Need some advice from black NTer's who used accutane

Dec 21, 2009
I don't get really bad acne but when i do get a pimple its really big but they usually go away with no scars left. But last summer i got another big pimple that just stays their on my face and never heals or go away and last month i got another one.

I tried to use other acne creams and nothing works i even changed my diet and i have been eating healthy and while that helped a little and even cured my seasonal allergies. I have not seen big improvements in my skin especially to the big bumps. So i found out recently about accutane and am thinking about trying it.

What were your experience taking it ?
and especially for dark skinned people .... did it change your skin complexion ? Am asking this because i heard it makes darker skinned peoples complexion change to a even darker tone. Is this true ?
i remember i had this one dried pimple that didnt go away. i used a needle a dug that out. had like some hard sponge like feel to it. no scar or nothing.
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