NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

@RicBucher On S&T between Suns/Raps w/Marion: source says there's 50-50 chance of it happening. Don't know for whom, butit won't be Dampier.

I was like "Say what?
" but then I read Damp at the end andsaw what he meant.

@RicBucherProb nothing but: couple sources say Ariza is wavering on commitment to Rockets. Hou says it's not true. Ariza's agent not returningcalls.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by Supafly122

[h1]Wade: I'll Stay If Heat Contend[/h1]
Jul 06, 2009 3:33 PM EST

Dwyane Wade says that he'll stay in Miami for the long-term if the Heat can contend for the NBA title.

Wade, who can opt out of his contract next summer, said Monday that simply getting to the playoffs "is not enough" to satisfy him.

He can sign an extension as early as next week, but the guard wants assurance that the Heat will do what it takes to field a championship-caliber team

Dwyane, come to Chicago !!!!

I've been crossing my fingers for years now.

If not the will be the bulls
Ariza really thinks he has the juice to be a star huh. I don't want his punk #!+ on the Cavs. Go to the Rockets and be a lottery participant for the lengthof your contract sucka, Frye 2
Originally Posted by heat23

@RicBucher On S&T between Suns/Raps w/Marion: source says there's 50-50 chance of it happening. Don't know for whom, but it won't be Dampier.

I was like "Say what?
" but then I read Damp at the end and saw what he meant.

@RicBucherProb nothing but: couple sources say Ariza is wavering on commitment to Rockets. Hou says it's not true. Ariza's agent not returning calls.
50% is good enough for me.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

[h2]Sources: Kidd to re-sign with Mavs[/h2]

Comment Email Print By Marc Stein

Jason Kidd has given the Dallas Mavericks a verbal commitment that he will re-sign with the team Wednesday, according to NBA front-office sources.



Sources told that Kidd, 36, will receive a 3-year, fully-guaranteed contract worth in excess of $25 million.

Kidd elected to stay in Dallas in the face of a hard push from the New York Knicks, who last week offered Kidd the most they could ($19 million over three years).

Signing Kidd for more than one season would have impacted the Knicks' efforts to amass substantial salary cap space for the summer of 2010, and they're expected to woo Cleveland's LeBron James and at least one other top free agent.

In that scenario, pressure on Knicks president Donnie Walsh to trade either Eddy Curry or Jared Jeffries -- or both -- would have increased significantly, but sources say that Walsh and Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni felt that acquiring Kidd would have been worth such hassles because of their confidence in Kidd's ability to change the Knicks' culture.

Kidd's interest in returning to the Atlantic Division was mutual, but the Mavericks were always considered favorites to re-sign him because they could comfortably exceed the Knicks' max offer of three years at the projected mid-level exception of $5.8 million per year.

Although Kidd initially sent signals that he planned to take the full holiday weekend before making a decision, Dallas began inching closer to a deal on Friday when Kidd and Mavericks owner Mark Cuban met at Cuban's house.

Wednesday is the first day teams can formally sign free agents to new contracts after the NBA announces the salary cap and luxury tax figures for the 2009-10 season.

Marc Stein is a senior NBA writer for



Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Ariza really thinks he has the juice to be a star huh. I don't want his punk #!+ on the Cavs. Go to the Rockets and be a lottery participant for the length of your contract sucka, Frye 2
you sound salty that no one wants to play for the Cavs.
Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by Supafly122

[h1]Wade: I'll Stay If Heat Contend[/h1]
Jul 06, 2009 3:33 PM EST

Dwyane Wade says that he'll stay in Miami for the long-term if the Heat can contend for the NBA title.

Wade, who can opt out of his contract next summer, said Monday that simply getting to the playoffs "is not enough" to satisfy him.

He can sign an extension as early as next week, but the guard wants assurance that the Heat will do what it takes to field a championship-caliber team

Dwyane, come to Chicago !!!!

I've been crossing my fingers for years now.

