NBA Best Small Forward of All Time... (Where is Bird & Pippen at?)

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Dude, Barkley was a POWER FORWARD.

. i know right?

people need to look up at least a few things before they post.

the way you follow me around you'd bump your head on my +%@ if i stopped suddenly...

'follow' like you're important or something.

no it has nothing to do with frequently commenting on basketball related threads, it 'following' you. yup you hit that nail right on the head.

just like 'the barkley is a small forward' thing.

so is shaq by the way. and arvydas sabonis. steve nash nash is a small forward. earl boykins too.

didnt you try to reason that urijah faber wasn't good and then compared him to a bunch of heavyweights?

didnt you just say that Charles Barkley was a small forward?

he DID play small forward son...he goes down in the hall as a PF but he played a ton of SF and C in his day. its like calling duncan a C. its not wrong...butits not 100% truth. please go bring in the wheat harvest now, thanks.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Some of you dudes sound like ESPN in here talking about Bron>Pip. Then saying "if he played with Jordan they would have been better" Stop it. I've seen people get rated off of potential but never to the extent Bron does. He has done absolutely nothing that makes him a top 5 SF ever. At the rate he's going he will be but
30 7 7 is really nothing plus he will win MVP this year he has been all nba 1st teamer the past few years as well and he has taken his team to thefinals. Clearly he is still capable of alot more and has a huge ceiling for potential. But dont act like the mans done **@*. He has a helllllll of a resume.Pip aint ever seen no MVP. Stop frontin, and i aint even a Bron fan in the slightest bit... at least until hes playing here in NY

Dont start underating the man just because he's got a smaller career than all of these other dudes. Skill wise right now nobody has dominated the 3 spotlike Lebron has done in the past 2-3 years since Larry back in the day. He has still got ways to go but Pip has never been as good as Lebron is now nor has heever led his team as far and the Cavs may win a chip this year they had the best record in the league. Again im just speaking the truth the only thing a guylike Pip got on Bron is a longer career. And a few rings he backpacked from MJ, but Pip was never avle to dominate the way Bron can.
^ all this deflecting and insult throwing to cover your @%*.

your sad attempts to belittle others because you made a moronic statement are pathetic.

'he called me farm boy i'd better back down!'

funny thing is i have no damn clue where you're from nor have i ever given a damn to notice. who's following who now?

hakeem played the point. he'll go into the hall as a center tho.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Some of you dudes sound like ESPN in here talking about Bron>Pip. Then saying "if he played with Jordan they would have been better" Stop it. I've seen people get rated off of potential but never to the extent Bron does. He has done absolutely nothing that makes him a top 5 SF ever. At the rate he's going he will be but
30 7 7 is really nothing plus he will win MVP this year he has been all nba 1st teamer the past few years as well and he has taken his team to the finals. Clearly he is still capable of alot more and has a huge ceiling for potential. But dont act like the mans done **!#. He has a helllllll of a resume. Pip aint ever seen no MVP. Stop frontin, and i aint even a Bron fan in the slightest bit... at least until hes playing here in NY
you're definitely a lebron stan if you're saying that Lebron's 5 years in the league with 0 MVPs, a few all-nba 1st team selections,couple all star games, 0 rings... is better than Pippens 6 rings, 10 NBA All-defense selections, one of the 50 greatest players, 6 All NBA selections...
moronic statement? you need to read some of that garbage you post sometimes...i'm done with you farm boy...yeeeehawww
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

moronic statement? you need to read some of that garbage you post sometimes...i'm done with you farm boy...yeeeehawww

twice! he said farm boy twice!

how does he come up with it?

i can see why you would give up. how could anyone think of anymore clever barbs in one night.

