Need help with a girl!

Jul 25, 2005
i've been dating this girl for a while now and i really like and she likes me too, and i want to make it official am i suppose to ask her to be mygirlfriend or is it suppose to just happen? What did you guys do? and if you did ask how did you do it?
straight up ask her to be youre girl
if you want you could do it all fancy,
but its not that big of a deal
well does she already think you guys are offical?? Just talk to her and tell her you want to be in an offical straight to thepoint, or be really dorky if you're that kind of guy and give her a note the old school one with "do you wanna be my girlfriend?" than the yes,no, maybe that would be way cute take her to dinner and have the note chillin on the table when you get there or have the waitressbring it out with your drinks or something with flowers or something....aww too funny ahahahahaha
if you didnt smash, generally females wanna feel love/extreme attraction (like), before any of that

make sure she aint scared of commitment though.

if you were dating for a while (ie 3-4 months), it's a reasonable question.

but ALWAYS assume she has other dudes in the picture, you'll save yourself a lotta heartache/delusion
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

if you didnt smash, generally females wanna feel love/extreme attraction (like), before any of that

make sure she aint scared of commitment though.

if you were dating for a while (ie 3-4 months), it's a reasonable question.

but ALWAYS assume she has other dudes in the picture, you'll save yourself a lotta heartache/delusion

that's some good advice
true story...

these are GIRLS/WOMEN...they outnumber us, yet we act like they're going out of style. a female WILL always have some dude. to paraphrase my dude Collab27,a female will find something her man lacks in a male friend. as far as i've seen it in my life, it's true as hell. the dude might be "just afriend", but you can be he had a history with your girl or tried to make one and got shut down or he is trying.......

dont even sweat that though. just make sure you're confident with yourself. i personally think some part of females likes knowing that she can be replacedby a better female. shows her guy is confident and attractive, so he's a quality catch

as for this chick, do your research also. females will almost always lie about certain things (you know what i mean) because they want you (a "new"dude) to treat them a certain way. and make sure she carries herself in a manner than demands respect.
i'm quite certain she wants to be together and is waiting for me to ask, how did you guys ask your gf's?
my ex-girl said "i love you" after 2 weeks of dating. so all this garbage wasn't needed.
just say

"I like the direction we're headed in...and i'd like to take it a step further. you and me can be together on a deeper level."

"So we've been kickin it for ____ months, i'm right for you, you're right for me.....why not be with me on a deeper level? we genuinely enjoyeach other's company and that'll only solidify it more."

it's sorta like a sales pitch. if you can get a female to answer yes to a rational question you're in

didnt ask shorty like that, cuz i'm more direct but hope that helps
blackmagnus514 wrote:

dont even sweat that though. just make sure you're confident with yourself. i personally think some part of females likes knowing that she can be replaced by a better female. shows her guy is confident and attractive, so he's a quality catch

I'm sorry but i have to disagree on this right here seriously big time no diss not trying to fight we don't want toknow that we can be replaced by a "better female", we are like ok well if you feel that way than BYE and maybe you need to go and find that betterfemale......all that right there tells us that you are way too full of yourself and give us this impression you feel like you are settling for us and why theheck are you wasting our time, a girl wants to feel like she IS that better female and not just something to pass the time until something better comes alongunless that's what you have her around for than by all means but if you want more and want serious relationship that's another thing. no no no no no no
maybe i am cocky.
i can see your point

so you would wanna be with a guy NO ONE find charismatic in some way? not even just females.

thing is, as far as i've seen it, the ladies who dated these types of cats KNEW that these guys were known players and could do better so it elevated whatthey brought to the table. that was my whole point, despite me not saying it. they dealt with losers who talked a fair one but when they started dealing withthese types of dudes, they know to come correct or not at all.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

maybe i am cocky.
i can see your point

so you would wanna be with a guy NO ONE find charismatic in some way? not even just females.

thing is, as far as i've seen it, the ladies who dated these types of cats KNEW that these guys were known players and could do better so it elevated what they brought to the table. that was my whole point, despite me not saying it. they dealt with losers who talked a fair one but when they started dealing with these types of dudes, they know to come correct or not at all.
we want a guy that other females want to a point like we dont' wanna deal with the groupies (which I will point out are the worst in the pacific nwof anywhere i've lived grr) ok maybe i'm different i have 4 bros and always had guy friends who were players big time so saw a lot.......anyway like oki kicked it with dudes that were like that and everything and were "players" to other females never with me because I was just like look I know yourgames so just be real and I'll decide from there if I wanna get involved. and that whole thing is cool and fun kickin it with the guy every girl wantswhen you are young but when you get older and grow up it's no longer fun it's just annoying...........i dated thugs, and pretty boys and players andall kinds of guys and every single one of them had girls chasing them all the i have a man who is a computer nerd sneakerhead dorky goofy 27year old kid, and i couldn't be happier he doesn't make me feel like he can do better he makes me feel there is nobody better, although do catch himcheck booties but we laugh about it together anyway, he changed my life and is make a girl feel like you can do better and that's when shehas her girls spying on you or trying to be sneaky or whatever or she is going to start cheating. make her feel like she is your 80% (tyler perry's theman lol) and if she's a real women she will appreciate you for that and do her best to make you feel like the greatest man on earth.
so you would wanna be with a guy NO ONE find charismatic in some way? not even just females.
I don't date him because others find him charismatic. I date him because I happen to find him charismatic, intriguing, awesome company andtons of other things people in general like. The fact that others enjoy his company is just a plus that comes with theterritory.

Oh and I think asking is kinda HSish. If you still need that verification though just ask "So if someone were to ask you out on a date what would yousay?"
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

me and you have to talk. ^

@ the cameo

he has been dating....he wants a GF

yes we will talk. i got some talking to do too.
and yea they've been dating. if she's to the point where she wants to be his GF then shewon't date around is the point. in her mind she will already be committed. (that's if she has her head on straight and isn't into playing games)

oh and you guy are annoying. log off already.
Originally Posted by West2East

so you would wanna be with a guy NO ONE find charismatic in some way? not even just females.
I don't date him because others find him charismatic. I date him because I happen to find him charismatic, intriguing, awesome company and tons of other things people in general like. The fact that others enjoy his company is just a plus that comes with the territory.

Oh and I think asking is kinda HSish. If you still need that verification though just ask "So if someone were to ask you out on a date what would you say?"

PERFECT shut this thread down that is it, no need to go any further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right on point i think you summed up this one thing in oneline "so if someone were to ask you out on a date what would you say?"
i straight up asked my girl like " so whats up, do u want to take this to the next level" and it worked thats how u got to do it, cuz no matter howlong u been talkin or if u b wit her everyday u jus got make it known cuz they might take it for somethin else.
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