Need help with my razor bumps...

Originally Posted by af1pops12

The razor bumps are on the back of my neck.
I had that same problem. You might want to go to a dermatologist to get them check out, because they might beinfected.

Razor bumps on the back of your neck/head are the hardest to get rid of.

Another word of advice, find a new barber.
Get this stuff called "Skin Tight" from like a beauty supply store and some wal-marts got it too... this stuff works miracles
T liners will get rid of all your bumps.... I was in the marines for 4 yrs so I tried everything under the sun and the only thing that works for MOST black menare T liners..... T liners and a lil hot water gets it done everytime no bumps or irritation....ANDIS T LINERS
Yeah, use a beard trimmer and not shaving razor. I had to learn that the hard way. I had massive bumps
, but now I don't have much bumps as before.
iim not black, but using a regular razor really messed my skin up too. i just use something similar to that andis t liner and my skin is fine.
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