Fake to Drive
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RS in any direction to Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, release LT, pull and hold RT and move the LS towards the basket for the drive.

-Faceup Jumpshot
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS away from the defender to Faceup. Once the Faceup starts, press X or move the RS down and release for the jumpshot.

-Post Package Shot - Hook
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS towards the basket to perform a Hook Shot.

-Post Package Shot - Fadeaway
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS away from the basket to perform a Fadeaway.

-Post Package Shot - Roll Left
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS to the left of the player's facing direction.

-Post Package Shot - Roll Right
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS to the right of the player's facing direction.

-Up and Under (Shot Stick)
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the RS to either left or the right side of your player to initiate a Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, quickly move the RS to either left or right, towards the basket, or away from the basket to follow though with th shot. Different Up and Under moves can be performed by moving the RS in various directions after the Pump Fake.

-Up and Under (Button)
Post up a defender by pulling LT. While dribbling or holding the ball, tap X to initiate a Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, move the RS to either left or right, towards the basket, or away from the basket and then press X to follow through with the shot.

-Post - Fight Off
When playing off- ball defense in the post and being backed down, move the LS towards the offensive player to attempt to push him away from the basket or to prevent him from gaining a position. The effectiveness of this depends on post ratings and weight differences of both players.

-Post - (Steal (onball)
While playing on-ball defense in the post, press X to attempt a steal. You have a higher chance of success if it is timed correctly when the offensive player initiates a post move or shot.

Now lets take a more in depth look at how to EFFECTIVELY execute these moves. Credit to my man Born over at Operation Sports.

Bornindamecca;2038788730 wrote:
*****First Post Edited 10/8*****

Other Iso-experts are more than welcome to contribute to the thread.

1. Use your Face Up (L trigger) to turn your character around, NOT the Left analog

The first issue I encountered with Isomotion was having my character turn and spin when I wanted to start facing the basket to initiate dribble penetration. Even if you're not pressing turbo, spinning your character around quickly doesn't seem efficient this year, partially because the Iso is taken off of the left stick. The most important situations to use this are when you are rebounding, or running around the perimeter, and your player's shoulders are no longer facing the basket. This will not necessarily put you into a full on FACE UP animation. It just rights your shoulders to the basket as quickly as possible. Remember, in real life we can't insta-spin back to the basket if we're completely facing away. This is a very reliable method to keep your dribbling flow while maintaining camera relative reliability.

2. The Turbo has variables--everything isn't a sprint

Basic Turbo(Rtrigger) situations:
-Holding R and running in any direction
-Holding R and standing still
-Holding R and walking

The first option will allow you to do isomotion, but the momentum may put your character in an out of control situation. Let's focus on the third option, and how it helps iso-control. One way to combo moves together is to do an isomomtion move, ease up on the L stick, then do another isomotion move.

For example, you want to spin into an cross over.

You might try: Hold R--Spin Left Stick Away from Ball Hand--Still Holding R and pushing in a forward direction--Flick Stick Back to Original Ball hand.

This is a difficult exection. Not saying you can't do it at all, but I've seen the spin take the player all the way to the basket using these controls. The bolded part is causing the problem.

Here is a better way: Hold R--Spin Left Stick Away from Ball Hand--HERE IS THE CHANGE, EITHER RELEASE R FOR MOMENT, OR EASE OFF OF THE L TRIGGER--Flick Stick back to original ball hand

The big difference is in the second execution your player won't go into more animations after the spin. So if you're comboing moves together, chill out after the first move, either by releasing turbo, or easying off of the L stick. The isomotion is more effective this year, so you have time to assess the effectiveness of each dribble move during the combo.
Its cool that you have to do them, but I think last year's option was better. I can't front its probably because I suck at shaking my man now.
More to add; again credit to Born from OS
Isomotion works standing still, but not the same move set. The cross overs, spins, etc all require you to be moving. Not running, just moving. So a little nudge on the stick should be fine to get you going. Say you have CP3 and you want to cross someone up, but you don't want to take off running, here are some options:

-L trigger to face up, burst out of it and cross over from there
-R trigger for hesitation, and either cross or burt from there
-nudge L stick, perform any isomotion move after slight movement
For those of you having trouble with the simple, explosive first step crossovers:

If you've gotten a hold of squaring your character at all times(see L trigger notes), this is what you do.

Let your L stick go to NEUTRAL for a moment. Then do the cross over. The crossover used to be a pure left/right movement, but not it's more of a 45 degree angle. This is easier to achieve if you NEUTRALIZE your past movements. Again, the basic trick is calming down your input. For me, the most effective way is to let the L stick off of previously input directions.

Example: You're coming down a fast break with one man to beat, and you've made your way to the center of the floor. Now LET GO (or ease off if you have good sensitive thumbs) of the L Stick. NOW do your cross over. This should be a pretty fast adjustment. It's an old Tekken trick.