If not the will be the bulls
tell me about it heat.... all we can do s wait til the 12th to see what wade decides to do... or if riley is gonna make moves or not... the onlything i can see happening is riley will have a trade ready to go.... as long as wade is ready to sign...
blount, jones, wright...... for bosh.... that 15mill coming off the books in 2010....
Ariza really thinks he has the juice to be a star huh. I don't want his punk #!+ on the Cavs. Go to the Rockets and be a lottery participant for the length of your contract sucka, Frye 2

I disagree. Had LeBron been upfront about staying this whole past year, we could have Artest or Marion right now. And if not? Ariza. Trevor can do all thethings Delonte can do, but with more length. Guys are skeptical LeBron isn't staying, and he hasn't given them any solid indication otherwise. Not tomention all the Cavs management had to do was tell him he'd start (which I'd be surprised if he didn't anyways), and if he wasn't playing up topar then move him to the bench. Simple as that. And in regards to Channing Frye, if we give him a basic low-level contract I'm OK with that, and at thispoint we're looking pretty thin in some areas. I think under the right system he could be decent. Hell, he was playing well for NYK during the Isiah days,and I think you might have a decent pickup under the right organization.
Where are the spurs at in making moves. I hope they are not finished, we still need another big man to help out timmy.
man this whole offseason is turning into a nightmare for the Cavs...the fact that Lebron himself can't recruit guys to come to Cleveland is a bad sign.That team is in desperate need of another legitimate all-star (no Mo does not count) and if Lebron can't recruit one or the Cavs develop one...why would hestay. In NY dudes would be breaking down the garden doors to get on the court with him.

The Cavs better hope Hickson and Green come along really fast and that Shaq plays lights out this year.
Bibby's deal to stay in Atlanta is 3 years/$18 mil. I guess I can live with that...
The Kidd deal is typical Jason Kidd.

He did that move when he was a free agent with the Nets when Rod Thorn would only give him 98 mil instead of 106 million.

He was never even close to a deal in San Antonio but, would you risk losing your best player to a team you just lost in the Finals to? 106 he got

Kidd has bothered me since his departure from Jersey. How many times do I have to hear that he wants a ring that badly and then always goes where the Money is.

He was ticked when we gave VC his new contract and did not extend his. He wanted a trade "to a team that would contend" 2 years later he might ofgone to the playoffs but was knocked out in the first and second round. each year.

I am not trying to knock the Mavs (Sorry JapanAir) but if Kidd wanted a ring that badly, he would have signed for the mid-level and gone to a contender.

Now he is just making Cuban look bad again by getting the 25 million dollar contract from him. Yeah it is not 21 but at his age and the GREAT DEFENSE he stillhas, it is a bad deal.

Like I said, Kidd goes where the Green is, not the Gold.
[h2]Sources: Pistons close to decision[/h2]

Comment Email Print By Marc Stein

The Detroit Pistons are closing in on a resolution in their coaching search after two days oftalks with ESPN analyst Avery Johnson.



Sources familiar with the Pistons' thinking told that Tuesday would be a decisive day in their courting of Johnson, exactly one week removedfrom the dismissal of Michael Curry.

Pistons president Joe Dumars had his first face-to-face meeting with Johnson atthe latter's Houston-area home Sunday night, which was followed by ongoing discussions between the sides Monday.

If they can't strike an agreement on financial terms and other job parameters by Tuesday, Dumars and Johnson both appear prepared to move on. NBAcoaching sources say Dumars, in that scenario, would then turn to Cleveland Cavaliers assistantcoach John Kuester to replace Curry.

Johnson has been widely regarded as the leading candidate for the position since ex-Pistons coach and current TNT analyst Doug Collins withdrew fromconsideration last week. That status stems largely from Dumars' declarations after Curry's firing about moving forward "with a more experiencedcoach" and his intent to have that coach in place before the Pistons begin summer-league play in Las Vegas later this week.

Yet it's believed that Johnson, well aware that the Pistons are looking for their sixth coach as they enter Dumars' 10th season in charge, isseeking the security of a four-year contract. Such a deal could prove cost-prohibitive for the Pistons after they paid both Flip Saunders and Curry last seasonand still owe Curry an estimated $5 million over two years. Detroit, though, would share the financial burden in the first two years with the Dallas Mavericks, who still owe Johnson an estimated $8 million over the next two seasons.

Sources familiar with the talks say Sunday's meeting was positive and that the sides made further progress Monday, but obstacles remain. Dumars droppeda hint to that effect Friday, even before the face-to-face negotiations began, telling the Detroit News that it is "not a given" that Johnson will behired despite the perception that Collins' withdrawal opened up a clear path to the job for him. reported Friday that the Pistons have also added Boston Celtics associate head coachTom Thibodeau to an original list of candidates that featured Collins, Johnson and Kuester, but sources said Monday that Kuester's offensive expertise andhistory with the Pistons after working as an assistant under Larry Brown would land him the job if it doesn't go to Johnson. As for the experience factor,neither Kuester nor Thibodeau has been a head coach in the NBA, but both would indeed bring more experience to the job than Curry had.

