Nets 10-11 Pre-season- Haifa Oct 3 at THE ROCK/VC3FAN Life rant. lol

I met Kidd 1 time as a Net & he was cool with me & my friend. Haven't met him in the post Net era, but I believe the not signing anything as a Netrelated. I guess the way he went out as a Net caused him to do that, or atleast had some role.

As a player, you couldn't ask for anything better. 2nd best Net in franchise history & his number will be retired here (or Brooklyn, or wherever
).In my point of view, the way he went out was bad... but im not holding any grudges & was happy to see his return to Izod. He was amazing as a Net & igive him respect for that. Ya, he didn't want to play for our franchise & forced out (& I still to this day keep that in mind), but look who we gotback in return: a young all star whos the future of this team.

No matter how it ended (good or bad), I would take the trade 10 times outta 10.
I have never seen this much depth in Nets team before. Shows how crippling those big contracts were to the team when Kidd, RJ, Carter were here.

Veterans Jarvis Hayes, Bobby Simmons wondering what roles they'll play for young, rebuilding NJ Nets

By Dave D'Alessandro/The Star-Ledger

October 15, 2009, 8:56PM

Bill Kostroun/Associated PressNets vets Jarvis Hayes, left, and Bobby Simmons vied for control of a loose ball during training camp last month.A year ago,Jarvis Hayes and Bobby Simmons dropped into East Rutherford and managed to establish their roles on a rebuilding team, if only because they were veterans whohad the occasional clue what the coach wanted to accomplish.

Since then, reinforcements have arrived, their future cornerstones are a year older, and the Nets are even more committed to developing the younger guys whohappen to occupy their positions.

Which means two guys who averaged 24 minutes each off coach Lawrence Frank's bench last year can expect. . . .what?

"I don't know, really," Hayes said. "We've still got to sort through a lot of things right now, so right now I have no idea."

"That's a good question - we haven't had that talk yet," Simmons said. "We really haven't discussed anything like that."

Frank, who doesn't let much go by without an earnest discussion, figured it was time to begin that talk Thursday. And perhaps it comes just in time.

These are two solid role players who believe they are in their prime years - not to mention able professionals who are superb in the locker room - who happento be entering the final seasons of their contracts. And Frank cannot guarantee them anything, because the team must find out what all the other wings -notably, Courtney Lee, Chris Douglas-Roberts, and Terrence Williams - can do.

It is so congested that Frank has used Simmons - all 6-foot-6 of him - at the backup power forward spot the last two days. And it is so competitive that Hayes,who will miss at least a week because of stress reaction to his right tibia, might be out of the mix entirely by the time he returns from his injury.

For now, this is all Frank can share as he tries to sort out his 15-piece puzzle.

"Both those guys are two of our better shooters," the coach said. "Both those guys give us similar things, in they both stretch the defense,Bobby is a little stronger so he gives us some flexibility playing him as a range-shooting 4. Jarvis is kind of a 3, and a little bit 2. And I think their playwill determine where they go. But they're both veteran guys, and until I get specific with them, I won't get overly specific" publicly.

Neither knew what Frank was going to say to them Thursday, because the rotation is still unsettled. Start with power forward: There isn't a player whofigures to stand out, even if Yi Jianlian has been given the starting job, so Frank has thrown Simmons into the mix.

"Obviously Yi is going to be our guy there in the starting lineup, and we're expecting him to make strides," team president Rod Thorn said."After that, Coach is trying to decide on a No. 1 backup. I don't think he's come to any conclusions yet."

"I've never played the 4 before in my life," Simmons said. "But I've been there the last few days, and it's a learning experience. Ijust have to take the challenge. Hey, I just want to play. If that's where I have to get my minutes, that's just what it is."

Then there's the two wing spots: Lee and Douglas-Roberts would seem to have captured the coach's attention because of their competitiveness andversatility, while Williams's athleticism demands that he be slotted into both positions as a backup.

Hayes admits he had his eye on one of those jobs, and when he was asked if it's important for him to start, he replied, "Yes and no. Yes for personalreasons, but no because it's a team game, and you're aware of the roller-coaster you're on, and how the role can change."

Still, after last season - when he played with a torn thumb ligament and turned out to be the team's most consistent defender - one might say he'searned it.

"Yeah," Hayes agreed, "but that's L-Frank's decision."

That decision is forthcoming - probably while Hayes is rehabbing.

