NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

It's over 20 women now :smh:

You dudes saying it aint a big deal are what's wrong with society in general. "Cosby drugged and raped 20+ women? Eh so what? He can't go to prison for it. Why even talk about it now?" :stoneface:

No proof no care

This whole thing is stupid so chicks can come out the blue 10 years later and say i raped em and all yall would believe em
proof is in the puddin'.


I see you...
^lol @ dude expecting black media to uphold "journalistic standards".

far as I can see, dude has been doin his damndest to separate himself from us since the VERY start of his career.

I only speak for myself and those that I've had a conversation with about this particular topic, but based on those conversations, cosby def doesn't have support from the black community and it has everything to do with his rigid rants against the younger generations of black America.

all in all, when you wrong, you wrong. aint really worried boutcha color.

but as far as bill cosby goes? *#%@ em.
:lol: now he wants the support. Same guys you judged for how they dressed in their youth who are now grown, productive members of society. You want them to give you the benefit of the doubt despite 15 rape allegations, but you couldn't see pass them being a thug because their pants were sagging? Good luck.
^lol @ dude expecting black media to uphold "journalistic standards".

far as I can see, dude has been doin his damndest to separate himself from us since the VERY start of his career.

This is why I posted, he acted so high & mighty over the years, now he wants the support. FOH.

Time to take responsibility Bill. Pick your pants up Bill. Stop drugging and raping women, Bill.
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Y'all really believing this ish? lmaooooo all dese chicks are tryna get a late payday, ridiculous :smh:
1 or 2 maybe, but way too many with the same story....where there's smoke there's fire IMO.
:lol: now he wants the support. Same guys you judged for how they dressed in their youth who are now grown, productive members of society. You want them to give you the benefit of the doubt despite 15 rape allegations, but you couldn't see pass them being a thug because their pants were sagging? Good luck.
fareal doe...

going in on 15 to 20 y/os... Now those dudes are 30+...

giving cosby the stank face..

Hate it had to be him, doe. He does do some good things for the community, but sheesh.
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It's over 20 women now :smh:

You dudes saying it aint a big deal are what's wrong with society in general. "Cosby drugged and raped 20+ women? Eh so what? He can't go to prison for it. Why even talk about it now?" :stoneface:

No proof no care

This whole thing is stupid so chicks can come out the blue 10 years later and say i raped em and all yall would believe em

Until you got 20 women claiming you period no one cares about your hypotheticals
Bill Cosby: ‘I only expect the black media to uphold’ journalistic standards

Looks like it's backfiring 

From TMZ
Bill Cosby suggesting white journalists are giving him the short end of the stick is a bunch of crap — and that’s according to the head of a black journalists organization.

Bob Butler, President of the National Association of Black Journalists … tells TMZ almost all reports on the sexual assault allegations against Cosby have been unbiased — despite Cosby alleging white media (whatever that means) have it out for him.

In fact, Butler says black reporters should actually be pissed at Cosby’s claim because … “You don’t go easier on a person with color. Its wrong for journalism period.”

He adds, “This not a color issue, this is a journalism issue … black people happen to be reporters.”

Cosby — not winning friends in the media … of any race.
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if 20 people that don't know each other come out and say you're a rapist, chances are you're a rapist.... 

how many sexual assault claims does it take for it to have legs? 
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They not suing him or asking to take it to trial so how would this be about money? This is more so to let ppl know Cliff Huxatable is a rapist like the rest of the Hollywood creeps not your perfect TV dad

If this was fake he'd be suing for defamation since the 1970s when the first accusation happened, instead he paid her off.
the biggest sexual predator in the industry is Terry Richardson, but for some reason they just allow him to cook.... 

Maybe in the fashion industry but I bet there's worse. There's been plenty of accusations made in the past against him from models that worked with him and it's received some coverage but you can't really compare a fashion photog's alleged misdeeds to the alleged misdeeds of "America's Dad" that was on TV for years.
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a celebrated sexual predator is a celebrated sexual predator.... all the same to me 

but I hear what you're saying, one was supposed to be this positive all-american role model w/ no history of such things  .....  the other just a photographer w/ a sketchy past that continued to get swept under the rug... 
a celebrated sexual predator is a celebrated sexual predator.... all the same to me 

but I hear what you're saying, one was supposed to be this positive all-american role model w/ no history of such things  .....  the other just a photographer w/ a sketchy past that continued to get swept under the rug... 

Exactly my point,I'd feel different about it if Richardson was on some high horse lecturing people on how to live their lives/act. They're both messed up situations all around but Cosby's hypocrisy is the takes his mess to another level in my eyes.
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It's over 20 women now :smh:

You dudes saying it aint a big deal are what's wrong with society in general. "Cosby drugged and raped 20+ women? Eh so what? He can't go to prison for it. Why even talk about it now?" :stoneface:

No proof no care

This whole thing is stupid so chicks can come out the blue 10 years later and say i raped em and all yall would believe em
Seems you won't get it unless you get raped one day and nobody believes you cuz you don't have any proof :smh:

FTR, if 10 women come out the blue and say you raped them all with similar stories, sorry bruh Imma think you a serial rapist and a monster. Better start video documenting all of your sexual encounters.
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It's over 20 women now :smh:

You dudes saying it aint a big deal are what's wrong with society in general. "Cosby drugged and raped 20+ women? Eh so what? He can't go to prison for it. Why even talk about it now?" :stoneface:

No proof no care

This whole thing is stupid so chicks can come out the blue 10 years later and say i raped em and all yall would believe em
Seems you won't get it unless you get raped one day and nobody believes you cuz you don't have any proof :smh:

FTR, if 10 women come out the blue and say you raped them all with similar stories, sorry bruh Imma think you a serial rapist and a monster. Better start video documenting all of your sexual encounters.

That aint trill....:smh:
That's a lot of accusations. I'll say this, if a woman comes to see me in my house or hotel room, I'm tryna bone. If we meeting about business we ain't meeting in my hotel room etc. No mickey's involved, I like my fish wet and squirming. But seriously, in the court of public opinion, with so many accusations no proof is needed. Legally it's gonna be one tough case.
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