your witty retorts are stupedous.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Some of you dudes sound like ESPN in here talking about Bron>Pip. Then saying "if he played with Jordan they would have been better" Stop it. I've seen people get rated off of potential but never to the extent Bron does. He has done absolutely nothing that makes him a top 5 SF ever. At the rate he's going he will be but
30 7 7 is really nothing plus he will win MVP this year he has been all nba 1st teamer the past few years as well and he has taken his team to the finals. Clearly he is still capable of alot more and has a huge ceiling for potential. But dont act like the mans done **!#. He has a helllllll of a resume. Pip aint ever seen no MVP. Stop frontin, and i aint even a Bron fan in the slightest bit... at least until hes playing here in NY
He does not have a helllllll of a resume compared to Pip. I never said he hasn't done anything...but nothing that warrants him being in ANYtop 5 discussion. Pip has 6 rings. Oh and he was so far ahead of Bron on D it cancels any argument you could even think of for Bron. Then offensively he'smore rounded than Bron...and he took over games...playing alongside the GOAT. ANNNDDD when that player left he STILL lead the Bulls to 55 wins. Last but notleast he played in an era where the NBA talent as a whole> today's NBA. I don't think we need to go down this road with Elgin, Dr. J, or Worthy dowe? And for the record Bron is not dominating skill wise. Actually outside of his athleticism...I really would LOVE to hear how Bron's skillset >Pip's
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Some of you dudes sound like ESPN in here talking about Bron>Pip. Then saying "if he played with Jordan they would have been better" Stop it. I've seen people get rated off of potential but never to the extent Bron does. He has done absolutely nothing that makes him a top 5 SF ever. At the rate he's going he will be but
30 7 7 is really nothing plus he will win MVP this year he has been all nba 1st teamer the past few years as well and he has taken his team to the finals. Clearly he is still capable of alot more and has a huge ceiling for potential. But dont act like the mans done **!#. He has a helllllll of a resume. Pip aint ever seen no MVP. Stop frontin, and i aint even a Bron fan in the slightest bit... at least until hes playing here in NY
He does not have a helllllll of a resume compared to Pip. I never said he hasn't done anything...but nothing that warrants him being in ANY top 5 discussion. Pip has 6 rings. Oh and he was so far ahead of Bron on D it cancels any argument you could even think of for Bron. Then offensively he's more rounded than Bron...and he took over games...playing alongside the GOAT. ANNNDDD when that player left he STILL lead the Bulls to 55 wins. Last but not least he played in an era where the NBA talent as a whole> today's NBA. I don't think we need to go down this road with Elgin, Dr. J, or Worthy do we?
ooook after Lebron gets 1st team all NBA this season he will have ALREADY have accomplished that as many times as Pip has during his 6 year NBACareer. He will also have won MVP one more times than Pip has ever after he wins it this year. Pip aint never been able to dominate a game like Lebron andnever has put up the kind of statistics Bron has the past 3 years. So man you stop fronting. Not to mention Bron has LED his team further in the playoffs thanPip ever has and they currently had the best record in the NBA this season and he might make a championship out of that.Trust me i am not a Bron fan in theslightest bit im just stating the obvious. The current 24 year old Lebron is a far more talented player than Scottie Pippen has ever been throughout the courseof his NBA career.
too bad elgin baylor played so long ago

he was way ahead of his time

and his hang time was
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Some of you dudes sound like ESPN in here talking about Bron>Pip. Then saying "if he played with Jordan they would have been better" Stop it. I've seen people get rated off of potential but never to the extent Bron does. He has done absolutely nothing that makes him a top 5 SF ever. At the rate he's going he will be but
30 7 7 is really nothing plus he will win MVP this year he has been all nba 1st teamer the past few years as well and he has taken his team to the finals. Clearly he is still capable of alot more and has a huge ceiling for potential. But dont act like the mans done **!#. He has a helllllll of a resume. Pip aint ever seen no MVP. Stop frontin, and i aint even a Bron fan in the slightest bit... at least until hes playing here in NY
He does not have a helllllll of a resume compared to Pip. I never said he hasn't done anything...but nothing that warrants him being in ANY top 5 discussion. Pip has 6 rings. Oh and he was so far ahead of Bron on D it cancels any argument you could even think of for Bron. Then offensively he's more rounded than Bron...and he took over games...playing alongside the GOAT. ANNNDDD when that player left he STILL lead the Bulls to 55 wins. Last but not least he played in an era where the NBA talent as a whole> today's NBA. I don't think we need to go down this road with Elgin, Dr. J, or Worthy do we?
ooook after Lebron gets 1st team all NBA this season he will have ALREADY have accomplished that as many times as Pip has during his 6 year NBA Career. He will also have won MVP one more times than Pip has ever after he wins it this year. Pip aint never been able to dominate a game like Lebron and never has put up the kind of statistics Bron has the past 3 years. So man you stop fronting. Not to mention Bron has LED his team further in the playoffs than Pip ever has and they currently had the best record in the NBA this season and he might make a championship out of that.Trust me i am not a Bron fan in the slightest bit im just stating the obvious. The current 24 year old Lebron is a far more talented player than Scottie Pippen has ever been throughout the course of his NBA career.