"We'll let everyone know their role in front of each other, so there's an understanding of what's expected from each other," Frank said."Like anything else, I don't think after 14 practices everything's figured out. Guys who have been in this league know that they may be in therotation in October, but you're not in February - or vice versa."


Even with such a wing-heavy roster, Thorn does not foresee making any changes with the opener 12 days away. "I don't see anything at the present, butthat's subject to change," he said. "If we're all healthy, then I feel reasonably comfortable with starting the season" with this group."But we need to be healthy."

Eduardo Najera sat out another practice because his back pain flared up.

The Nets play Friday night against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden, where Rafer Alston will get most of the point guard minutes with Devin Harris (strainedgroin) sidelined.
We did a good job cutting into the lead.

I really liked what I saw from T-Will in the last few minutes, except for the bad pass to Lee in the last 30 seconds, which lead to a turnover.

He also did a good job attacking the rim.
Competed in the 1st half & really fell off in the 3rd. Nice comeback at the end though... I was more frustrated with Yi's failed attempt than TWillsbad pass. If Yi only went up stronger... TWill kept us in the game near the end so I can't complain on his part to much. He played well & so did C Lee.

Hope CD-R's neck injury isn't bad.
Brook was
at the end.
He gave the ref the "You want meto stand back here?" motion during the jumpball.

This dude GR8 is starting early.

Brook was
at the end.
He gave the ref the "You want me to stand back here?" motion during the jumpball.
Yeah, I saw that. That was hilarious.
He took about 4steps back.
Still the pre-season

lot of players hurt.

GR8 focusing on our team this year again?

Curry still on the team taking up six seats on the bench?

Lebron is not coming to either of us. Dolan could offer him his own cable company and the dude won't play there.
No Harris tonight.

No Hayes.

Skip, Lee, CDR, YI, Lopez

CDR won the SF spot unofficially so congrats to him. Hayes injuries hurt his chances of getting the spot.

Simmons could win the back PF spot by default since Eddie is always hurt, Battie said he would be a teacher for this team and take a lesser role if need be,and then there is Sean.

I think it is an ultimate blow to your time with a team when the PF position was wide open even for YI's spot and you lose time to a 6'6 SF that washorrible last year for most the year.

The fact that Sean has been on the status of training camp invitees is just amazing to me.

Sean has all the Talent in the world, but will not show it wearing a Nets uni.

bench is looking like for the start of the season

Williams/Dooling (Will switch once he is back from injury)

Two pre-season games left and then the fun begins.
this nets team has some upside.

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

No problem Sneak.

I am Happy the Nets gave me a signed replica Jersey three years back and did not have to ask him.

My friends were at the Dallas game and he just walked by all the fans with Nets stuff. he signed Mavs gear, Shoes, cards (he was wearing a net jersey in some from what they said.) and that was it.

Our rep said some guy had a photo blown up from when they won the eastern conference title in boston while in the locker room celebrating and the rep said it would be cool to get it signed.

JKidd came to him and he just kept walking.

The reps and managment (Not named Thorn) Hate him as a person. Respect him for what he did for the franchise.

He might of helped the franchise but he has to remember the franchise helped him revive his career.

I think beating your wife (no matter how annoying she may be) for giving your son a french frie just screams scumbag to me and still does.

I guess I still have negative feelings about Kidd wanting the trade after three years.

I respect his game and what he did for the Nets but I think he is one of the biggest pieces of #$%#@ you will ever meet outside of this league when it comes to fan interaction.
serious question.

why do you have the signed jersey then?

im not big on memerobilia but id definitely never keep the gear of a player i didnt respect.
Everybody is so down on the Nets this year, but I feel they can grab the third spot in the Atlantic. As long as Devin can stay healthy, Brook progresses as heshould, and the young athletic wings play like young athletic wings, they can stay ahead of the Knicks (who are def. in a wait til' next year mode) and theRaptors (who are terribly overrated). A lot rests on Yi but this is his 3rd year, the make or break year. He's bulked up and sounds a lot more confidentabout himself so I'll go with the make.
Goddamn. The Knicks are killing us from the arc.

But then again, we were one of the worst teams when it came to defending the 3 last year.
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

this nets team has some upside.

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

No problem Sneak.

I am Happy the Nets gave me a signed replica Jersey three years back and did not have to ask him.

My friends were at the Dallas game and he just walked by all the fans with Nets stuff. he signed Mavs gear, Shoes, cards (he was wearing a net jersey in some from what they said.) and that was it.

