NBA Banned Weezy and he claims to beat the breaks of Bosh wife...Is this real life?

kids with long socks, cut off pants, high fade with the brown dye, cut off jean jacket w/ pins on it... smh these kids these days have no style they all dress the same and act the same... wth wrong with the N.... Future voice

Worst sense of style ever, I'm actually disappointed. I thought young people these days would be more creative with fashion. Dudes rocking cargo pants and footlocker quarter socks. :smh:
Worst sense of style ever, I'm actually disappointed. I thought young people these days would be more creative with fashion. Dudes rocking cargo pants and footlocker quarter socks.
and somehow the girls are attracted to this mess too... smh weezy is to blame for this.... eversince his rockstar days fashion changed for the worst, then kanye switched up his steez... and people dont have styles smh the men these days be on and all these dumb sites just to see what they wearing and it got all they minds screwed up.... ye and his lo days>>>>>
I think about the **** people wear today and want to be critical, but then I think about the wild **** dudes was wearing in the 70's and 80's. Watch an episode of Soul Train or check out the album covers of bands and R&B groups from back then. Yo, them n****s was way out of control.

So I can't even trip off these new dudes and give mine and my parents generation a pass.
young boy **** I tried to get at her better looking friend on the slide..she was throwin it at me..only to get shut down when horribly..but what I posted earlier happened after she found out I tried to get at her friend...but she was just mad as hell even then...she just liked me alot
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:lol: Real talk he's the type of dude that would get played by the biggest jump in neighborhood.
:rofl: :rofl:

Funny how if you're in a different situation than another person, you automatically get attacked. Bunch of salty *** dudes in this thread :lol: .

Like that other sodium based comment about my mother. She went to a private school in a very small town in her country (where everyone knows everyone so you really cant keep a secret for too long) for high school, moved 7 hours away for college with her super strict and over-protective uncle, and got married at 19 and came over to the states. Afterwards, Simba was born:smokin .

So, if your mom went through multiple husbands , as well as boyfriends, it means she was probably promiscuous as a teen. It DOESN'T mean that everyone's mother is just like that one though :smh: .

I'm out here getting these professional, well-educated yambs. Which most likely means she made better decisions as a teen, which transcends into adulthood.

So, I guess I should apologize for doing ME? >D

You are very naive or a virgin or both

I went to a top undergrad and professional school. The yambs were so easy there.

Lol@ you thinking an advanced degree is a chastity belt
Degree or no degree, Harvard or your local community college, females have needs and they want the D and the vast majority, especially younger ones in their early 20's will do what's needed to satisfy that urge
Degree or no degree, Harvard or your local community college, females have needs and they want the D and the vast majority, especially younger ones in their early 20's will do what's needed to satisfy that urge
I dont know why dudes dont understand this...

******* be just as, if not more
 for secks
You guys are crazy. Anything more than 4 by age 21 is wayyy too many. I understand females make mistakes, but to make the same mistake over and over again and then expect to settle down with a decent self respecting partner? No, no guys must be sick in the head or something trying to save these fast broads. She's way too toxic if shes giving it up to more than 4 dudes before shes even legally allowed to drink. Wouldn't even sit in the same proximity as a loose female like that, who knows what kind of diseases one could catch. You dudes need serious help before yall end up sicker.
Man sex is sex. No need to put it on some high almighty pedestal. As long as their not burning their good money.

People have sex, that's life, grow up and deal with it.
kids with long socks, cut off pants, high fade with the brown dye, cut off jean jacket w/ pins on it... smh these kids these days have no style they all dress the same and act the same... wth wrong with the N.... Future voice
Worst sense of style ever, I'm actually disappointed. I thought young people these days would be more creative with fashion. Dudes rocking cargo pants and footlocker quarter socks.
It's Instagram and Tumblr. We didn't have those things when we were in high school, but now you have tween girls reblogging IRL pics of Chris Brown and Tyga and I'm sure high school boys feel like they have to dress the same as those artists to impress the girls. 
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It's Instagram and Tumblr. We didn't have those things when we were in high school, but now you have tween girls reblogging IRL pics of Chris Brown and Tyga and I'm sure high school boys feel like they have to dress the same as those artists to impress the girls. 

I graduated high school in 02. Our era had enough technology but not to much to the point where it was a problem. Kids these days got way to much technology and it brings out the worst or them. I sound like a straight old man.
ya'll some effeminate dudes....talking about style these days? In the 90's we were wearing things 4x our size. I think this is the way the universe is balancing things out for our mistakes.

I think talking about another man's style and what he has going on is gonna serve no purpose.

Don't find fault, find a remedy.
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You are very naive or a virgin or both

I went to a top undergrad and professional school. The yambs were so easy there.

Lol@ you thinking an advanced degree is a chastity belt
I dont understand some you dudes. Why cant you accept the fact that some girls arent as promiscuous as others?

I go to one of the top 4 engineering schools in NJ. Trust me when i tell you, these girls arent out to just party and drink like they wont live to see the next day. Maybe in some other "party" universities, but not where i go. Im simply speaking for myself and based on my own experiences. These girls are more worried about keeping their GPA above a 3.7 than partying the night away. Call them nerds or whatever you want to call them, but they are just doing what they WANT to do (And still keep themselves looking Extra good).

Now, can some of these broads have a freak in them? Sure, but they wont have the time to sleep with 12 diff guys a year if they are glued to their books and lab manuals in the weekends.

Can some of these girls be J.Os? Of course, but i doubt MOST of them are. Most likely a small percentage of the on-campus female population.

But if you take a 45 minute drive from my school, to Rutgers New Brunswick, pshhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I think the last thing i heard was that they are the school with the highest recorded STDs in NJ. It's a good undergraduate school, but too much parties and too much tempation.

Point is, they are only 45 minutes away, yet their women are TOTALLY different than the women over here. (Different people, Different situations.) It may be normal for some of you guys to go around wifing girls up with 20+ previous partners. For others, that may jus be absolutely nauseating.


I went to Stanford for undergraduate and graduated medical school last year. Stanford is far from a "party" university but you don't have to be a "party" school to have sex with one person a year.

I like how you changed the number from 7 partners in 7 years to 12 diff guys a year.

Of course there are girls in undergrad and professional school who are all about the books, just like there are dudes like that.

My point is that just because a female is well-educated or attends a professional school it doesn't mean she makes "better" decisions when it comes to who and how many people she sleeps with. Book sense =/= common sense

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