NO. Lets see as far as stats go...outside of scoring Pip has consistently put up the exact same or better numbers than Bron has. More steals, more blocks, moreboards, same assists, all while playing WITH MJ. Honestly Bron is doing nothing that Pip wasn't doing at the same point in his career. They bothweren't good shooters. Bron scores more true...but that also has to do with him being the only person on his team. Pip had PLENTY of 30 point performancesby this time with Jordan on the court. Had 2 rings. Averaged 21, 8, 7, 2 steals and a block his 5th year. OH and he did something that Bron has never done,made the All Defensive team...three times. All of that while never being the athlete that Bron has he gets by on talent...while Bron gets by onathleticism.

This must be a sick joke that everyone decided to play today and say lebron has done nothing in his career and we just talk about potential with him

"What has Lebron done?"

After this season he's gunna have accomplished as many all nba first teams as pippen did in his ENTIRE CAREER and win MVP. And this isn't just a"it's lebron's turn to win MVP" politics type one...dude is clearly MVP of this season.

"Lebron hasn't won any titles?"

Neither have almost all of these guys

but many are hall of famers. and i'm PRETTY sure that you have to do something in your career to get in the hall of fame.

He's the MVP. Took a team of clowns to the NBA finals. Was a better scorer and playmaker than pippen in his PRIME at just 20 years old.

I'm not even a lebron fan...i have no history on this forum of being one...but you guys are just ridicuous to me.

Dudes got me feeling like Frank Grimes

And you guys keep bringing up all defensive teams. There's a reason why Pip has all those defensive 1st teams but not as many all nba first teams is prettysimple.

14 out of the 17 years he played there were at least 2 forwards better than he was. Regardless of the fact that those forwards couldn't cut the all nbadefensive team that pippen did, the reason that they were on the All NBA 1st team and pippen wasn't was because they were better than him.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Dude, Barkley was a POWER FORWARD.

. i know right?

people need to look up at least a few things before they post.

the way you follow me around you'd bump your head on my +%@ if i stopped suddenly...

'follow' like you're important or something.

no it has nothing to do with frequently commenting on basketball related threads, it 'following' you. yup you hit that nail right on the head.

just like 'the barkley is a small forward' thing.

so is shaq by the way. and arvydas sabonis. steve nash nash is a small forward. earl boykins too.

didnt you try to reason that urijah faber wasn't good and then compared him to a bunch of heavyweights?

didnt you just say that Charles Barkley was a small forward?

he DID play small forward son...he goes down in the hall as a PF but he played a ton of SF and C in his day. its like calling duncan a C. its not wrong...but its not 100% truth. please go bring in the wheat harvest now, thanks.

Do you REALLY even watch basketball???




In between center Moses Malone and small forward Julius Erving - POWER FORWARD

In Barcelona Spain - POWER FORWARD




In between Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson - POWER FORWARD

In a bar brawl - POWER FORWARD

In a jail cell - POWER FORWARD

In a race with %!*# Bavetta - POWER FORWARD

In the Hall of Fame - POWER FORWARD

Listed as 6'6 but really 6'3 with no shoes - POWER FORWARD

And everyone mentioning players like Elgin Baylor and Rick Barry, yes they were the best in their era. But in today's game they all would be shootingguards. Players back then were much shorter than today's prototypical small forwards. By their standards Lebron would be either a power forward or acenter.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

What did Pippen do without Jordan?
since you want to go there... what exactly did Jordan do without Pippen?

if i recall correctly Pippen got to the Eastern Conference Finals without Jordan

Jordan i believe got to the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals.


Ok you want to go there?

3 All-NBA selections
4 All-Star selections
1 NBA MVP( Was 2nd in the voting another time)
1 NBA Defensive Player of the Year
1 Rookie of the Year
1 All Star MVP
3 scoring titles
A season where he averaged the second most points per game ever. 37.1

The NBA playoff record for most points in a game all time.

