NES Classic Mini re-releasing 6/29/18 retail $60


Lol @ the tent
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i went pass tru, bb, and target before i came home and it as ghost town lol

people fed up with this camping ishh lol

Got no hesitation copping multis.
Missed entire NES Classic release and tuned everything out. Famicons will go to siblings because we had original growing up. Regular SNES go to other F&F as Oops or gifts.
Good luck on your purchases, G.
Bruh which adapter do we need for famicoms..lemme kno..we can't just plug them in
Plus ppl work tomorrow it's not like sneakers which are Saturday ..I doubt I could've camped last night
Yeah I gotta work tomorrow plus I got a show to go to later and trying to leave early so going in late it’s not an option. Was trying to cop another as gift
just swung by best buy and saw 15 heads .target and toys r us dead smh i got work at 730 I don't think my chances looking too good
Also target is next to my GameStop there's no way I'm driving to that shoppingcenter twice I'm lazy AF..I already got all my nieces and nephews their Christmas gifts
:rofl:At the old man being shook

I just came back out and every spot is dead..

I’m gonna post up a bb since they’re supposedly handing out tickets at 7
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