need to know if 2001 Bred 11s are Legit

Dont look as aged as I think they should. Jump man doesn't look to line up with the 23 on the back from the looks. Could you get a picture of the back?
mikeyrush mikeyrush I'm new on here so im kinda getting used to it but, I think I tagged you in a pic of the back. Thanks for helping me by the way
Dont look as aged as I think they should. Jump man doesn't look to line up with the 23 on the back from the looks. Could you get a picture of the back?
I tagged you in the pic of the back. They didnt age as much because they didn't fit the person that bought them so they never wore em. It's from a family member so they are selling them for $80 to me, just want to make sure they are real. My real concern is the carbon fiber.

They look fake dude. The 23 on the back is mad off center (it's more to the right) and the ball on the jumpman doesn't line up right ( the ball ideally should go between the 2 and 3 perfectly; sometimes not the case, but not this bad). Plus, the Jumpan leg looks bigger than his body in the pictures. I'd say fake. Carbon fiber caught me too, I would try the quarter test. Try and scrape the carbon fiber with a quarter (though some fakes do have real carbon fiber), and see if the white part on midsole is soft. The midsole on the 11s is very soft, you should be able to squeeze into them
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