Nets 10-11 Pre-season- Haifa Oct 3 at THE ROCK/VC3FAN Life rant. lol

Kiki to be named coach.

P J Carlesomo or Del Harris to be assistant to him.

Later guys.
NJ Nets: Kiki Vandeweghe takes over

By Dave D'Alessandro/The Star-Ledger
November 30, 2009, 6:28PM
AP file photo

General manager Kiki Vandeweghe will take over as coach of the New Jersey Nets.

General manager Kiki Vandeweghe will take over the Nets head coaching job starting with practice Tuesday afternoon, and he's bringing along a reliable oldhand - long time NBA coach Del Harris - to assist him over the next 65 games.
The 51-year-old Vandeweghe, who joined the Nets organization 23 months ago as Rod Thorn's top adviser and then as Ed Stefanski's replacement as GM, hasnever coached in the league before.
But his relationship with key players on the team - notably Devin Harris,Yi Jianlian and Courtney Lee - made him Thorn's first choice, according to severalteam officials who asked not to be identified because the organization won't announce Vandeweghe's new post until Tuesday.

The Nets will make the news official sometime Tuesday morning, two days after Thorn fired Lawrence Frank after the team's 0-16 start. The Nets lost Sundaynight at Los Angeles with assistant coach Tom Barrise running the team.
Im cool with Del Harris. He coached a young LA Lakers team during the mid 90's. A team similar to this and had some success.
I like the move for Del Harris

This just has Inside job written all over it.

Kiki has gotten friendly with Devin, Brook and Yi.

Maybe this new voice will help.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Just curious Nets fans, I don't mean to rub things in when you're down, but how do you feel about the Kidd trade?

Obviously Harris will be a great player for years to come, and Kidd is coming to an end, but over the past year, personally, I have grown much more comfortable with the trade.
No input VC3?JB?
Being that Kiki has no coaching experience, do yall think Del will draw up the plays while Kiki stands around? Sort of like the Cavs
I think the argument has changed over the years due to the mavs making the playoffs with Kidd and doing well for the most part.

I also think we traded a point guard for a shooting guard but thats just me.

He is a score first pg unlike kidd.

I kinda am stuck because Kidd could not save this team right now. lol.

Kidd with the right personal in Jersey we would still be a bottom rung playoff team if VC,RJ etc etc were still around.

The nets management has made questionable decisions since that trade

If Harris goes back to last year again, I would still make the trade for a player who did not want to be here.

But Dallas has been better since the trade.
Just put up some pics from the game last night in the Lakers season thread if any of you guys wana check them out.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Just curious Nets fans, I don't mean to rub things in when you're down, but how do you feel about the Kidd trade?

Obviously Harris will be a great player for years to come, and Kidd is coming to an end, but over the past year, personally, I have grown much more comfortable with the trade.
I still like the trade, because as mentioned before, Kidd did not want to be here.

That being said, Harris is not a pure point guard. I'm about to just say do whatever it takes to acquire John Wall (even if it makes obviously tanking theseason, followed by subsequent draft-day trades), and move Devin to the 2 spot. Let Lee go, and see what free agency brings us.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Just curious Nets fans, I don't mean to rub things in when you're down, but how do you feel about the Kidd trade?

Obviously Harris will be a great player for years to come, and Kidd is coming to an end, but over the past year, personally, I have grown much more comfortable with the trade.
No input VC3?JB?

This was actually brought up a Nets game or 2 ago & got me thinking. If I were put in that position a couple years ago with the trade, I would do it 10times out of 10.

It comes down to a couple things... Age, team/players future, who actually wants to be here, & the teams situation.

In terms of age, both sides of the trade lucked out for different reasons. I feel on the Nets side, we lucked out in terms of having a PG who is past his primeout for a up & coming all star.
Dallas lucked out because despite losing a piec eof their future, they get a player who get help lead them somewhere now.

Now, that leads to the state of both teams... The Nets were slowly downsizing. A little later we got rid of RJ & his huge contract & later on VC &his huge contract. We were indeed preparing for the future by bringing in young players (Devin, Yi, Brook, & CD-R) Then later on TWill & Lee. We gaveit a try or a couple years to be in "win now" mode... It didn't work out. So slowly we got rid of guys for the summer of '10 & bringingin young players with a lot of potential at the same time.

Dallas on the other hand was in "win now" mode. You guys, as you know JA, came very VERY close a couple years ago against Miami. ( Don't mean tobring back bad memories
). You guys were close & had potential to get back there... you just needed a certain piece added to the team. Kidd, I think,was definitly one of those pieces. A leader who can make other players around him better, bring vet experience, Finals experience, & still could put upsolid numbers.

When the trade went down, both teams looked like they recieved a good piece in the deal. We got a rid of player who did not want to be here & got back ayoung future all star. At the time it looked like we had the edge in the trade... But now with us struggling & Devin hit by injuries, it looks like youguys seem to have the upper hand. Both teams were in different situation were the trade looked good & bad.

I think taking everything into account, the trade is working out great for both teams & the reason the trade was done for, is taking place right now.

Mavs- Win now & are winning now... Dallas fans should have no regrets.

Nets- Struggling, but at the same time have a bright future. We just have to stick it out right now. In due time, Devin will be a part of this team when westart winning again & will produce like we brought him here to.

The trade will work out for both sides, just in different points of time.
I know you said you're comfortable with the trade over the past year. Most likely I think that has to do with the current state of the team playing arole... Taking everything into consideration (present with winning, & the future with Kidd on the decline) would you still do the trade again? Whether yesor no, I could see both sides of the argument... Just curious as to what your take is.

A debate for the ages.