INPUT (Ball in right hand, middle of the floor, Broadcast view)


You don't have to let go of R, but you can clean up the input and exaggerate the snap of the left them to get in a nice, pure input. After practice, you won't have to overdo the motion as much.
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[/td] [td]Originally Posted by Hot Kidd[/td] [td]
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Anyone else the really physical on-ball defense is making it hard to do iso-motion moves?

Is there a slider to reduce the physicality of the on ball D?

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The solution is the same as real life basketball. When someone is pressuring you, you can't cross them up. It's fundamentally wrong. So you counter by either running around them or backing up to create space. The ideal space for a crossover(real life and in game) is more than an arm's length away from your opponent, not up in his face. This gives you the space to read your opponent's reaction. If he jumps, you go back the other way, if he doesn't, you go to the basket. If he backs off anticipating the drive, you step back and J him.

The defensive contact is a good thing both for the isomotion, and for the defense, because it represents the real life tug of war on the perimeter.

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[/td] [td]Originally Posted by rnichol8[/td] [td]
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God bless you my brother! This post will help me tremendously with my Half-Court offense. While running plays, I could not capitalize on the AI defensive mistakes because I couldn't do a simple crossover on command. I would run around or hestiate before crossing over, given the Best A.I in video game history, time to recover. Thank you!
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Hope it helps, man! I'm going to update real soon after some more testing.

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[/td] [td]Originally Posted by 2kjunkie[/td] [td]
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Man I am just not getting this, I can't even do basic crossover consistently. I suck

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Try only pressing R trigger when you are about to cross over. Move left slowly, just the L stick. Grab R and hit to your opposite hand (slight forty five degree angle, not completely left-right). As soon as you do the cross over, let go. Keep going back to the same hand until you get it. Try this in Practice mode in Panametric or 2k view to start, then expand to other views from there.

The tutorial tells you what to do, but not how if you're having execution problems, but practice mode solved everything for me. Once you get used to it, I think you'll like it as much if not more than 2k8, because everything is very explosive this year. There is no more of that lead foot feeling.

The main thing is square your character up with the L Trigger if your shoulders aren't lined up to the rim. Second most important--if you're comboing moves, don't ride the L stick. In 2k8 you could cross--hold--recross. Now it's cross--let go--recross. You can either let go with the stick or the Turbo, but something's gotta give, otherwise your player will end up under the basket.

Last note: Last year you could be pointing any which way and activate the layup input. This year, if your shoulders are not square to the basket, you will not run towards it in most situations. Focus on reorienting your player at all times and I think you'll see the doors open on Iso, and overall movement.
Folks just play BASKETBALL and not video game basketball. Be patient and practice. I know it looks and seems like a lot but it will be worth it
New IsoTip: The Spin Move

The Spin Move has a longer stride than other Iso moves like the behind the back, or the crossover. If you're comboing or shooting out of the Spin Move, adjust your timing for the longer animation. This is a good thing, because it allows you to vary the momentum of your player. If you want a short step, use the behind the back. If you want to carry your momentum further into the paint, use the Spin.
Execution Tip: Hesitation Cross (Hold both triggers + L stick to the opposite hand)

This might have been the last obstacle in full achieving Isomotion for me. Of all the moves, this was the only one giving me real trouble. There is the adjustment I made.

Hold L BEFORE you hold R, as the R Turbo will take you out of ideal position if you hold it for too long before the move. Also, this move is a straight left to right, NOT a 45 degree angle move. I've proofed this over and over, and here is the perfect execution of this move.

On BROADCAST Cam, facing RIGHT with the ball in the LEFT hand

Hold L TRIGGER(baby step/half sec)Hold R TRIGGER>press DOWN with the Analog

I advise you all to master this move, as it is extremely effective against the CPU. I've put together a little 2kreel of CP3 beating up Mike Bibby to show these moves. I'll upload it when I get back home tonight.
I haven't played any serious games yet, all I've been doing is practising and tutorials.
Damn, videogames are serious these days, too much to learn how do you guys have the time for this? I got rid of metal gear solid for this same reason too. Idont even think im the busiest dude in the world but i dunno how you cats get so good at these games. I needa get gamefly to rent, no more buyin.

i know im kinda off topic, but i was actually gonna buy this game today. but i know i dont got time for that. ill ave 60 bucks an get a game rental account.
My post game sucks bad, I need to practice on that bad

and I usually just crossover and spin combo to the paint everytime it never fails
Can you guys smoothly link your isomotion moves into a shot?

For some reason my guy stops after doing his moves before shooting.

Looks mad stoopid
I liked it better in 08
you could just flick the ball from hand to hand with out holding triggers

I eventually found out how to in 2k9 but by then it cost me a couple games
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