NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Word is he tried to buy NBC years back because he wanted to put better wholesome programming on TV. The current players in that area wasn't having it.
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whether he did it or not i'm tired of "our" heroes always having to take the fall at some point. maybe that's just my opinion but doesnt seem like you can be black and successful in america without some type of scandal.
malcolm x..shot, made out to be a racist
mlk..shot, accused of cheating on wife

huey newton, drug addict


so try again

Miss me with that Obama. **** him.

I feel u on Malcolm and Huey but this is not the 60's my g
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This Moon Indigio cat in here playing rapist's advocate :{ :| :x

It's a sad day that it's even needed.

**** I'm reading not even making sense. Dudes is ***** footing around the subject sounding like they just don't want to come out and condone rape.

Wrong, I am defending due process, the law
No you're not.

Nobody in here can go an arrest Cosby or convict him of crimes he's committed in a court of law.

The statue of limitations have unfortunately already passed on his crimes.

and Cosby has never been convicted of a crime.
If you rape someone and haven't been arrested for it that doesn't mean you're not a rapist.

If you're saying ppl can't have their opinions cuz he hasn't been charged and seen his day his court then I'm pretty much right about you.

If the only reason you're defending Cobsy is cuz he hasn't been charged and seen his day in court after all the facts have been revealed to the public on this topic then you're less of a troll and more pitiful than I thought

If you know something that we all do not know, please share.
I know what we all know. You seem to have a problem with facing facts and the truth admitted by the rapist in question.
If not, sit down, because you are condoning stupidity.
The only rigid stupidity I'm seeing running rampant aint on my side. Go look in a mirror.
Stop looking for hero on tv first of all

malcolm x..shot, made out to be a racist
X was being called a racist way before his death. Lets not pretend he was some nationwide black hero with an agenda embraced by all black ppl and then only after his assassination was mud thrown on his name. X faced those accusations as they came and stood for what he believed in at the time and when the fraudulent ways of those he looked up to were revealed to him he adjusted his outlook towards the world, specifically when it came to accepting help from white ppl.
mlk..shot, accused of cheating on wife
Assassinated and I don't see a damn thing wrong with that. Still was a great man and stood for something important. Facts is facts. Infidelity does not take away from what he stood for at all.
huey newton, drug addict
If true then this makes him even more admirable. Aint many drug addicts have accomplished what he has accomplished.
That's just political nonsense. Do ppl even know what communism is anymore? Just using the word as a negative and taking it as an insult.

There have been much worse said about Obama on the surface level. None of which matters. You could at least bring up some of his actions as pres or views ppl have a legit beef with and go from there with how they try to tear him down.

so try again
Listen man, I don't know what dream world you living in but you can look up to whoever you want to look up to or you can be your own hero. There's plenty black heroes for the black community. No hero for any other race, religion, ethnicity, nationality is perfect (if we're talking about ppl who actually existed). So I don't know why you acting like black ppl are the only ones that get their heroes slandered or end up in scandal. People make mistakes. They're human. If you gonna look up to someone, know why you're looking up to them. Don't just put them on a pedestal and treat them as a saint that can do no wrong when it comes to any topic across the board. They gonna do things you disagree with or hate sometimes. That's just how it is.

Bill Cosby was/is just any ol other black man that to many was a great entertainer. He became a huge success and rich. He was smart enough to use his platform for the most part to send a positive message to the black community in an effort to make us all be better off for the future. Then he got a bit bitter in old age as time changed and said some truly ****** up stuff to those who once looked up to him It just so happens that while he was doing all that he was also a ******* horrible rapist monster, that probably raped over 50 women power tripping off of what his celebrity gave him. Perhaps this is a good opportunity for the black community to better reflect on who they look up to, who they choose to be their heroes & role models, and to not blindly stand by somebody for good acts in a completely unrelated area when accused of something so specifically heinous.
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You're missing my point. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by you dont see a damn thing wrong with mlk being assassinated but to think that there is some form of equality on how minorities are portrayed vs majorities is ludicrous. If he did it, yes he should be tried accordingly, but you know if it were idk..tom hanks in the same situation it would play out differently. The cosby show presented blacks on television in a way that had not been done before which undoubtedly would ruffle some feathers to the point where some would be happy to see this happen whether he did or not.
If you didn't have any real life role models to look up to... and a TV personality who was a prolific rapist was the best representation of a black man you had.... then I understand why our community is so lost...
You're missing my point. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by you dont see a damn thing wrong with mlk being assassinated but to think that there is some form of equality on how minorities are portrayed vs majorities is ludicrous. If he did it, yes he should be tried accordingly, but you know if it were idk..tom hanks in the same situation it would play out differently. The cosby show presented blacks on television in a way that had not been done before which undoubtedly would ruffle some feathers to the point where some would be happy to see this happen whether he did or not.
You misread. I said I don't see anything wrong with mlk cheating on his wife when it comes to what he stood for if anyone wants to see him as a hero or look up to him. That **** is irrelvant compared to the bigger picture.