Johnson has declined interview requests regarding the Pistons' search but indicated during the season that he would be more proactive in seeking jobsafter completing a second season as a television analyst for ESPN. In coaching circles, there has been a feeling that Johnson intends to wait for what he deemsan "ideal" opportunity given the money he still has forthcoming from the Mavericks. The 2008-09 season was Johnson's first in TV after Dallasfired him in May 2008 in the wake of a second successive first-round playoff ouster.

When he turned down a midseason offer to coach the Memphis Grizzlies, Johnson said that hewas "enjoying my time at ESPN and with my family" but also that he was intent on returning to coaching "at the right time and in the rightsituation."

Is Detroit that job? Colleagues maintain that Johnson is intrigued by the opportunity to work for one of the league's signature franchises, even thoughthe Pistons are in the midst of what Dumars openly describes as a "transition" period. The 44-year-old posted a 194-70 record in three-plus seasonswith the Mavericks, taking Dallas to the NBA Finals for the first time in franchise history in 2006, earning NBA Coach of the Year honors that season andfollowing that up with a 67-15 record in the 2006-07 season.

Johnson's tenure in Dallas then began to unravel with a first-round loss to the eighth-seeded Golden State Warriors and former Dallas coach Don Nelson in the 2007 playoffs and was followed by atension-filled final season in 2007-08 that could not be saved by the midseason acquisition of Jason Kidd.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Ariza really thinks he has the juice to be a star huh. I don't want his punk #!+ on the Cavs. Go to the Rockets and be a lottery participant for the length of your contract sucka, Frye 2

I disagree. Had LeBron been upfront about staying this whole past year, we could have Artest or Marion right now. And if not? Ariza. Trevor can do all the things Delonte can do, but with more length. Guys are skeptical LeBron isn't staying, and he hasn't given them any solid indication otherwise. Not to mention all the Cavs management had to do was tell him he'd start (which I'd be surprised if he didn't anyways), and if he wasn't playing up to par then move him to the bench. Simple as that. And in regards to Channing Frye, if we give him a basic low-level contract I'm OK with that, and at this point we're looking pretty thin in some areas. I think under the right system he could be decent. Hell, he was playing well for NYK during the Isiah days, and I think you might have a decent pickup under the right organization.

I couldn't disagree more. Honestly why would Artest go to Cleveland over LA? It's the same money, a better coach, a better team, and abetter city. Artest wouldn't come to Cleveland.

Marion really? No thanks.

I like Frye for the BAE. He does have some potential and can knock down that mid-range jumper. There is some risk involved for the BAE it's worth it.

As for telling Ariza he'd start, I don't like promising starting spots to players. You have to earn that, competition is what makes teams great. Ifyou promise him the starting spot and then move him to the bench, you reallythink he'd be OK with that?
I agree wtih VC, Kidd is a damn fake. Dude been chasin money forever, but "claiming" he wants a ring.

And I just do not get Cuban AT ALL goin after Marion. Pretty sure he's not even remotely close to the same defender he was.

I agree with Dirk that they are trying hard to with with Nowitski, but damn, these moves don't put them anywhere close, so why do them?

I almost think they should broke off Stack and Damp for anything, let Kidd go, maybe move Jet or J-Ho if they could, suck this year, but get a top end lotterypick, re-sign Dirk, go after Wade, Joe Johnson, Amary, Boozer, PP, whoever to team with Dirk, and still give the guy a legit 3-4 years to contend. Insteadthey sign all these old past their prime guys, and hope for the best?

They aren't touching LA, SA, Den, Por, possibly Utah depending on what they do, hell even Houston might still be stronger then them simply because theyhave a ton of youth on their team.

So are they really extending this window for Dirk? Really?
Originally Posted by CP1708

I agree wtih VC, Kidd is a damn fake. Dude been chasin money forever, but "claiming" he wants a ring.

And I just do not get Cuban AT ALL goin after Marion. Pretty sure he's not even remotely close to the same defender he was.

I agree with Dirk that they are trying hard to with with Nowitski, but damn, these moves don't put them anywhere close, so why do them?

