New Clothing Company - Validus Vestis

Dec 27, 2007
Wuddup everyone, I want to introduce a brand new clothing company that I think a lot of you would be into.

Check it out:
It's okay..i like the panda shirt the best so far..what other things do you have in mind for the future in terms of clothin for the site?
no offense dude, nothing here really screams ORIGINAL. how many ak47 tees have been made by other streetwear brands? i've seen better. if each tee was $10,i might cop, but i'm not paying $25 for generic designs.
I'm not gonna be as hard on it as everyone else...
Cause its all simple stuff... I've seen much worse...
But what is up with the Louis Vuitton type monogram/logo... thats kinda wack
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

no offense dude, nothing here really screams ORIGINAL. how many ak47 tees have been made by other streetwear brands? i've seen better. if each tee was $10, i might cop, but i'm not paying $25 for generic designs.

I'll give a big CO-SIGN to that...

Originally Posted by NinongBrown

no offense dude, nothing here really screams ORIGINAL. how many ak47 tees have been made by other streetwear brands? i've seen better. if each tee was $10, i might cop, but i'm not paying $25 for generic designs.

yeah. they're mad generic and boring. step it up. good luck though.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

[jay-z] grand opening, grand closing [/jay-z]
...I think the name is cool...I am sure you can come up, or 'they' can come up with a better logo for 2 V's. I know I could.
Its a start and whats important is that its something to base the future on. Take all advice with a grain of salt and work on improving for the next timearound. That is, if this is something you want to do seriously.
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