Our rep said some guy had a photo blown up from when they won the eastern conference title in boston while in the locker room celebrating and the rep said it would be cool to get it signed.

JKidd came to him and he just kept walking.

The reps and managment (Not named Thorn) Hate him as a person. Respect him for what he did for the franchise.

He might of helped the franchise but he has to remember the franchise helped him revive his career.

I think beating your wife (no matter how annoying she may be) for giving your son a french frie just screams scumbag to me and still does.

I guess I still have negative feelings about Kidd wanting the trade after three years.

I respect his game and what he did for the Nets but I think he is one of the biggest pieces of #$%#@ you will ever meet outside of this league when it comes to fan interaction.
serious question.

why do you have the signed jersey then?

im not big on memerobilia but id definitely never keep the gear of a player i didnt respect.

I don't care for Jason Kidd the person, I love Jason Kidd the ball player and rapper.
As for the rock, its a great arena. Definitly a nice place to watch a sporting event. Honestly though, it was wierd watching the Nets play at "home"in a different arena. Im so used to seeing them at home playing in Izod... I've been watching them there & going to games there for years... Its goingto take getting used to if/when they move locations. I grew comfortable watching them at CAA/Izod. Actually prefer them here (just my preference.)
Wouldn't you want to be there instead of the IZOD Center JB?

Was there too tonight. The boston game had less people there.

My dad and I were already looking at areas to tell our rep if the move to brooklyn fails and they end up there. Really do love the setup of that arena. sat in229 again. $10 can not be beat. would like seats in 119, 120, etc etc. center court on the second level.

Good to see CDR play out of his mind tonight but some passing would not hurt.

ClutchShooter -

I have the Jersey because I respect the player he was for the franchise.

I never had good experiences with him at Nets events nor loved him as a person outside of the game. Just how he is.

Jersey was free from the Nets for renewing my tickets in full one year.
I guess it has to do with that fact that Im so used to seeing them play there, I got accustomed to seeing them there since I was younger. I know that the move(whether Newark or Brooklyn) will definitly be better for the team in almost all ways. From more money, more fans, easier location (for most), etc etc. Just mypersonal preference, over time I just grew to loving that arena & watching my team there.
Oh I too have grown to accept the Izod center.

It does was it has to for an arena.

I just think the Nets would thrive in Newark

But even with the rumors starting that ratner is in negotitations with NJSEA about the lease at Izod and playing two years at the Rock while Brooklyn continuesto collect dust....... I mean get built, The russian today had his meeting with the league owners today and all though it went well and stern thinks he will beapproved, the guy made it clear he only wants brooklyn.

Things can change but I will take two years there before I have to make a decision about brooklyn.
Nets buyer & pals hoop it upQ: How much does a Russian billionaire spend on lunch in NYC? A: 19G!By RICH CALDER

Last Updated: 9:55 AM, October 23, 2009

Posted: 3:29 AM, October 23, 2009

Russia's richest man blew the equivalent of 552,000 rubles for lunch at one of the city's priciest restaurants as he celebrated his soon-to-be newcareer as a basketball baron, sources told The Post.
Billionaire playboy Mikhail Prokhorov, who is close to buying the Nets, took a half-dozen comrades to Nello on the Upper East Side Wednesday afternoon,following a meeting with NBA owne concluded that they had hit it off so well, he'll have no trouble getting them to approve his plan to buy the team.

The tab and tip totaled close to $19,000 for Prokhorov and his pals.

Besides pricey booze, the mogul from Moscow and the men and women in his party spared no expense on food.

Their check included $825 for three orders of truffle tagliolini; $600 for four orders of truffle carpaccio; $210 for three orders of veal chops withmushrooms; and $72 for six large waters.

Not to mention $15 for a bowl of chicken soup.

The lunch was topped off with a $5,000 bottle of vintage 1998 Chateau Petrus and two bottles of 2002 Montrachet Latour for $3,600.

Nello Balan, owner of the celebrity hotspot, said Prokhorov acted like the deal to buy majority ownership of the New Jersey Nets from developer Bruce Ratnerand move the club to Brooklyn was already done.

"He was very happy to be in New York and was celebrating his new acquisition," Balan said.

"He said that as of January he would own the Nets, and is looking forward to being a very big part of New York."

Balan declined to disclose Prokhorov's exact tab. But a copy of the receipt obtained by The Post showed it totaled $15,007.87.