I almost think they should broke off Stack and Damp for anything, let Kidd go, maybe move Jet or J-Ho if they could, suck this year, but get a top end lottery pick, re-sign Dirk, go after Wade, Joe Johnson, Amary, Boozer, PP, whoever to team with Dirk, and still give the guy a legit 3-4 years to contend. Instead they sign all these old past their prime guys, and hope for the best?

They aren't touching LA, SA, Den, Por, possibly Utah depending on what they do, hell even Houston might still be stronger then them simply because they have a ton of youth on their team.

So are they really extending this window for Dirk? Really?
I'm no big fan of Gortat or Marion BUT with those moves only the Lakers and maybe Denver are hands down better than the Mavs in West. I reallydon't see how Portland, SA, and especially Utah are better than the Mavs next year.

I've been over on the Mav board complaining up a storm but I mean they added two starters for nothing.
Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by JDB1523

you did not put yi up there...tell me i'm missing something.

I was waiting for someone to catch onto that. I was actually laughing when I wrote it myself...point being is that he's much taller than Booze, and could go over him if he wanted to. I really just wanted to make the list longer.

I'm starting to like you JDB (No RoMo) bad you're a Cavs fan

word. just something bout cav fans taht make me go

yi aint going over no one honestly though.
Mavs still aren't better than the Lakers, Spurs, Nuggets and Blazers.

The core's best days have come and gone.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by CP1708

I agree wtih VC, Kidd is a damn fake. Dude been chasin money forever, but "claiming" he wants a ring.

And I just do not get Cuban AT ALL goin after Marion. Pretty sure he's not even remotely close to the same defender he was.

I agree with Dirk that they are trying hard to with with Nowitski, but damn, these moves don't put them anywhere close, so why do them?

I almost think they should broke off Stack and Damp for anything, let Kidd go, maybe move Jet or J-Ho if they could, suck this year, but get a top end lottery pick, re-sign Dirk, go after Wade, Joe Johnson, Amary, Boozer, PP, whoever to team with Dirk, and still give the guy a legit 3-4 years to contend. Instead they sign all these old past their prime guys, and hope for the best?

They aren't touching LA, SA, Den, Por, possibly Utah depending on what they do, hell even Houston might still be stronger then them simply because they have a ton of youth on their team.

So are they really extending this window for Dirk? Really?
I'm no big fan of Gortat or Marion BUT with those moves only the Lakers and maybe Denver are hands down better than the Mavs in West. I really don't see how Portland, SA, and especially Utah are better than the Mavs next year.

I've been over on the Mav board complaining up a storm but I mean they added two starters for nothing.
Portland (Record wise) was better last year and have drastically improved in Record the last 4 years. They tied for the 2nd best record in theWest and are only going to be a better team after getting the playoff experience. I know Dallas was the only team I believe to completely sweep Portland in thewest, but rest assured that is not going to happen again next season. They most likely will not let their cap space go to waste and will probably make alopsided trade. Even if not, this team will be better and older than last year.
Gortat does not fit in with Dallas.

San Antonio is much better if he has to start.

People have this perception with players who had great finals/playoff games and get a pay day to play on another team.

Posey has been a great role player but the money he is paid, people hate on his game.

but when he was in boston for next to nothing (MLE) he was great.

When Ariza puts up the same numbers in Houston, fans will look for more in his second year of that contract and it will probably not happen.

So Gortat fits the same mold, he will be what Erica Dampier was when he first came to Dallas. But when he is not a force in the middle like people expect, wewill be back to this again just like Dampier, just like Diop.

Marion would of been great three years ago when Dallas wanted him then.

Yeah it is for contracts of players that do not play (Stack can still play in my eyes) but, where do you go next season?

Utah will be healthy (maybe) for a full season, OKC will improve, and I think Memphis will surprise some.

Dallas is at that middle road. Cuban is the George Steinbrenner of this league. He will not let a rebuild happen.

I actually feel bad for Dallas fans that they do not get to see young players develop. Harris would of helped this team more with more freedom. Carlise wouldof given him the keys just like he gave Kidd.

Cuban and Dallas reminds me of My New York Mets during the Mo Vaughn/Roberto Alomar years. Players past their primes but still have a big name to them and theend result not being what was expected by managment.

Trust me, neither deal is good for Dallas.
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