Need Help finding Paul Pierce footage vol. Weird Movements

Ya'll ain't know? That nerve damage sustained from that stabbing in LA got him acting like that from time to time. He can't control that.
I noticed it before but thought it was just something he couldn't control and didn't think much of it before
Ya'll ain't know? That nerve damage sustained from that stabbing in LA got him acting like that from time to time. He can't control that.

That's what I figured, it still threw me off when I first saw it though.
I'm not sure if that's true. I think if he had nerve damage it would affect him when he shoots or does something athletic but I've never seen that happen. It only seems to happen when a shot goes up. Maybe it's just a weird habit. When his own shots are in the air he sometimes puts a lot of body English into it so maybe it's similar to that. Also the stabbing happened in Boston.
Well it's not farfetched to believe he suffered nerve damage after being stabbed 11 times in sensitive areas such as his neck. And depending on which nerves may have been damaged, they would effect his involuntary movements.
Yo this is weird man, I feel like I need to rewatch every single Celtics game ever.

If this was due to nerve damage, I feel like it would have been covered already... I mean Rob Sacre already has a highlight reel.

If this was due to nerve damage, I feel like it would have been covered already...
Yeah, I've never read anything about nerve damage causing him to have these spasms on the court. I'm not saying it's farfetched or impossible but it sounds like a rumor to me. I can be proven wrong if someone has a link to an article or interview or something though.
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Yeah, I've never read anything about nerve damage causing him to have these spasms on the court. I'm not saying it's farfetched or impossible but it sounds like a rumor to me. I can be proven wrong if someone has a link to an article or interview or something though.

I think you're right. I looked for any articles or links stating what I said in here and found nothing. I remember hearing it awhile back and took it as the truth. If it's not nerve damage, I'm fresh out of explanations for it :lol:

Can't imagine he's doing that on purpose

In that second video, except for the weird arm swing, it looked to me like he was trying to scrape up moisture off the floor with the sole of his shoe, something I'm sure most people have done in a gym before.
not as epic as the first couple of vids, but peep this fool at :47sec....dude jumps from the free throw line like he's gonna block a layup:

damn...that looks like something that he has no control over. like the moves he is making are basketball moves but they are 3 seconds late or something.

God bless that dude. (not joking) he is definitely "suffering" from something.
YOOOO :rofl: :rofl:

I don't think I've ever been caught so off guard by something. What hes doing in the vids is so NOT what I was expecting to see. This is like one of the most random and inexplicable things I've ever seen.
I've been a Celtics season ticket holder for 6 seasons, a Celtics fan for my whole life, and a huge Paul Pierce fan since I was a kid in High School. Hell there's an autographed Pierce jersey hanging on the wall behind me as I type this, and I swear I never noticed him doing this until I saw the vids above.
he did it when he got up after Joe Johnson put him on all fours too.


I've noticed him doing it after he shoots jumpers, but I always interpreted as "body English" trying to will the shot in after a bad release or something. We gotta get to the bottom of this NT.
This guy played in the finals multiple times and is in the playoffs every year.

HOW in the world was this unknown before? sjalfksald;fjasjfals;jf;lsdjfkafld

This is like a mystery unraveling before my eyes
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