Lets go back to college hmm...

3 different player of the year awards.
2 All American selections
1 National Championship

I know you're going to say what championships did he win without Pippen? Well I cant prove it because they PLAYED together. But I do know with a rattyWizards squad a 38 year old Jordan put up better or similar numbers than the "baseball era "Pippen

Jordan 38 Yr old
22.9 PPG
5.7 RPG
5.1 AST

Pippen 29 year old

20.2 PPG
7.6 RPG
4.9 AST

And what was Pippen's scoring avg in his about 475 plus without Jordan...14.5 ppg

Yeah I'm so sure Pippen was the deciding factor on all those championships.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Dude, Barkley was a POWER FORWARD.

. i know right?

people need to look up at least a few things before they post.

the way you follow me around you'd bump your head on my +%@ if i stopped suddenly...

'follow' like you're important or something.

no it has nothing to do with frequently commenting on basketball related threads, it 'following' you. yup you hit that nail right on the head.

just like 'the barkley is a small forward' thing.

so is shaq by the way. and arvydas sabonis. steve nash nash is a small forward. earl boykins too.

didnt you try to reason that urijah faber wasn't good and then compared him to a bunch of heavyweights?

didnt you just say that Charles Barkley was a small forward?

he DID play small forward son...he goes down in the hall as a PF but he played a ton of SF and C in his day. its like calling duncan a C. its not wrong...but its not 100% truth. please go bring in the wheat harvest now, thanks.

Do you REALLY even watch basketball???




In between center Moses Malone and small forward Julius Erving - POWER FORWARD

In Barcelona Spain - POWER FORWARD




In between Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson - POWER FORWARD

In a bar brawl - POWER FORWARD

In a jail cell - POWER FORWARD

In a race with %!*# Bavetta - POWER FORWARD

In the Hall of Fame - POWER FORWARD

Listed as 6'6 but really 6'3 with no shoes - POWER FORWARD

And everyone mentioning players like Elgin Baylor and Rick Barry, yes they were the best in their era. But in today's game they all would be shooting guards. Players back then were much shorter than today's prototypical small forwards. By their standards Lebron would be either a power forward or a center.
- from
Julius Erving's retirement in May 1987 brought a great deal of sadness to the NBA family. However, it also brought an opportunity for Barkley, who wouldsucceed Erving not only as the Sixers' small forward but also as the team's next superstar.

he isnt ONLY power forward just because it says that on his upper deck card...he was originally an SF..coaches figured he was a mismatch for PFs and put himthere because he was quicker and just as strong as most PFs.

He would even be the 5 of the floor at times....DO YOU watch ball? he wasn't STRICKLY anything son.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Do you REALLY even watch basketball???




In between center Moses Malone and small forward Julius Erving - POWER FORWARD

In Barcelona Spain - POWER FORWARD




In between Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson - POWER FORWARD

In a bar brawl - POWER FORWARD

In a jail cell - POWER FORWARD

In a race with %!*# Bavetta - POWER FORWARD

In the Hall of Fame - POWER FORWARD

Listed as 6'6 but really 6'3 with no shoes - POWER FORWARD

I'm sayin'.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Dude, Barkley was a POWER FORWARD.

. i know right?

people need to look up at least a few things before they post.

the way you follow me around you'd bump your head on my +%@ if i stopped suddenly...

'follow' like you're important or something.

no it has nothing to do with frequently commenting on basketball related threads, it 'following' you. yup you hit that nail right on the head.

just like 'the barkley is a small forward' thing.

so is shaq by the way. and arvydas sabonis. steve nash nash is a small forward. earl boykins too.

didnt you try to reason that urijah faber wasn't good and then compared him to a bunch of heavyweights?

didnt you just say that Charles Barkley was a small forward?

he DID play small forward son...he goes down in the hall as a PF but he played a ton of SF and C in his day. its like calling duncan a C. its not wrong...but its not 100% truth. please go bring in the wheat harvest now, thanks.

Do you REALLY even watch basketball???




