NBA Live 08 or NBA 2K8

Originally Posted by NYC game

what about the free throws?

I didn't notice a difference.

There a lot easier too make on-line now. less lag when you shoot.
i don't know about that, I seem to make em more frequently when I didn't have the patch but it's all the same motion to me flip controller backthen forward at the apex of his shot.

Anywho did they fix the wide open layup misses (even Greg Anthony could see those comming from a mile away) granted players do miss open dunks when trying toget too flashy but uncontested when the guy is behind you?

Did they fix missing wide open shots when you're opp is on a run?

did they fix Tmac, Yao or kobe from making last second heroics on the whole team in the final mins of the 4th?
It's a shame when opp have that much leway yet when I use my starting PF to back down in the middle he doesn't something clumsy like trips over his own2 feet.

did they fix the ever so easy hop step move that can score agains any type of ?

I swear I must have the old patch cause I ain't seeing non of this stuff go away.
They improved a lot on the lay-ups. The missing wide open shots when your opponent is on a run is still there and pisses me off. The superstar thing is alwaysgoing to be there. But Yao is no where near dominant in the game. Are you playing on the 360 or Ps3?
i have the same problem idk which one to get for christmas. it seems like 2k8 is the better choice but that whole online5-5 thing for live looks pretty you guys think 2k8 will do the same?
im late andhavent got either. I played live it was alright but for christmas im finally gettin 2k8.
NBA Live is some GARBAGE now.

Went 3 years w/o buying it until this year and I returned it the next day.
I don't think there is even a discussion about this anymore, everybody knows whats up.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

They improved a lot on the lay-ups. The missing wide open shots when your opponent is on a run is still there and pisses me off. The superstar thing is always going to be there. But Yao is no where near dominant in the game. Are you playing on the 360 or Ps3?
pS3 you xbox kids must have the better version
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