Who Will Win it All?

  • Warriors

    Votes: 86 53.4%
  • Bucks

    Votes: 27 16.8%
  • Raptors

    Votes: 9 5.6%
  • Nuggets

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Rockets

    Votes: 13 8.1%
  • Sixers

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Celtics

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Clippers

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • Other West Team

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Other East Team

    Votes: 2 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He doesn't have to take all that punishment sure, I'm sure he can appeal the fine and the suspension, but as far as we know he's not. He knows he was in the wrong. We can't get into the motivations in the mans head. All we know on the surface is a man who is in a position of power behaved inappropriately and deserved at minimum what he got. Whatever additional punishments come in the future are up to other parties, it's not a right to own an NBA team it's a...wait for it...'privilege'. And you have an elevated responsibility to act appropriately. You don't get to choose what is deemed 'offensive' or how somebody reacts or takes whatever he said

He'll only be banned for life if the rest of the owners in the league vote for him to do that (ala Sterling). He'll only be forced to sell his stakes if the other shareholders in the Warriors group feel the optics are too bad and feel he's done harm to their brand going forward.
you the only one speaking with some sense. i dont see why he would appeal the fine and suspension. he needs to suck those up. but selling the shares ON TOP of that is where i say yikes. and optics already seem bad enough for them to want to distance themselves. who knows. this has been an entertaining series thus far lol. antics on and off the court been top notch

This is not the hill to die on. Give it up Black man :lol:

nobody is dying on any hill. im literally explaining myself to people questioning me. u sure im black tho? ya never know... and it does matter cuz if im not black and i say these things then we might suddenly have a big problem lol
You can’t have an owner openingly disrespecting players while they are doing their job. It’s a terrible look for the league.

Whatever happens to him he deserves it, he shouldn’t get a choice of what his punishment is.
im black tho. so. im the one who said i wouldnt take all that punishment. so for yall to say thats white privilege on the way i would act.... is weird. its not like hes the one who said he wont do it all. yall been coming at me for the second day now about all this race foolishness. one dude even questioning if im really black like he cant read my signature and look it up in 2 seconds if he wanted lol.

and no, nobody is speaking on the double standard cuz that hasnt been mentioned once. not once. the closest anyone has gotten to that was saying if it was a black fan/partial owner they wouldnt have seen it as motivated by racism. and also that if the player was white, then maybe he wouldnt have gotten shoved. thats the only time anything close to doublestandard has been discussed. dont do that.
You sticking up for that guy is deplorable.

Racially motivated or not.

That’s probably why people are coming at you.

Kyle Lowry himself alluded to racial overtones in regards to the word “owner”

He himself also referenced Donald Sterling
no... no its not. hes not asking for a deposit back or anything back. the landlord (silver) is telling him we're evicting you, but before you go do this and this and this and pay this fine before you leave. lol.... nah u got it silver. im not gonna do the time for my crime and then get exiled AFTER doing my time. cut it out.

Paying and simultaneously being exiled isn't some fundamentally foreign concept in the realm of justice. Folks go to jail AND have to pay. Folks lose their license AND have to pay. Folks lose a case AND have to pay.

Do we even know how his employment or partnership works? Dude probably HAS to pay. I would think the NBA had their ducks in a row before they established these sanctions. They've most likely had similar scenarios that they're using as precedent. Not sure the guy can just tell Silver to "f***k off" :lol:

For all we know there are contractual obligations.
The man is in the wrong for multiple reasons and broke the law. You’re claiming you’re basically saying “nothing” but also admit you think the punishment is too much and that what he did wasn’t “that bad”. You’ve chosen a side. Don’t half *** it now

ive said multiple times hes wrong. for sure. never even argued that. just said theres no proof dude is racist. and i think his punishment was too harsh for what was done. plenty of people do wrong and get hit with a crazy sentence for it. do we even have to go down that road? im not on the criminals side cuz i said the sentence is too harsh.... the cop from south florida facing 100 years for not running into a massacre by himself. i dont like the cops, especially bso. theyre a racist organization/gang. but its still too harsh a punishment. see how that works?
you the only one speaking with some sense. i dont see why he would appeal the fine and suspension. he needs to suck those up. but selling the shares ON TOP of that is where i say yikes. and optics already seem bad enough for them to want to distance themselves. who knows. this has been an entertaining series thus far lol. antics on and off the court been top notch

nobody is dying on any hill. im literally explaining myself to people questioning me. u sure im black tho? ya never know... and it does matter cuz if im not black and i say these things then we might suddenly have a big problem lol