In between center Moses Malone and small forward Julius Erving - POWER FORWARD

In Barcelona Spain - POWER FORWARD




In between Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson - POWER FORWARD

In a bar brawl - POWER FORWARD

In a jail cell - POWER FORWARD

In a race with %!*# Bavetta - POWER FORWARD

In the Hall of Fame - POWER FORWARD

Listed as 6'6 but really 6'3 with no shoes - POWER FORWARD

And everyone mentioning players like Elgin Baylor and Rick Barry, yes they were the best in their era. But in today's game they all would be shooting guards. Players back then were much shorter than today's prototypical small forwards. By their standards Lebron would be either a power forward or a center.
- from
Julius Erving's retirement in May 1987 brought a great deal of sadness to the NBA family. However, it also brought an opportunity for Barkley, who would succeed Erving not only as the Sixers' small forward but also as the team's next superstar.

he isnt ONLY power forward just because it says that on his upper deck card...he was originally an SF..coaches figured he was a mismatch for PFs and put him there because he was quicker and just as strong as most PFs.

He would even be the 5 of the floor at times....DO YOU watch ball? he wasn't STRICKLY anything son.

I'm with a Brown on this one although he primarily played Power Forward. Barkley did play some small forward, didnt he play it on the Dream Team withMalone at Power Forward?
My brain hurts from all this silly logic.

If you take away Pippen from the Bulls, you DO NOT HAVE six championships, plain and simple. Forget all the stats, note Pippen's accomplishments, his greatdefense. If you have a guy like Steve Nash who averages 18 or whatever points and 12 or 13 assists, that's fine, Nash doesn't play much defense. Butthen with guys like Pippen, forget the stats, the man is a EIGHT TIME ALL FIRST DEFENSE. This was when there were GREAT defenders, and he was first team, eighttimes.

As for Barkley being a SF, get out of here with that. Ain't no Small Forward going to average 12 rebounds for his career,
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

My brain hurts from all this silly logic.

If you take away Pippen from the Bulls, you DO NOT HAVE six championships, plain and simple. Forget all the stats, note Pippen's accomplishments, his great defense. If you have a guy like Steve Nash who averages 18 or whatever points and 12 or 13 assists, that's fine, Nash doesn't play much defense. But then with guys like Pippen, forget the stats, the man is a EIGHT TIME ALL FIRST DEFENSE. This was when there were GREAT defenders, and he was first team, eight times.

Pippen is great but for people to really say he's better than Larry Bird is just crazy!

If you're saying you want Pippen on your starting five with Jordan when you are buliding a team fine but when you rank the greatest small forwards of alltime individuallly ,he's defintely not number one!

Accomplishments mean something especially when you're the top dog.

For all Pippen's strengths he was never the top dog like Bird,Lebron,Dr.J and Elgin Baylor or even John Havilcek and Rick Barry
Oh no that's fine, that's cool with me. Bird is MY #1 SF personally as well. But Pippen is damn well up there.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

What did Pippen do without Jordan?
since you want to go there... what exactly did Jordan do without Pippen?

if i recall correctly Pippen got to the Eastern Conference Finals without Jordan

Jordan i believe got to the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals.


Ok you want to go there?

3 All-NBA selections
4 All-Star selections
1 NBA MVP( Was 2nd in the voting another time)
1 NBA Defensive Player of the Year
1 Rookie of the Year
1 All Star MVP
3 scoring titles
A season where he averaged the second most points per game ever. 37.1

The NBA playoff record for most points in a game all time.

Lets go back to college hmm...

3 different player of the year awards.
2 All American selections
1 National Championship

I know you're going to say what championships did he win without Pippen? Well I cant prove it because they PLAYED together. But I do know with a ratty Wizards squad a 38 year old Jordan put up better or similar numbers than the "baseball era "Pippen

Jordan 38 Yr old
22.9 PPG
5.7 RPG
5.1 AST

Pippen 29 year old

20.2 PPG
7.6 RPG
4.9 AST

And what was Pippen's scoring avg in his about 475 plus without Jordan...14.5 ppg

Yeah I'm so sure Pippen was the deciding factor on all those championships.
all those nice statistics are wonderful... but lets look at the facts

Pippen with no Jordan = 0 championships
Jordan with no Pippen = 0 championships

Jordan + Pippen = 6 championships

i hate when people use the whole pippen never won anything without jordan argument... ok well jordan never won anything without pippen...
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