Need Help with a Neighbor problem. The kid's got autism

In some cases, aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be present. Persons with autism may also exhibit some of the following traits:
  • Tantrums
  • Difficulty in mixing with others
  • Obsessive attachment to objects
  • Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
  • No real fears of danger
  • Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity
  • Uneven gross/fine motor skills
  • Non-responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf, although hearing tests in normal range
Not good, OP. Not good at all.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

Originally Posted by Hellscream23

Since he lives on his own, you may have a hard time tracking down the mom. If so, let the apartment manager know your situation, and most likely they will know
who to contact. Most likely an organization helped him out to move him in there on his own.

If that doesn't work, honestly, your gonna have to f*ck him up. No joke. No human is above being put in there place to a certain extent. If anything just
scare the ++!+ out of him and he may leave you alone.
Yeah but I hear people with autism have like 10 times the amount of strength as the average person. Might be tough to mess him up. He's probably listening to me and my roomate discussing this right now. I don't know what to do though for real. Like I feel he's gonna kick down my door just because I decide to use the blender sometimes or vaccume.

Yo, are you FADED at the moment
my brother has autism btw
dude dont f with people with autism
they been through enough shh in their lives to take more from you
...anyone here thinks it was a bad move to let the guy live alone with his condition? I think he should be living with someone.
- You should just obey his commands. You gon' keep playing games with dude; one day he's just gonna snap and kick down your door on some:



my boy works with autistic kids.
i was chillin with him for a sec at his job one day...
this lil black kid walks up to him and mumbles something fast and takes a swing at his face
i pushed the kid so my boy didnt get punched cause it was a hellllllLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA fast punch. like godly speed.
he staggered and came at me so fast so i wrapped up his arms and had to get strong to hold him down while my boy grabbed his legs (got kicked in the head lolz)

but he was about 90% of my strength. and he was 9 and skinny.

their brains have no limits on strength.
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