Again being a 'minority' owner you don't have that kinda pull. If the rest of the group deems you gotta go you take your severance package, millions you've made and move on. They have every right to force him out if the backlash gets to be too much. It's obviously not helping this dudes case that Bron put his .02 in basically calling for it and Lowry said there's no place for his actions in the league either. The pressure is going to be there.
How is a white man violating the rules of conduct and then turning around and telling his employer how and where he will be punished at his convenience NOT an example of white privilege? You on some other **** bruh :lol:. Good day to you

Imagine showing up late and high to work everyday and cussing out customers and then when the boss calls you in you're just like..nah you're not gonna fire me. You're gonna give me a day off with full pay and that's just how it's gonna be. Lolllllz
Be careful, he just may threaten you with his 6'1 300 lb physique. Open your door and then see Mr.Potato Head coming in the mix.
Paying and simultaneously being exiled isn't some fundamentally foreign concept in the realm of justice. Folks go to jail AND have to pay. Folks lose their license AND have to pay. Folks lose a case AND have to pay.

Do we even know how his employment or partnership works? Dude probably HAS to pay. I would think the NBA had their ducks in a row before they established these sanctions. They've most likely had similar scenarios that they're using as precedent. Not sure the guy can just tell Silver to "f***k off" :lol:

For all we know there are contractual obligations.
youre missing the exile part. u dont go to jail and pay a fine...and then when u get out of jail they tell u to leave the country too. him being in jail (banned from finals and all of next year) is doing the time, the fine is the fine... but him being forced out of the warriors as well on top of the others is double dipping. im sure the contracts are ice cold. way too much money on the table not to be. what similar scenarios to this have happened? aint malice in the palace the closest?

this convo is becoming too much honestly. at the end of the day im not a billionaire and im really just killing time at work. i feel like some of you are taking this REALLY seriously lol
Again being a 'minority' owner you don't have that kinda pull. If the rest of the group deems you gotta go you take your severance package, millions you've made and move on. They have every right to force him out if the backlash gets to be too much. It's obviously not helping this dudes case that Bron put his .02 in basically calling for it and Lowry said there's no place for his actions in the league either. The pressure is going to be there.
i lowkey noticed that about lebron. lebron being the face of the league calling for it damn near ties their hands. also, in lebrons statement he said hes been quiet about other things and let em go.... he talking about the drake antics? :nerd: and i agree with him not having that pull so thats why i said they will probably follow through and force him to do it. for optics sake he shouldnt even appeal the other stuff.

Nah im with tekthemaestro tekthemaestro on this one. If anything he didn’t go hard enough on kyle. It’s only racist if you say the n word

yea i definitely said this. nothing is racist until u get called a n. like i said yesterday...some of yall reaching REAL hard

Be careful, he just may threaten you with his 6'1 300 lb physique. Open your door and then see Mr.Potato Head coming in the mix.

bruh u gotta be slow or a child. nobody even threatened u but clearly u mustve felt that pressure. i just said nobody really hits me with disrespect to my face white or not, and u wouldnt either. and you were all giggles after but now u talking about feeling threatened. unbunch your panties. my info in my sig, you got your profile on private lol. cut it out.
i never had a case. i simply said it makes no sense to see a white fan on the sideline push a player and AUTOMATICALLY say its cuz of racism and white privilege that he did it. dudes in here ran off with it and shouted out whatever they felt about racism for the past 5 years from the barbershop convos they've been having. bottom line is, it was a push. he aint say nothing crazy and the push was wrong. but attaching hidden racist motives and all the other bs was just stupid. then i said, if I were the guy, i wouldnt accept all of that punishment cuz its od harsh. now dudes somehow right back on white privilege... for a black man to say he wouldnt just take the punishment he was handed down if he thought it was too much? the irony of that last part being that refusing to accept rules and OD harsh punishments (like the ones which landed SO many of us in the very same prison cycle someone mentioned above) that get slapped on us is an extremely pro-black thing to do. but what do i know. i could be white.
Tithe inflammatory part is the part where you say he should be able to pick his punishment even while being 100% in the wrong. Black people refusing to accept certain punishment is because the lamas and system they were punished under were inherently racist and unjust. No part of “fans can’t push a player for no reason” is unjust. The offensive part is only privileged people would be allowed to pick their punishment on a just law while suppressed people fight generations over an unjust one. Don’t even compare the two
youre missing the exile part. u dont go to jail and pay a fine...and then when u get out of jail they tell u to leave the country too. him being in jail (banned from finals and all of next year) is doing the time, the fine is the fine... but him being forced out of the warriors as well on top of the others is double dipping. im sure the contracts are ice cold. way too much money on the table not to be. what similar scenarios to this have happened? aint malice in the palace the closest?