A source said Prokhorov was great with gratuities. He dropped a 25 percent tip of roughly $3,750.

Balan described Prokhorov as a "great guy," extremely polite, and a semi-regular at Nello who dines there every couple of months when he's intown.

Prokhorov declined comment, but NBA Commissioner David Stern confirmed yesterday's Post report that the Russian billionaire was warmly received by otherNBA owners and that the Nets sale appears to be a slam-dunk.

"I look forward to the completion of the transaction" by the end of 2009, Stern said.

Prokhorov must gain approval of at least 23 of the NBA's 30 owners following an extensive league background check given to prospective new owners.

With an estimated fortune of $9.5 billion, Prokhorov is famed for his lavish lifestyle.

He was questioned -- but not charged -- in a prostitution investigation in France in 2007. Stern confirmed the well-publicized prostitution case isn'tbeing raised by the league and called it a "non-issue" because Prokhorov wasn't arrested.

Prokhorov last month reached a tentative agreement with Ratner to pay $200 million up front and an unspecified amount of future funding to acquire an 80percent stake in the Nets and a 45 percent share of the $800 million Barclays Center project in Brooklyn.

Balan, meanwhile, has his own plan for getting the city's economy up to speed.

"The city needs at least two more Russian billionaires to come in and spend money, whether it's on new buildings or on buying teams," he said.

Additional reporting by Edmund DeMarche

[email protected]

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buzz digg reddit fark it facebook rss Russia's richest man blew the equivalent of 552,000 rubles for lunch at one of the city's priciest restaurants ashe celebrated his soon-to-be new career as a basketball baron, sources told The Post.

Billionaire playboy Mikhail Prokhorov, who is close to buying the Nets, took a half-dozen comrades to Nello on the Upper East Side Wednesday afternoon,following a meeting with NBA owners.

He concluded that they had hit it off so well, he'll have no trouble getting them to approve his plan to buy the team.

The tab and tip totaled close to $19,000 for Prokhorov and his pals.

Marcus Santos
PARTY ANIMAL: Russian tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov (above) partied at Nello to celebrate his meeting with NBA owners.
Besides pricey booze, the mogul from Moscow and the men and women in his party spared no expense on food.

Their check included $825 for three orders of truffle tagliolini; $600 for four orders of truffle carpaccio; $210 for three orders of veal chops withmushrooms; and $72 for six large waters.

Not to mention $15 for a bowl of chicken soup.

The lunch was topped off with a $5,000 bottle of vintage 1998 Chateau Petrus and two bottles of 2002 Montrachet Latour for $3,600.

Nello Balan, owner of the celebrity hotspot, said Prokhorov acted like the deal to buy majority ownership of the New Jersey Nets from developer Bruce Ratnerand move the club to Brooklyn was already done.

"He was very happy to be in New York and was celebrating his new acquisition," Balan said.

"He said that as of January he would own the Nets, and is looking forward to being a very big part of New York."

Balan declined to disclose Prokhorov's exact tab. But a copy of the receipt obtained by The Post showed it totaled $15,007.87.

A source said Prokhorov was great with gratuities. He dropped a 25 percent tip of roughly $3,750.

Balan described Prokhorov as a "great guy," extremely polite, and a semi-regular at Nello who dines there every couple of months when he's intown.

Prokhorov declined comment, but NBA Commissioner David Stern confirmed yesterday's Post report that the Russian billionaire was warmly received by otherNBA owners and that the Nets sale appears to be a slam-dunk.

"I look forward to the completion of the transaction" by the end of 2009, Stern said.

Prokhorov must gain approval of at least 23 of the NBA's 30 owners following an extensive league background check given to prospective new owners.

With an estimated fortune of $9.5 billion, Prokhorov is famed for his lavish lifestyle.

He was questioned -- but not charged -- in a prostitution investigation in France in 2007. Stern confirmed the well-publicized prostitution case isn'tbeing raised by the league and called it a "non-issue" because Prokhorov wasn't arrested.

Prokhorov last month reached a tentative agreement with Ratner to pay $200 million up front and an unspecified amount of future funding to acquire an 80percent stake in the Nets and a 45 percent share of the $800 million Barclays Center project in Brooklyn.

Balan, meanwhile, has his own plan for getting the city's economy up to speed.

"The city needs at least two more Russian billionaires to come in and spend money, whether it's on new buildings or on buying teams," he said.

Additional reporting by Edmund DeMarche
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