***NBA 2k9 Xbox 360 League 18 teams Fantasy draft*** (Replacements needed for Rockets!!)

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

This game hates me when I play the Blazers

wade's mid range is money though.
Originally Posted by jretro23

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

This game hates me when I play the Blazers

wade's mid range is money though.
But like every time I play you I always contest the shot but you make itanyway. I'm trying to finish the season with no more than 10 loses but you always ruin it! Three of my L's have came against you.

But good stuff like always.
Anyone wanna play?

Oh yeah, can someone reset on the last game I had against the Pistons that ended in the 3rd quarter.

And can someone let through the Chauncey Billups for Ray Allen trade please.

Thank you.
send trade offers for hedo or thornton while im out! i need a sg rating 80+! btw im the raptors!

the raptors are going online RIGHT NOW! who needs to play me?!!?
^ You have been having the hardest time playing games lately.

Maybe the Nuggets will want to play you after his game with the Mavs
Originally Posted by Ritch1088

^ You have been having the hardest time playing games lately.

Maybe the Nuggets will want to play you after his game with the Mavs

yeah man i try at least twice a day, once in theafternoon and once at night but i havnt had ANY takers for games for the past couple days. i already got my games in with the "usuals" haha
Can someone reset the game I had against the Pistons that ended in the 3rd quarter and let through the Billups for Allen trade, thanks.

I have 4 games left:


I'll probably be on later tonight if any of those teams want to play.

GG Nuggets, after Roy hit that 4 point play, I thought you were gonna go on run, but luckily, Granger decided to start hitting his damn shots.
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