You are also completely missing what I'm saying to you about seeing someone as a hero. As far as getting torn down, that **** is equal. Dudes talking like Bill bout to get publicly tarred and feathered. Son still rich and still not going to jail. He aint even got to avoid entering the country like Roman. All he getting is a tongue lashing. That's the least he deserves if son raped as many women that accused him. I mean show me the white celeb accused of child molesting or raping 50 women that got off without even public backlash.

I honestly don't give a **** if some racists out there who hated that Cosby was portraying a postive black family on tv are happy he's now outted as a rapist. **** them. If that's a real problem we should be worried about then we should be even more furious with Bill for being a serial rapist. Racists being happy about this is so besides the point. I'm tired of these side issues being brought up like they're bigger than a rapist getting away with rape dozens of times over. How about his celebrity and money being used as a shield to keep him from being charged and allowed him freedom to keep raping? How about this ****** up "justice system"? This bull **** statue of limitations? There's expiration dates on rape but not on murder but nationwide states can't even boast they've never had innocent men falsely imprisoned doing life bids or on death row for murders and rapes they aint even do?

Also I disagree, let it come out tomorrow that Tom Hanks got 23 sex slaves in his basement and he'll get it worse than Bill. He'll get ******* destroyed in the media. I don't know how you'd think it would play out. Now if you feel when it's a black celeb the media goes harder what the **** you expect? The majority of them will pick up that racist hate agenda without a 2nd thought. Plus there aint no denying individually they might have racists views of their own. You not gonna find fairness in the media when it comes to tearing someone once beloved down. Don't waste time comparing.

But again that's just how it is for heroes. They're not perfect. You can't go digging in their closets and not expect to find skeletons. Besides depending on what they did it won't be what they're remembered for. Mlk is not remembered for being an adulterer by society or the black community. X and Huey aint never really had a chance with all of society to be given the same benefit of the doubt given their more militant and aggressive approaches but in the black community they're not remembered as a racist and a drug addict.
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If you didn't have any real life role models to look up to... and a TV personality who was a prolific rapist was the best representation of a black man you had.... then I understand why our community is so lost...

What are you talking about? So it's wrong to look for positive representation of black people in media? And did everyone growing up watch the cosby show knowing this guy has been accused of misconduct by multiple women?
What are you talking about? So it's wrong to look for positive representation of black people in media? And did everyone growing up watch the cosby show knowing this guy has been accused of misconduct by multiple women?

It's not wrong but it's not wise.
If you didn't have any real life role models to look up to... and a TV personality who was a prolific rapist was the best representation of a black man you had.... then I understand why our community is so lost...

What are you talking about? So it's wrong to look for positive representation of black people in media? And did everyone growing up watch the cosby show knowing this guy has been accused of misconduct by multiple women?

You have to remember who you're responding to. He makes a good point even with massive exaggeration :lol
whether he did it or not i'm tired of "our" heroes always having to take the fall at some point. maybe that's just my opinion but doesnt seem like you can be black and successful in america without some type of scandal.

This! *minus the heroes part* it's obvious there is an agenda and they typically always wait until your prime is over when they cannot make serious bread off you to defame your name *insert Michael Jackson, etc here*

I have a feeling Michael Jordan will be next...whenever those shoes stop selling and being so popular, watch they come up with some crap he supposedly did in the 80/90's, smh [emoji]128527[/emoji]
This! *minus the heroes part* it's obvious there is an agenda and they typically always wait until your prime is over when they cannot make serious bread off you to defame your name *insert Michael Jackson, etc here*

I have a feeling Michael Jordan will be next...whenever those shoes stop selling and being so popular, watch they come up with some crap he supposedly did in the 80/90's, smh [emoji]128527[/emoji]

Already well documrnted #No******MJ don't like ******
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