New grey am 90

Jun 14, 2007
People are already nicknaming these the band aid 90's.

Anyways I think they're decent, nike should of put a little splash of red somewhere on the shoe maybe the
air unit or the swoosh.
thoughts or comments?

the mudguard and the top part should have been different shades of grey..... not feeling the color placement on these.... why are they called"band-aids", they don't have any perf leather on them
Gonna get these and swap the laces back to white. Lookin' real nice. What kind of material is that toebox though? Like woven material or what?
these are dope. nice and simple. laces could be swaped to anycolor prettymuch. im feeling um any release info?
Not bad, definitely switching out the laces, but I can see myself rocking these during the summer.
cant believe im saying this, how they failed even on the simplest of colorways with its placement.

heres a members only am90 id posted on NT in its am90 members only thread:

but giving nike a chance, heres a rough PS with white and grey laces:

the shoe doesnt pop quite like the id imo.
grey shoes are something i usually get, but i'll have to see these in person to see if they are worth it
Can anyone do a quick lace PS with carolina/university blue laces? Thanks very much, I'd appreciate it.
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