Couple things I wanted to give my 2 cents about-

Yorkman, Ratner said the team needs a change.

Followed by Yorkman and Ratner. (Why Yorkman has a say is beyond me.)
You mean to tell me...

The guy who puts opponents on tickets...

Hold on...

This guy-


Had a say??

The same guy who basically turned his back on team loyalty?


As for Devin & Kiki, it just seems like there was/is a lot of stuff going on behind closed doors. With a team struggling, not a good thing to be doing.Everybody should be on the same page & have each others backs.

This being Kiki's choice, I expect he make changes for the better with him at the head coach spot.

But this team has three pieces. Harris, Lopez, CD-R
I would also throw TWill in the mix. He has a bright future ahead of him with all his versatility. A guy who can do almost everything on the court. He needs toimprove the jumper & improve a little on different aspects, but he has a bright future.

Still waiting on Lee though.

Also heard L had a press conference today...
Was classy as usual. Sez had a good piece in his blog, check it out if you guys get the time.
Anybody going to the game at MSG on Sunday against the Knicks?

I haven't had the chance to buy my ticket yet, but I'll try to get one sometime this week.
The way our team is currently constructed, give me Kidd at ANY age. This team is built for Kidd right now.

He makes Dirk better. As great as it was to have Harris as a penetrator and a threat, JET has stepped up and filled in for him, and although we do miss thebackcourt Defense, I'm fine with how we are right now.

Maybe I'm saying this because we're doing well right now, but I've liked the idea since it happened. I thought Kidd might have been a littlebetter, but he has worked on his shot, and he can still create for others. The two first rounders was what disappointed me most, but it's alright, ourroster is fine as it is now.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Just curious Nets fans, I don't mean to rub things in when you're down, but how do you feel about the Kidd trade?

Obviously Harris will be a great player for years to come, and Kidd is coming to an end, but over the past year, personally, I have grown much more comfortable with the trade.
I still like the trade, because as mentioned before, Kidd did not want to be here.

That being said, Harris is not a pure point guard. I'm about to just say do whatever it takes to acquire John Wall (even if it makes obviously tanking the season, followed by subsequent draft-day trades), and move Devin to the 2 spot. Let Lee go, and see what free agency brings us.

Tankins is stupid. You do not want to have the worst record at the end of the season, trust me I'm a Kings fan. Teams with the worst record hardly get the#1 pick.
I still like the kidd trade.

I hope we win a game soon. It sucks everyday I go to work and hear "0-17 huh?" "worst start in history". Still love the team though.

I want to see Lee go though, trade him for a first rounder. When does he come back?

CDR is playing
JB 23, totally forgot T-Will in my rants.


We have too many damn wings to keep track.


And the comments I made that JB 23 has highlighted, Brett Yorkman is in charge of Promotions and sales for the New Jersey Nets.

He was once in that Role in Nascar. (what ever you want to say about Nascar, they do pretty good ticket wise and promoting their product.)

He is also Bruce Ratner's right hand man.

Now to Nets fans who do not frequent the Izod center for games like me and JB23 do, you don't see or hear about these people on a constant basis.

We do.

Sadly, we do.

When Yorkman went off to sale $10 tickets in the lower level for the pacers game when we were 0-10, he made a statement that all fans are held responsible fornot supporting this team INCLUDING season ticket holders.

Well Season tickets have been used 98.4% of the time this year. (Ticket rep info) and when that was made a point, we were all sent emails stating that seasontickets holders do support the team, here are two free tickets to give to someone that night. upper bowl seats but free tickets none the less.

He said we were never going to anything at the prudential center.

The pre-season games were great this at the Prudential center.

He said next year they are celebrating New Jersey since they may be in brooklyn after the 10-11 season.

The next week he announces that the blue road jersey that has "New Jersey" on the front will be no longer worn.

He is a snake and is here until Brooklyn is complete.
I think the problem with attendance is due in large part to most of the fans feeling betrayed. They know the team won't be in NJ for much longer so theyfigure "why should I continue to support a team and an owner who doesn't give a $+$@ about the fans?"

Ratner is clearly a penny-pinching owner. And he clearly dismantled the team to save money. And he clearly is more concerned about his project and it'spotential to make money than he is the actual team.

Can any of you really blame the fans for not showing up?
Ratner is clearly a penny-pinching owner. And he clearly dismantled the team to save money. And he clearly is more concerned about his project and it's potential to make money than he is the actual team.
Yea, it goes back...


As for attendance... It has to do with the following:

Betryal (sp?)

Face it, there is much around Izod. You won't have people at a restaurant or movie that say you wanna check out the game after this? As opposed to MSG forexample. Its deserted around Izod.

Betrayed fans was already mentioned...

The team itself whether this year (especially) or the past couple seasons hasn't been to appealing to the casual fan. As avid NBA followers we would enjoyseeing certain players. The casual fan doesn't know anyone besides VC (when he was here) & Devin.
Yeah, location is certainly a factor.

MSG is central to pretty much everything.

NJ Transit is close. LIRR is close. Subways too.

Whereas IZOD is a trek for most people to get to.

I'm sure we can all agree that if the Nets played in any of the boroughs (BK especially), their attendance would be MUCH better than what it currently is.

Especially with those 10 dollar and those 99c type promotions.
J-Kidd is back tonight.

He has to be laughing right now with the opportunity to give the Nets their 18th straight loss and gve them the worst start in NBA history.

I expect a Big game from him tonight.

Triple double???

Nice to see Kiki decide to coach wednesday. Guess he figures the bobcats are easier to beat.

Should be interesting to see how they respond to barise now that he will not be the coach after tonight.

Lets Go Nets!!!!!!!!!!!
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