I spent years analyzing sentences in a state prison. You absolutely DO pay fines AND go to jail/prison....and then some when you get out. And then even more if its parole. You can also be told to stay the f**k away from the victim, even if the victim is your spouse and lives in your home. The justice system is à la carte, they do whatever they want. That carries over to the civil space. Which is why I say the dude can be triple penetrated and it's not out of the ordinary.
i lowkey noticed that about lebron. lebron being the face of the league calling for it damn near ties their hands. also, in lebrons statement he said hes been quiet about other things and let em go.... he talking about the drake antics? :nerd: and i agree with him not having that pull so thats why i said they will probably follow through and force him to do it. for optics sake he shouldnt even appeal the other stuff.

yea i definitely said this. nothing is racist until u get called a n. like i said yesterday...some of yall reaching REAL hard

bruh u gotta be slow or a child. nobody even threatened u but clearly u mustve felt that pressure. i just said nobody really hits me with disrespect to my face white or not, and u wouldnt either. and you were all giggles after but now u talking about feeling threatened. unbunch your panties. my info in my sig, you got your profile on private lol. cut it out.
Be careful, I'll get the Beyhive on you!
You can’t have an owner openingly disrespecting players while they are doing their job. It’s a terrible look for the league.

Whatever happens to him he deserves it, he shouldn’t get a choice of what his punishment is.
You can’t even have the players say the refs missed a call without a 25k fine minimum. Let’s put this all into perspective. And those technicals players get that people laugh about..... those players are taxes for that too
youre missing the exile part. u dont go to jail and pay a fine...and then when u get out of jail they tell u to leave the country too. him being in jail (banned from finals and all of next year) is doing the time, the fine is the fine... but him being forced out of the warriors as well on top of the others is double dipping. im sure the contracts are ice cold. way too much money on the table not to be. what similar scenarios to this have happened? aint malice in the palace the closest?

this convo is becoming too much honestly. at the end of the day im not a billionaire and im really just killing time at work. i feel like some of you are taking this REALLY seriously lol
Happens all the time

On top of going to jail and paying a fine, people are usually unemployable after coming out.

Lose custody of their children, lose their ability to drive a car, ability to travel to another country. If you DO drive cops check your plate and show you are a felon and get pulled over regardless.

Ramifications of going to jail follow you long after you’re out.
6'1 300lb linebacker.... but yea sure... theres a long line of people just waiting to disrespect i guess and u can jump right to the front of it if it makes u feel better. like i said, say it when u see me, or tuck it in and move on. all the laughing isnt fooling anybody. now back to the warriors and their struggles.
yea i definitely said this. nothing is racist until u get called a n. like i said yesterday...some of yall reaching REAL hard
So nothing about systemic racism is racist because the N bomb wasn’t dropped? Nothing about those people reporting black kids selling lemonade is racist because N bomb wasn’t dropped?

Racism in 2019 isn’t a binary “he called me n word to my face” or not issue.
If you don't think white privilege plays a part in this IDK what to tell you. You don't have to be racist to be a recipient.
How many times have people of color been kicked out of games for doing what Stevens did? I can't think of many cases at all.
The majority of fans that do what he did & take things too far are white. White privilege enables a lot of the arrogance we see from sports fans.
Would Stevens have pulled that move if he were sitting in a section full of black people? Highly doubt it.

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