Netflix Recommendation vol. documentaries

cocain cowboys
'Exit Through the Gift Shop' made me hella pissed. Almost makes me want to go out and vandalize priceless works of art and sell it to a bunch of gullible hipsters for millions.
'Exit Through the Gift Shop' made me hella pissed. Almost makes me want to go out and vandalize priceless works of art and sell it to a bunch of gullible hipsters for millions.
The Lottery, a great film concerning the dilapidated state of education in inner cities and the struggle to create change.
The Lottery, a great film concerning the dilapidated state of education in inner cities and the struggle to create change.
When You're Strange, a doc about the doors
I'm a huge doors fan so I may be biased, but its good
When You're Strange, a doc about the doors
I'm a huge doors fan so I may be biased, but its good
There is a documentary from Nat. Geo about Dogs and the different types/variations and skills. GOod stuff.
There is a documentary from Nat. Geo about Dogs and the different types/variations and skills. GOod stuff.
FatHead - discussing the myth that saturated fats are bad for you and its the excessive starch and sugar quantities we take in every day that causes the health issues we have.

im doing a poor job of explaining it and its actually kind of a cheesy documentary
, but highly informative
FatHead - discussing the myth that saturated fats are bad for you and its the excessive starch and sugar quantities we take in every day that causes the health issues we have.

im doing a poor job of explaining it and its actually kind of a cheesy documentary
, but highly informative

On the night of the earthquake that devastated Haiti last January, something happened in Port au Prince, the capital city, which would threaten the effectiveness of international aid efforts and undermine the country's political stability: 4,500 of the country's most violent criminals escaped from Haiti's overcrowded National Penitentiary.

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On the night of the earthquake that devastated Haiti last January, something happened in Port au Prince, the capital city, which would threaten the effectiveness of international aid efforts and undermine the country's political stability: 4,500 of the country's most violent criminals escaped from Haiti's overcrowded National Penitentiary.

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